""" test of FPCVTMuxInOut
-from ieee754.fcvt.pipeline import (FPCVTMuxInOut,)
+from ieee754.fcvt.pipeline import (FPCVTDownMuxInOut,)
from ieee754.fpcommon.test.case_gen import run_pipe_fp
from ieee754.fpcommon.test import unit_test_single
from ieee754.fcvt.test.fcvt_data_32_16 import regressions
return Float16(x)
def test_pipe_fp32_16():
- dut = FPCVTMuxInOut(32, 16, 4)
+ dut = FPCVTDownMuxInOut(32, 16, 4)
run_pipe_fp(dut, 32, "fcvt", unit_test_single, Float32,
regressions, fcvt_16, 10, True)
""" module for adjusting a mantissa and exponent so that the MSB is always 1
-from nmigen import Module, Signal, Elaboratable
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Mux, Elaboratable
from nmigen.lib.coding import PriorityEncoder
* exponent is signed
* mantissa is unsigned.
+ * loprop: propagates the low bit (LSB) on the shift
+ * limclz: use this to limit the amount of shifting.
exp = -30, mantissa = 0b00011 - output: -33, 0b11000
exp = 2, mantissa = 0b01111 - output: 1, 0b11110
- def __init__(self, m_width, e_width):
+ def __init__(self, m_width, e_width, limclz=False, loprop=False):
self.m_width = m_width
self.e_width = e_width
+ self.loprop = loprop
+ self.limclz = limclz and Signal((e_width, True), reset_less=True)
self.m_in = Signal(m_width, reset_less=True)
self.e_in = Signal((e_width, True), reset_less=True)
m.submodules.pe = pe
# *sigh* not entirely obvious: count leading zeros (clz)
- # with a PriorityEncoder: to find from the MSB
- # we reverse the order of the bits.
- temp = Signal(mwid, reset_less=True)
+ # with a PriorityEncoder. to find from the MSB
+ # we reverse the order of the bits. it would be better if PE
+ # took a "reverse" argument.
clz = Signal((len(self.e_out), True), reset_less=True)
+ temp = Signal(mwid, reset_less=True)
+ if self.loprop:
+ temp_r = Signal(mwid, reset_less=True)
+ with m.If(self.m_in[0]):
+ # propagate low bit: do an ASL basically, except
+ # i can't work out how to do it in nmigen sigh
+ m.d.comb += temp_r.eq((self.m_in[0] << clz) - 1)
+ # limclz sets a limit (set by the exponent) on how far M can be shifted
+ # this can be used to ensure that near-zero numbers don't then have
+ # to be shifted *back* (e < -126 in the case of FP32 for example)
+ if self.limclz is not False:
+ limclz = Mux(self.limclz > pe.o, pe.o, self.limclz)
+ else:
+ limclz = pe.o
m.d.comb += [
- pe.i.eq(self.m_in[::-1]), # inverted
- clz.eq(pe.o), # count zeros from MSB down
+ pe.i.eq(self.m_in[::-1]), # inverted
+ clz.eq(limclz), # count zeros from MSB down
temp.eq((self.m_in << clz)), # shift mantissa UP
self.e_out.eq(self.e_in - clz), # DECREASE exponent
- self.m_out.eq(temp),
+ if self.loprop:
+ m.d.comb += self.m_out.eq(temp | temp_r)
+ else:
+ m.d.comb += self.m_out.eq(temp),
return m
# 2013-12-12
from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Mux, Elaboratable
-from nmigen.lib.coding import PriorityEncoder
from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
from math import log
from ieee754.fpcommon.fpbase import MultiShiftRMerge
from ieee754.fpcommon.fpbase import FPState
from ieee754.fpcommon.getop import FPPipeContext
+from ieee754.fpcommon.msbhigh import FPMSBHigh
from .postcalc import FPAddStage1Data
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
- mwid = self.o.z.m_width+2
- pe = PriorityEncoder(mwid)
- m.submodules.norm_pe = pe
of = OverflowMod("norm1of_")
#m.submodules.norm1_out_z = self.o.z
#m.submodules.norm1_insel_overflow = iof = OverflowMod("iof")
espec = (len(insel_z.e), True)
+ mwid = self.o.z.m_width+2
ediff_n126 = Signal(espec, reset_less=True)
msr = MultiShiftRMerge(mwid+2, espec)
m.submodules.multishift_r = msr
+ msb = FPMSBHigh(mwid, espec[0], True)
+ m.submodules.norm_msb = msb
m.d.comb += i.eq(self.i)
# initialise out from in (overridden below)
m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(insel_z)
# decrease exponent
with m.If(~self.i.out_do_z):
with m.If(decrease):
- # *sigh* not entirely obvious: count leading zeros (clz)
- # with a PriorityEncoder: to find from the MSB
- # we reverse the order of the bits.
- temp_m = Signal(mwid+1, reset_less=True)
- temp_r = Signal(mwid+2, reset_less=True) # mask
- temp_s = Signal(mwid+2, reset_less=True)
- clz = Signal((len(insel_z.e), True), reset_less=True)
# make sure that the amount to decrease by does NOT
# go below the minimum non-INF/NaN exponent
- limclz = Mux(insel_z.exp_sub_n126 > pe.o, pe.o,
- insel_z.exp_sub_n126)
- with m.If(temp_m[0]):
- # propagate low bit: do an ASL basically, except
- # i can't work out how to do it in nmigen sigh
- m.d.comb += temp_r.eq((temp_m[0] << clz) -1)
+ temp_m = Signal(mwid+1, reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += msb.limclz.eq(insel_z.exp_sub_n126)
m.d.comb += [
# cat round and guard bits back into the mantissa
- temp_m.eq(Cat(i.of.sticky, i.of.round_bit, i.of.guard,
+ msb.m_in.eq(Cat(i.of.sticky, i.of.round_bit, i.of.guard,
- pe.i.eq(temp_m[::-1]), # inverted
- clz.eq(limclz), # count zeros from MSB down
- temp_s.eq((temp_m << clz) | temp_r), # shift mantissa UP
- self.o.z.e.eq(insel_z.e - clz), # DECREASE exponent
- self.o.z.m.eq(temp_s[3:]), # exclude bits 0&1
- of.m0.eq(temp_s[3]), # copy of mantissa[0]
+ msb.e_in.eq(insel_z.e),
+ self.o.z.e.eq(msb.e_out),
+ self.o.z.m.eq(msb.m_out[3:]), # exclude bits 0&1
+ of.m0.eq(msb.m_out[3]), # copy of mantissa[0]
# overflow in bits 0..1: got shifted too (leave sticky)
- of.guard.eq(temp_s[2]), # guard
- of.round_bit.eq(temp_s[1]), # round
+ of.guard.eq(msb.m_out[2]), # guard
+ of.round_bit.eq(msb.m_out[1]), # round
# increase exponent
with m.Elif(increase):