+++ /dev/null
-from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Mux, Array, Const
-from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
-from fpbase import FPNumIn, FPNumOut, FPOp, Overflow, FPBase, FPState
-from fpcommon.getop import FPGetOp
-from nmutil.singlepipe import eq
-class FPMUL(FPBase):
- def __init__(self, width):
- FPBase.__init__(self)
- self.width = width
- self.in_a = FPOp(width)
- self.in_b = FPOp(width)
- self.out_z = FPOp(width)
- self.states = []
- def add_state(self, state):
- self.states.append(state)
- return state
- def elaborate(self, platform=None):
- """ creates the HDL code-fragment for FPMUL
- """
- m = Module()
- # Latches
- a = FPNumIn(None, self.width, False)
- b = FPNumIn(None, self.width, False)
- z = FPNumOut(self.width, False)
- mw = (z.m_width)*2 - 1 + 3 # sticky/round/guard bits + (2*mant) - 1
- product = Signal(mw)
- of = Overflow()
- m.submodules.of = of
- m.submodules.a = a
- m.submodules.b = b
- m.submodules.z = z
- m.d.comb += a.v.eq(self.in_a.v)
- m.d.comb += b.v.eq(self.in_b.v)
- with m.FSM() as fsm:
- # ******
- # gets operand a
- with m.State("get_a"):
- res = self.get_op(m, self.in_a, a, "get_b")
- m.d.sync += eq([a, self.in_a.ack], res)
- # ******
- # gets operand b
- with m.State("get_b"):
- res = self.get_op(m, self.in_b, b, "special_cases")
- m.d.sync += eq([b, self.in_b.ack], res)
- # ******
- # special cases
- with m.State("special_cases"):
- #if a or b is NaN return NaN
- with m.If(a.is_nan | b.is_nan):
- m.next = "put_z"
- m.d.sync += z.nan(1)
- #if a is inf return inf
- with m.Elif(a.is_inf):
- m.next = "put_z"
- m.d.sync += z.inf(a.s ^ b.s)
- #if b is zero return NaN
- with m.If(b.is_zero):
- m.d.sync += z.nan(1)
- #if b is inf return inf
- with m.Elif(b.is_inf):
- m.next = "put_z"
- m.d.sync += z.inf(a.s ^ b.s)
- #if a is zero return NaN
- with m.If(a.is_zero):
- m.next = "put_z"
- m.d.sync += z.nan(1)
- #if a is zero return zero
- with m.Elif(a.is_zero):
- m.next = "put_z"
- m.d.sync += z.zero(a.s ^ b.s)
- #if b is zero return zero
- with m.Elif(b.is_zero):
- m.next = "put_z"
- m.d.sync += z.zero(a.s ^ b.s)
- # Denormalised Number checks
- with m.Else():
- m.next = "normalise_a"
- self.denormalise(m, a)
- self.denormalise(m, b)
- # ******
- # normalise_a
- with m.State("normalise_a"):
- self.op_normalise(m, a, "normalise_b")
- # ******
- # normalise_b
- with m.State("normalise_b"):
- self.op_normalise(m, b, "multiply_0")
- #multiply_0
- with m.State("multiply_0"):
- m.next = "multiply_1"
- m.d.sync += [
- z.s.eq(a.s ^ b.s),
- z.e.eq(a.e + b.e + 1),
- product.eq(a.m * b.m * 4)
- ]
- #multiply_1
- with m.State("multiply_1"):
- mw = z.m_width
- m.next = "normalise_1"
- m.d.sync += [
- z.m.eq(product[mw+2:]),
- of.guard.eq(product[mw+1]),
- of.round_bit.eq(product[mw]),
- of.sticky.eq(product[0:mw] != 0)
- ]
- # ******
- # First stage of normalisation.
- with m.State("normalise_1"):
- self.normalise_1(m, z, of, "normalise_2")
- # ******
- # Second stage of normalisation.
- with m.State("normalise_2"):
- self.normalise_2(m, z, of, "round")
- # ******
- # rounding stage
- with m.State("round"):
- self.roundz(m, z, of.roundz)
- m.next = "corrections"
- # ******
- # correction stage
- with m.State("corrections"):
- self.corrections(m, z, "pack")
- # ******
- # pack stage
- with m.State("pack"):
- self.pack(m, z, "put_z")
- # ******
- # put_z stage
- with m.State("put_z"):
- self.put_z(m, z, self.out_z, "get_a")
- return m
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- alu = FPMUL(width=32)
- main(alu, ports=alu.in_a.ports() + alu.in_b.ports() + alu.out_z.ports())
+++ /dev/null
-# IEEE Floating Point Divider (Single Precision)
-# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
-# 2013-12-12
-from nmigen import Module, Signal, Const, Cat
-from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
-from fpbase import FPNumIn, FPNumOut, FPOpIn, FPOpOut, Overflow, FPBase, FPState
-from nmutil.singlepipe import eq
-class Div:
- def __init__(self, width):
- self.width = width
- self.quot = Signal(width) # quotient
- self.dor = Signal(width) # divisor
- self.dend = Signal(width) # dividend
- self.rem = Signal(width) # remainder
- self.count = Signal(7) # loop count
- self.czero = Const(0, width)
- def reset(self, m):
- m.d.sync += [
- self.quot.eq(self.czero),
- self.rem.eq(self.czero),
- self.count.eq(Const(0, 7))
- ]
-class FPDIV(FPBase):
- def __init__(self, width):
- FPBase.__init__(self)
- self.width = width
- self.in_a = FPOpIn(width)
- self.in_b = FPOpIn(width)
- self.out_z = FPOpOut(width)
- self.states = []
- def add_state(self, state):
- self.states.append(state)
- return state
- def elaborate(self, platform=None):
- """ creates the HDL code-fragment for FPDiv
- """
- m = Module()
- # Latches
- a = FPNumIn(None, self.width, False)
- b = FPNumIn(None, self.width, False)
- z = FPNumOut(self.width, False)
- div = Div(a.m_width*2 + 3) # double the mantissa width plus g/r/sticky
- of = Overflow()
- m.submodules.in_a = a
- m.submodules.in_b = b
- m.submodules.z = z
- m.submodules.of = of
- m.d.comb += a.v.eq(self.in_a.v)
- m.d.comb += b.v.eq(self.in_b.v)
- with m.FSM() as fsm:
- # ******
- # gets operand a
- with m.State("get_a"):
- res = self.get_op(m, self.in_a, a, "get_b")
- m.d.sync += eq([a, self.in_a.ready_o], res)
- # ******
- # gets operand b
- with m.State("get_b"):
- res = self.get_op(m, self.in_b, b, "special_cases")
- m.d.sync += eq([b, self.in_b.ready_o], res)
- # ******
- # special cases: NaNs, infs, zeros, denormalised
- # NOTE: some of these are unique to div. see "Special Operations"
- # https://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/coding/ieeefloat.html
- with m.State("special_cases"):
- # if a is NaN or b is NaN return NaN
- with m.If(a.is_nan | b.is_nan):
- m.next = "put_z"
- m.d.sync += z.nan(1)
- # if a is Inf and b is Inf return NaN
- with m.Elif(a.is_inf & b.is_inf):
- m.next = "put_z"
- m.d.sync += z.nan(1)
- # if a is inf return inf (or NaN if b is zero)
- with m.Elif(a.is_inf):
- m.next = "put_z"
- m.d.sync += z.inf(a.s ^ b.s)
- # if b is inf return zero
- with m.Elif(b.is_inf):
- m.next = "put_z"
- m.d.sync += z.zero(a.s ^ b.s)
- # if a is zero return zero (or NaN if b is zero)
- with m.Elif(a.is_zero):
- m.next = "put_z"
- # if b is zero return NaN
- with m.If(b.is_zero):
- m.d.sync += z.nan(1)
- with m.Else():
- m.d.sync += z.zero(a.s ^ b.s)
- # if b is zero return Inf
- with m.Elif(b.is_zero):
- m.next = "put_z"
- m.d.sync += z.inf(a.s ^ b.s)
- # Denormalised Number checks
- with m.Else():
- m.next = "normalise_a"
- self.denormalise(m, a)
- self.denormalise(m, b)
- # ******
- # normalise_a
- with m.State("normalise_a"):
- self.op_normalise(m, a, "normalise_b")
- # ******
- # normalise_b
- with m.State("normalise_b"):
- self.op_normalise(m, b, "divide_0")
- # ******
- # First stage of divide. initialise state
- with m.State("divide_0"):
- m.next = "divide_1"
- m.d.sync += [
- z.s.eq(a.s ^ b.s), # sign
- z.e.eq(a.e - b.e), # exponent
- div.dend.eq(a.m<<(a.m_width+3)), # 3 bits for g/r/sticky
- div.dor.eq(b.m),
- ]
- div.reset(m)
- # ******
- # Second stage of divide.
- with m.State("divide_1"):
- m.next = "divide_2"
- m.d.sync += [
- div.quot.eq(div.quot << 1),
- div.rem.eq(Cat(div.dend[-1], div.rem[0:])),
- div.dend.eq(div.dend << 1),
- ]
- # ******
- # Third stage of divide.
- # This stage ends by jumping out to divide_3
- # However it defaults to jumping to divide_1 (which comes back here)
- with m.State("divide_2"):
- with m.If(div.rem >= div.dor):
- m.d.sync += [
- div.quot[0].eq(1),
- div.rem.eq(div.rem - div.dor),
- ]
- with m.If(div.count == div.width-2):
- m.next = "divide_3"
- with m.Else():
- m.next = "divide_1"
- m.d.sync += [
- div.count.eq(div.count + 1),
- ]
- # ******
- # Fourth stage of divide.
- with m.State("divide_3"):
- m.next = "normalise_1"
- m.d.sync += [
- z.m.eq(div.quot[3:]),
- of.guard.eq(div.quot[2]),
- of.round_bit.eq(div.quot[1]),
- of.sticky.eq(div.quot[0] | (div.rem != 0))
- ]
- # ******
- # First stage of normalisation.
- with m.State("normalise_1"):
- self.normalise_1(m, z, of, "normalise_2")
- # ******
- # Second stage of normalisation.
- with m.State("normalise_2"):
- self.normalise_2(m, z, of, "round")
- # ******
- # rounding stage
- with m.State("round"):
- self.roundz(m, z, of.roundz)
- m.next = "corrections"
- # ******
- # correction stage
- with m.State("corrections"):
- self.corrections(m, z, "pack")
- # ******
- # pack stage
- with m.State("pack"):
- self.pack(m, z, "put_z")
- # ******
- # put_z stage
- with m.State("put_z"):
- self.put_z(m, z, self.out_z, "get_a")
- return m
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- alu = FPDIV(width=32)
- main(alu, ports=alu.in_a.ports() + alu.in_b.ports() + alu.out_z.ports())
- # works... but don't use, just do "python fname.py convert -t v"
- #print (verilog.convert(alu, ports=[
- # ports=alu.in_a.ports() + \
- # alu.in_b.ports() + \
- # alu.out_z.ports())
+++ /dev/null
-import sys
-from random import randint
-from random import seed
-from operator import truediv
-from nmigen import Module, Signal
-from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
-from nmigen_div_experiment import FPDIV
-from unit_test_single import (get_mantissa, get_exponent, get_sign, is_nan,
- is_inf, is_pos_inf, is_neg_inf,
- match, get_case, check_case, run_test,
- run_edge_cases, run_corner_cases)
-def testbench(dut):
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x80000000, 0x00000000, 0xffc00000)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x00000000, 0x80000000, 0xffc00000)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x0002b017, 0xff3807ab, 0x80000000)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x40000000, 0x3F800000, 0x40000000)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x3F800000, 0x40000000, 0x3F000000)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x3F800000, 0x40400000, 0x3EAAAAAB)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x40400000, 0x41F80000, 0x3DC6318C)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x41F9EB4D, 0x429A4C70, 0x3ECF52B2)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x7F7FFFFE, 0x70033181, 0x4EF9C4C8)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x7F7FFFFE, 0x70000001, 0x4EFFFFFC)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x7F7FFCFF, 0x70200201, 0x4ECCC7D5)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x70200201, 0x7F7FFCFF, 0x302003E2)
- count = 0
- #regression tests
- stimulus_a = [0xbf9b1e94, 0x34082401, 0x5e8ef81, 0x5c75da81, 0x2b017]
- stimulus_b = [0xc038ed3a, 0xb328cd45, 0x114f3db, 0x2f642a39, 0xff3807ab]
- yield from run_test(dut, stimulus_a, stimulus_b, truediv, get_case)
- count += len(stimulus_a)
- print (count, "vectors passed")
- yield from run_corner_cases(dut, count, truediv, get_case)
- yield from run_edge_cases(dut, count, truediv, get_case)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- dut = FPDIV(width=32)
- run_simulation(dut, testbench(dut), vcd_name="test_div.vcd")
+++ /dev/null
-from nmigen import Module, Signal
-from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
-from nmigen_div_experiment import FPDIV
-class ORGate:
- def __init__(self):
- self.a = Signal()
- self.b = Signal()
- self.x = Signal()
- def elaborate(self, platform=None):
- m = Module()
- m.d.comb += self.x.eq(self.a | self.b)
- return m
-def check_case(dut, a, b, z):
- yield dut.in_a.v.eq(a)
- yield dut.in_a.stb.eq(1)
- yield
- yield
- a_ack = (yield dut.in_a.ack)
- assert a_ack == 0
- yield dut.in_b.v.eq(b)
- yield dut.in_b.stb.eq(1)
- b_ack = (yield dut.in_b.ack)
- assert b_ack == 0
- while True:
- yield
- out_z_stb = (yield dut.out_z.stb)
- if not out_z_stb:
- continue
- yield dut.in_a.stb.eq(0)
- yield dut.in_b.stb.eq(0)
- yield dut.out_z.ack.eq(1)
- yield
- yield dut.out_z.ack.eq(0)
- yield
- yield
- break
- out_z = yield dut.out_z.v
- assert out_z == z, "Output z 0x%x not equal to expected 0x%x" % (out_z, z)
-def testbench(dut):
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x4008000000000000, 0x3FF0000000000000,
- 0x4008000000000000)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x3FF0000000000000, 0x4008000000000000,
- 0x3FD5555555555555)
- if False:
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x3F800000, 0x40000000, 0x3F000000)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x3F800000, 0x40400000, 0x3EAAAAAB)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x40400000, 0x41F80000, 0x3DC6318C)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x41F9EB4D, 0x429A4C70, 0x3ECF52B2)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x7F7FFFFE, 0x70033181, 0x4EF9C4C8)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x7F7FFFFE, 0x70000001, 0x4EFFFFFC)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x7F7FFCFF, 0x70200201, 0x4ECCC7D5)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x70200201, 0x7F7FFCFF, 0x302003E2)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- dut = FPDIV(width=64)
- run_simulation(dut, testbench(dut), vcd_name="test_div64.vcd")
+++ /dev/null
-""" key strategic example showing how to do multi-input fan-in into a
- multi-stage pipeline, then multi-output fanout.
- the multiplex ID from the fan-in is passed in to the pipeline, preserved,
- and used as a routing ID on the fanout.
-from random import randint
-from math import log
-from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Value
-from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
-from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
-from nmigen_add_experiment import (FPADDMuxInOut,)
-from sfpy import Float32
-class InputTest:
- def __init__(self, dut):
- self.dut = dut
- self.di = {}
- self.do = {}
- self.tlen = 10
- self.width = 32
- for mid in range(dut.num_rows):
- self.di[mid] = {}
- self.do[mid] = []
- for i in range(self.tlen):
- op1 = randint(0, (1<<self.width)-1)
- op2 = randint(0, (1<<self.width)-1)
- #op1 = 0x40900000
- #op2 = 0x40200000
- res = Float32(op1) + Float32(op2)
- self.di[mid][i] = (op1, op2)
- self.do[mid].append(res.bits)
- def send(self, mid):
- for i in range(self.tlen):
- op1, op2 = self.di[mid][i]
- rs = dut.p[mid]
- yield rs.valid_i.eq(1)
- yield rs.data_i.a.eq(op1)
- yield rs.data_i.b.eq(op2)
- yield rs.data_i.mid.eq(mid)
- yield
- o_p_ready = yield rs.ready_o
- while not o_p_ready:
- yield
- o_p_ready = yield rs.ready_o
- fop1 = Float32(op1)
- fop2 = Float32(op2)
- res = fop1 + fop2
- print ("send", mid, i, hex(op1), hex(op2), hex(res.bits),
- fop1, fop2, res)
- yield rs.valid_i.eq(0)
- # wait random period of time before queueing another value
- for i in range(randint(0, 3)):
- yield
- yield rs.valid_i.eq(0)
- yield
- print ("send ended", mid)
- ## wait random period of time before queueing another value
- #for i in range(randint(0, 3)):
- # yield
- #send_range = randint(0, 3)
- #if send_range == 0:
- # send = True
- #else:
- # send = randint(0, send_range) != 0
- def rcv(self, mid):
- while True:
- #stall_range = randint(0, 3)
- #for j in range(randint(1,10)):
- # stall = randint(0, stall_range) != 0
- # yield self.dut.n[0].ready_i.eq(stall)
- # yield
- n = self.dut.n[mid]
- yield n.ready_i.eq(1)
- yield
- o_n_valid = yield n.valid_o
- i_n_ready = yield n.ready_i
- if not o_n_valid or not i_n_ready:
- continue
- out_mid = yield n.data_o.mid
- out_z = yield n.data_o.z
- out_i = 0
- print ("recv", out_mid, hex(out_z), "expected",
- hex(self.do[mid][out_i] ))
- # see if this output has occurred already, delete it if it has
- assert mid == out_mid, "out_mid %d not correct %d" % (out_mid, mid)
- assert self.do[mid][out_i] == out_z
- del self.do[mid][out_i]
- # check if there's any more outputs
- if len(self.do[mid]) == 0:
- break
- print ("recv ended", mid)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- dut = FPADDMuxInOut(32, 4)
- vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
- with open("test_fpadd_pipe.il", "w") as f:
- f.write(vl)
- #run_simulation(dut, testbench(dut), vcd_name="test_inputgroup.vcd")
- test = InputTest(dut)
- run_simulation(dut, [test.rcv(1), test.rcv(0),
- test.rcv(3), test.rcv(2),
- test.send(0), test.send(1),
- test.send(3), test.send(2),
- ],
- vcd_name="test_fpadd_pipe.vcd")
+++ /dev/null
-import sys
-from random import randint
-from random import seed
-from operator import mul
-from nmigen import Module, Signal
-from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
-from fmul import FPMUL
-from unit_test_single import (get_mantissa, get_exponent, get_sign, is_nan,
- is_inf, is_pos_inf, is_neg_inf,
- match, get_case, check_case, run_test,
- run_edge_cases, run_corner_cases)
-def testbench(dut):
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40800000)
- yield from check_case(dut, 0x41400000, 0x40A00000, 0x42700000)
- count = 0
- #regression tests
- stimulus_a = [0xba57711a, 0xbf9b1e94, 0x34082401, 0x5e8ef81,
- 0x5c75da81, 0x2b017]
- stimulus_b = [0xee1818c5, 0xc038ed3a, 0xb328cd45, 0x114f3db,
- 0x2f642a39, 0xff3807ab]
- yield from run_test(dut, stimulus_a, stimulus_b, mul, get_case)
- count += len(stimulus_a)
- print (count, "vectors passed")
- yield from run_corner_cases(dut, count, mul, get_case)
- yield from run_edge_cases(dut, count, mul, get_case)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- dut = FPMUL(width=32)
- run_simulation(dut, testbench(dut), vcd_name="test_mul.vcd")
+++ /dev/null
-from nmigen import Module, Signal
-from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
-from operator import mul
-from fmul import FPMUL
-import sys
-import atexit
-from random import randint
-from random import seed
-from unit_test_double import (get_mantissa, get_exponent, get_sign, is_nan,
- is_inf, is_pos_inf, is_neg_inf,
- match, get_case, check_case, run_test,
- run_edge_cases, run_corner_cases)
-def testbench(dut):
- yield from check_case(dut, 0, 0, 0)
- count = 0
- #regression tests
- stimulus_a = [0xff80000000000000, 0x3351099a0528e138]
- stimulus_b = [0x7f80000000000000, 0xd651a9a9986af2b5]
- yield from run_test(dut, stimulus_a, stimulus_b, mul)
- count += len(stimulus_a)
- print (count, "vectors passed")
- yield from run_corner_cases(dut, count, mul)
- yield from run_edge_cases(dut, count, mul)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- dut = FPMUL(width=64)
- run_simulation(dut, testbench(dut), vcd_name="test_mul64.vcd")
--- /dev/null
+""" key strategic example showing how to do multi-input fan-in into a
+ multi-stage pipeline, then multi-output fanout.
+ the multiplex ID from the fan-in is passed in to the pipeline, preserved,
+ and used as a routing ID on the fanout.
+from random import randint
+from math import log
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Value
+from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
+from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
+from nmigen_add_experiment import (FPADDMuxInOut,)
+from sfpy import Float32
+class InputTest:
+ def __init__(self, dut):
+ self.dut = dut
+ self.di = {}
+ self.do = {}
+ self.tlen = 10
+ self.width = 32
+ for mid in range(dut.num_rows):
+ self.di[mid] = {}
+ self.do[mid] = []
+ for i in range(self.tlen):
+ op1 = randint(0, (1<<self.width)-1)
+ op2 = randint(0, (1<<self.width)-1)
+ #op1 = 0x40900000
+ #op2 = 0x40200000
+ res = Float32(op1) + Float32(op2)
+ self.di[mid][i] = (op1, op2)
+ self.do[mid].append(res.bits)
+ def send(self, mid):
+ for i in range(self.tlen):
+ op1, op2 = self.di[mid][i]
+ rs = dut.p[mid]
+ yield rs.valid_i.eq(1)
+ yield rs.data_i.a.eq(op1)
+ yield rs.data_i.b.eq(op2)
+ yield rs.data_i.mid.eq(mid)
+ yield
+ o_p_ready = yield rs.ready_o
+ while not o_p_ready:
+ yield
+ o_p_ready = yield rs.ready_o
+ fop1 = Float32(op1)
+ fop2 = Float32(op2)
+ res = fop1 + fop2
+ print ("send", mid, i, hex(op1), hex(op2), hex(res.bits),
+ fop1, fop2, res)
+ yield rs.valid_i.eq(0)
+ # wait random period of time before queueing another value
+ for i in range(randint(0, 3)):
+ yield
+ yield rs.valid_i.eq(0)
+ yield
+ print ("send ended", mid)
+ ## wait random period of time before queueing another value
+ #for i in range(randint(0, 3)):
+ # yield
+ #send_range = randint(0, 3)
+ #if send_range == 0:
+ # send = True
+ #else:
+ # send = randint(0, send_range) != 0
+ def rcv(self, mid):
+ while True:
+ #stall_range = randint(0, 3)
+ #for j in range(randint(1,10)):
+ # stall = randint(0, stall_range) != 0
+ # yield self.dut.n[0].ready_i.eq(stall)
+ # yield
+ n = self.dut.n[mid]
+ yield n.ready_i.eq(1)
+ yield
+ o_n_valid = yield n.valid_o
+ i_n_ready = yield n.ready_i
+ if not o_n_valid or not i_n_ready:
+ continue
+ out_mid = yield n.data_o.mid
+ out_z = yield n.data_o.z
+ out_i = 0
+ print ("recv", out_mid, hex(out_z), "expected",
+ hex(self.do[mid][out_i] ))
+ # see if this output has occurred already, delete it if it has
+ assert mid == out_mid, "out_mid %d not correct %d" % (out_mid, mid)
+ assert self.do[mid][out_i] == out_z
+ del self.do[mid][out_i]
+ # check if there's any more outputs
+ if len(self.do[mid]) == 0:
+ break
+ print ("recv ended", mid)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ dut = FPADDMuxInOut(32, 4)
+ vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
+ with open("test_fpadd_pipe.il", "w") as f:
+ f.write(vl)
+ #run_simulation(dut, testbench(dut), vcd_name="test_inputgroup.vcd")
+ test = InputTest(dut)
+ run_simulation(dut, [test.rcv(1), test.rcv(0),
+ test.rcv(3), test.rcv(2),
+ test.send(0), test.send(1),
+ test.send(3), test.send(2),
+ ],
+ vcd_name="test_fpadd_pipe.vcd")
--- /dev/null
+# IEEE Floating Point Divider (Single Precision)
+# Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
+# 2013-12-12
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Const, Cat
+from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
+from fpbase import FPNumIn, FPNumOut, FPOpIn, FPOpOut, Overflow, FPBase, FPState
+from nmutil.singlepipe import eq
+class Div:
+ def __init__(self, width):
+ self.width = width
+ self.quot = Signal(width) # quotient
+ self.dor = Signal(width) # divisor
+ self.dend = Signal(width) # dividend
+ self.rem = Signal(width) # remainder
+ self.count = Signal(7) # loop count
+ self.czero = Const(0, width)
+ def reset(self, m):
+ m.d.sync += [
+ self.quot.eq(self.czero),
+ self.rem.eq(self.czero),
+ self.count.eq(Const(0, 7))
+ ]
+class FPDIV(FPBase):
+ def __init__(self, width):
+ FPBase.__init__(self)
+ self.width = width
+ self.in_a = FPOpIn(width)
+ self.in_b = FPOpIn(width)
+ self.out_z = FPOpOut(width)
+ self.states = []
+ def add_state(self, state):
+ self.states.append(state)
+ return state
+ def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+ """ creates the HDL code-fragment for FPDiv
+ """
+ m = Module()
+ # Latches
+ a = FPNumIn(None, self.width, False)
+ b = FPNumIn(None, self.width, False)
+ z = FPNumOut(self.width, False)
+ div = Div(a.m_width*2 + 3) # double the mantissa width plus g/r/sticky
+ of = Overflow()
+ m.submodules.in_a = a
+ m.submodules.in_b = b
+ m.submodules.z = z
+ m.submodules.of = of
+ m.d.comb += a.v.eq(self.in_a.v)
+ m.d.comb += b.v.eq(self.in_b.v)
+ with m.FSM() as fsm:
+ # ******
+ # gets operand a
+ with m.State("get_a"):
+ res = self.get_op(m, self.in_a, a, "get_b")
+ m.d.sync += eq([a, self.in_a.ready_o], res)
+ # ******
+ # gets operand b
+ with m.State("get_b"):
+ res = self.get_op(m, self.in_b, b, "special_cases")
+ m.d.sync += eq([b, self.in_b.ready_o], res)
+ # ******
+ # special cases: NaNs, infs, zeros, denormalised
+ # NOTE: some of these are unique to div. see "Special Operations"
+ # https://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/coding/ieeefloat.html
+ with m.State("special_cases"):
+ # if a is NaN or b is NaN return NaN
+ with m.If(a.is_nan | b.is_nan):
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ m.d.sync += z.nan(1)
+ # if a is Inf and b is Inf return NaN
+ with m.Elif(a.is_inf & b.is_inf):
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ m.d.sync += z.nan(1)
+ # if a is inf return inf (or NaN if b is zero)
+ with m.Elif(a.is_inf):
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ m.d.sync += z.inf(a.s ^ b.s)
+ # if b is inf return zero
+ with m.Elif(b.is_inf):
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ m.d.sync += z.zero(a.s ^ b.s)
+ # if a is zero return zero (or NaN if b is zero)
+ with m.Elif(a.is_zero):
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ # if b is zero return NaN
+ with m.If(b.is_zero):
+ m.d.sync += z.nan(1)
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.sync += z.zero(a.s ^ b.s)
+ # if b is zero return Inf
+ with m.Elif(b.is_zero):
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ m.d.sync += z.inf(a.s ^ b.s)
+ # Denormalised Number checks
+ with m.Else():
+ m.next = "normalise_a"
+ self.denormalise(m, a)
+ self.denormalise(m, b)
+ # ******
+ # normalise_a
+ with m.State("normalise_a"):
+ self.op_normalise(m, a, "normalise_b")
+ # ******
+ # normalise_b
+ with m.State("normalise_b"):
+ self.op_normalise(m, b, "divide_0")
+ # ******
+ # First stage of divide. initialise state
+ with m.State("divide_0"):
+ m.next = "divide_1"
+ m.d.sync += [
+ z.s.eq(a.s ^ b.s), # sign
+ z.e.eq(a.e - b.e), # exponent
+ div.dend.eq(a.m<<(a.m_width+3)), # 3 bits for g/r/sticky
+ div.dor.eq(b.m),
+ ]
+ div.reset(m)
+ # ******
+ # Second stage of divide.
+ with m.State("divide_1"):
+ m.next = "divide_2"
+ m.d.sync += [
+ div.quot.eq(div.quot << 1),
+ div.rem.eq(Cat(div.dend[-1], div.rem[0:])),
+ div.dend.eq(div.dend << 1),
+ ]
+ # ******
+ # Third stage of divide.
+ # This stage ends by jumping out to divide_3
+ # However it defaults to jumping to divide_1 (which comes back here)
+ with m.State("divide_2"):
+ with m.If(div.rem >= div.dor):
+ m.d.sync += [
+ div.quot[0].eq(1),
+ div.rem.eq(div.rem - div.dor),
+ ]
+ with m.If(div.count == div.width-2):
+ m.next = "divide_3"
+ with m.Else():
+ m.next = "divide_1"
+ m.d.sync += [
+ div.count.eq(div.count + 1),
+ ]
+ # ******
+ # Fourth stage of divide.
+ with m.State("divide_3"):
+ m.next = "normalise_1"
+ m.d.sync += [
+ z.m.eq(div.quot[3:]),
+ of.guard.eq(div.quot[2]),
+ of.round_bit.eq(div.quot[1]),
+ of.sticky.eq(div.quot[0] | (div.rem != 0))
+ ]
+ # ******
+ # First stage of normalisation.
+ with m.State("normalise_1"):
+ self.normalise_1(m, z, of, "normalise_2")
+ # ******
+ # Second stage of normalisation.
+ with m.State("normalise_2"):
+ self.normalise_2(m, z, of, "round")
+ # ******
+ # rounding stage
+ with m.State("round"):
+ self.roundz(m, z, of.roundz)
+ m.next = "corrections"
+ # ******
+ # correction stage
+ with m.State("corrections"):
+ self.corrections(m, z, "pack")
+ # ******
+ # pack stage
+ with m.State("pack"):
+ self.pack(m, z, "put_z")
+ # ******
+ # put_z stage
+ with m.State("put_z"):
+ self.put_z(m, z, self.out_z, "get_a")
+ return m
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ alu = FPDIV(width=32)
+ main(alu, ports=alu.in_a.ports() + alu.in_b.ports() + alu.out_z.ports())
+ # works... but don't use, just do "python fname.py convert -t v"
+ #print (verilog.convert(alu, ports=[
+ # ports=alu.in_a.ports() + \
+ # alu.in_b.ports() + \
+ # alu.out_z.ports())
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+from random import randint
+from random import seed
+from operator import truediv
+from nmigen import Module, Signal
+from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
+from nmigen_div_experiment import FPDIV
+from unit_test_single import (get_mantissa, get_exponent, get_sign, is_nan,
+ is_inf, is_pos_inf, is_neg_inf,
+ match, get_case, check_case, run_test,
+ run_edge_cases, run_corner_cases)
+def testbench(dut):
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x80000000, 0x00000000, 0xffc00000)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x00000000, 0x80000000, 0xffc00000)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x0002b017, 0xff3807ab, 0x80000000)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x40000000, 0x3F800000, 0x40000000)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x3F800000, 0x40000000, 0x3F000000)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x3F800000, 0x40400000, 0x3EAAAAAB)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x40400000, 0x41F80000, 0x3DC6318C)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x41F9EB4D, 0x429A4C70, 0x3ECF52B2)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x7F7FFFFE, 0x70033181, 0x4EF9C4C8)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x7F7FFFFE, 0x70000001, 0x4EFFFFFC)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x7F7FFCFF, 0x70200201, 0x4ECCC7D5)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x70200201, 0x7F7FFCFF, 0x302003E2)
+ count = 0
+ #regression tests
+ stimulus_a = [0xbf9b1e94, 0x34082401, 0x5e8ef81, 0x5c75da81, 0x2b017]
+ stimulus_b = [0xc038ed3a, 0xb328cd45, 0x114f3db, 0x2f642a39, 0xff3807ab]
+ yield from run_test(dut, stimulus_a, stimulus_b, truediv, get_case)
+ count += len(stimulus_a)
+ print (count, "vectors passed")
+ yield from run_corner_cases(dut, count, truediv, get_case)
+ yield from run_edge_cases(dut, count, truediv, get_case)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ dut = FPDIV(width=32)
+ run_simulation(dut, testbench(dut), vcd_name="test_div.vcd")
--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import Module, Signal
+from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
+from nmigen_div_experiment import FPDIV
+class ORGate:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.a = Signal()
+ self.b = Signal()
+ self.x = Signal()
+ def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+ m = Module()
+ m.d.comb += self.x.eq(self.a | self.b)
+ return m
+def check_case(dut, a, b, z):
+ yield dut.in_a.v.eq(a)
+ yield dut.in_a.stb.eq(1)
+ yield
+ yield
+ a_ack = (yield dut.in_a.ack)
+ assert a_ack == 0
+ yield dut.in_b.v.eq(b)
+ yield dut.in_b.stb.eq(1)
+ b_ack = (yield dut.in_b.ack)
+ assert b_ack == 0
+ while True:
+ yield
+ out_z_stb = (yield dut.out_z.stb)
+ if not out_z_stb:
+ continue
+ yield dut.in_a.stb.eq(0)
+ yield dut.in_b.stb.eq(0)
+ yield dut.out_z.ack.eq(1)
+ yield
+ yield dut.out_z.ack.eq(0)
+ yield
+ yield
+ break
+ out_z = yield dut.out_z.v
+ assert out_z == z, "Output z 0x%x not equal to expected 0x%x" % (out_z, z)
+def testbench(dut):
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x4008000000000000, 0x3FF0000000000000,
+ 0x4008000000000000)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x3FF0000000000000, 0x4008000000000000,
+ 0x3FD5555555555555)
+ if False:
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x3F800000, 0x40000000, 0x3F000000)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x3F800000, 0x40400000, 0x3EAAAAAB)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x40400000, 0x41F80000, 0x3DC6318C)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x41F9EB4D, 0x429A4C70, 0x3ECF52B2)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x7F7FFFFE, 0x70033181, 0x4EF9C4C8)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x7F7FFFFE, 0x70000001, 0x4EFFFFFC)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x7F7FFCFF, 0x70200201, 0x4ECCC7D5)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x70200201, 0x7F7FFCFF, 0x302003E2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ dut = FPDIV(width=64)
+ run_simulation(dut, testbench(dut), vcd_name="test_div64.vcd")
--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Mux, Array, Const
+from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
+from fpbase import FPNumIn, FPNumOut, FPOp, Overflow, FPBase, FPState
+from fpcommon.getop import FPGetOp
+from nmutil.singlepipe import eq
+class FPMUL(FPBase):
+ def __init__(self, width):
+ FPBase.__init__(self)
+ self.width = width
+ self.in_a = FPOp(width)
+ self.in_b = FPOp(width)
+ self.out_z = FPOp(width)
+ self.states = []
+ def add_state(self, state):
+ self.states.append(state)
+ return state
+ def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+ """ creates the HDL code-fragment for FPMUL
+ """
+ m = Module()
+ # Latches
+ a = FPNumIn(None, self.width, False)
+ b = FPNumIn(None, self.width, False)
+ z = FPNumOut(self.width, False)
+ mw = (z.m_width)*2 - 1 + 3 # sticky/round/guard bits + (2*mant) - 1
+ product = Signal(mw)
+ of = Overflow()
+ m.submodules.of = of
+ m.submodules.a = a
+ m.submodules.b = b
+ m.submodules.z = z
+ m.d.comb += a.v.eq(self.in_a.v)
+ m.d.comb += b.v.eq(self.in_b.v)
+ with m.FSM() as fsm:
+ # ******
+ # gets operand a
+ with m.State("get_a"):
+ res = self.get_op(m, self.in_a, a, "get_b")
+ m.d.sync += eq([a, self.in_a.ack], res)
+ # ******
+ # gets operand b
+ with m.State("get_b"):
+ res = self.get_op(m, self.in_b, b, "special_cases")
+ m.d.sync += eq([b, self.in_b.ack], res)
+ # ******
+ # special cases
+ with m.State("special_cases"):
+ #if a or b is NaN return NaN
+ with m.If(a.is_nan | b.is_nan):
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ m.d.sync += z.nan(1)
+ #if a is inf return inf
+ with m.Elif(a.is_inf):
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ m.d.sync += z.inf(a.s ^ b.s)
+ #if b is zero return NaN
+ with m.If(b.is_zero):
+ m.d.sync += z.nan(1)
+ #if b is inf return inf
+ with m.Elif(b.is_inf):
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ m.d.sync += z.inf(a.s ^ b.s)
+ #if a is zero return NaN
+ with m.If(a.is_zero):
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ m.d.sync += z.nan(1)
+ #if a is zero return zero
+ with m.Elif(a.is_zero):
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ m.d.sync += z.zero(a.s ^ b.s)
+ #if b is zero return zero
+ with m.Elif(b.is_zero):
+ m.next = "put_z"
+ m.d.sync += z.zero(a.s ^ b.s)
+ # Denormalised Number checks
+ with m.Else():
+ m.next = "normalise_a"
+ self.denormalise(m, a)
+ self.denormalise(m, b)
+ # ******
+ # normalise_a
+ with m.State("normalise_a"):
+ self.op_normalise(m, a, "normalise_b")
+ # ******
+ # normalise_b
+ with m.State("normalise_b"):
+ self.op_normalise(m, b, "multiply_0")
+ #multiply_0
+ with m.State("multiply_0"):
+ m.next = "multiply_1"
+ m.d.sync += [
+ z.s.eq(a.s ^ b.s),
+ z.e.eq(a.e + b.e + 1),
+ product.eq(a.m * b.m * 4)
+ ]
+ #multiply_1
+ with m.State("multiply_1"):
+ mw = z.m_width
+ m.next = "normalise_1"
+ m.d.sync += [
+ z.m.eq(product[mw+2:]),
+ of.guard.eq(product[mw+1]),
+ of.round_bit.eq(product[mw]),
+ of.sticky.eq(product[0:mw] != 0)
+ ]
+ # ******
+ # First stage of normalisation.
+ with m.State("normalise_1"):
+ self.normalise_1(m, z, of, "normalise_2")
+ # ******
+ # Second stage of normalisation.
+ with m.State("normalise_2"):
+ self.normalise_2(m, z, of, "round")
+ # ******
+ # rounding stage
+ with m.State("round"):
+ self.roundz(m, z, of.roundz)
+ m.next = "corrections"
+ # ******
+ # correction stage
+ with m.State("corrections"):
+ self.corrections(m, z, "pack")
+ # ******
+ # pack stage
+ with m.State("pack"):
+ self.pack(m, z, "put_z")
+ # ******
+ # put_z stage
+ with m.State("put_z"):
+ self.put_z(m, z, self.out_z, "get_a")
+ return m
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ alu = FPMUL(width=32)
+ main(alu, ports=alu.in_a.ports() + alu.in_b.ports() + alu.out_z.ports())
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+from random import randint
+from random import seed
+from operator import mul
+from nmigen import Module, Signal
+from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
+from fmul import FPMUL
+from unit_test_single import (get_mantissa, get_exponent, get_sign, is_nan,
+ is_inf, is_pos_inf, is_neg_inf,
+ match, get_case, check_case, run_test,
+ run_edge_cases, run_corner_cases)
+def testbench(dut):
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x40000000, 0x40000000, 0x40800000)
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0x41400000, 0x40A00000, 0x42700000)
+ count = 0
+ #regression tests
+ stimulus_a = [0xba57711a, 0xbf9b1e94, 0x34082401, 0x5e8ef81,
+ 0x5c75da81, 0x2b017]
+ stimulus_b = [0xee1818c5, 0xc038ed3a, 0xb328cd45, 0x114f3db,
+ 0x2f642a39, 0xff3807ab]
+ yield from run_test(dut, stimulus_a, stimulus_b, mul, get_case)
+ count += len(stimulus_a)
+ print (count, "vectors passed")
+ yield from run_corner_cases(dut, count, mul, get_case)
+ yield from run_edge_cases(dut, count, mul, get_case)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ dut = FPMUL(width=32)
+ run_simulation(dut, testbench(dut), vcd_name="test_mul.vcd")
--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import Module, Signal
+from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
+from operator import mul
+from fmul import FPMUL
+import sys
+import atexit
+from random import randint
+from random import seed
+from unit_test_double import (get_mantissa, get_exponent, get_sign, is_nan,
+ is_inf, is_pos_inf, is_neg_inf,
+ match, get_case, check_case, run_test,
+ run_edge_cases, run_corner_cases)
+def testbench(dut):
+ yield from check_case(dut, 0, 0, 0)
+ count = 0
+ #regression tests
+ stimulus_a = [0xff80000000000000, 0x3351099a0528e138]
+ stimulus_b = [0x7f80000000000000, 0xd651a9a9986af2b5]
+ yield from run_test(dut, stimulus_a, stimulus_b, mul)
+ count += len(stimulus_a)
+ print (count, "vectors passed")
+ yield from run_corner_cases(dut, count, mul)
+ yield from run_edge_cases(dut, count, mul)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ dut = FPMUL(width=64)
+ run_simulation(dut, testbench(dut), vcd_name="test_mul64.vcd")