from enum import Enum, unique
-from nmigen import (Module, Signal, Elaboratable,
- Mux, Cat, Repl, signed,
- Signal)
+from nmigen import (Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Mux, Cat, Repl, Signal)
from nmigen.cli import main
from nmutil.iocontrol import RecordObject
+from nmutil.byterev import byte_reverse
from soc.experiment.mem_types import (LoadStore1ToMmuType,
class State(Enum):
- IDLE = 0
+ IDLE = 0 # zero is default on reset for r.state
self.rc_error = Signal(reset_less=True)
-# Radix MMU
-# Supports 4-level trees as in arch 3.0B, but not the
-# two-step translation for guests under a hypervisor
-# (i.e. there is no gRA -> hRA translation).
class MMU(Elaboratable):
+ """Radix MMU
+ Supports 4-level trees as in arch 3.0B, but not the
+ two-step translation for guests under a hypervisor
+ (i.e. there is no gRA -> hRA translation).
+ """
def __init__(self):
self.l_in = LoadStore1ToMmuType()
self.l_out = MmuToLoadStore1Type()
self.d_in = DcacheToMmuType()
self.i_out = MmuToIcacheType()
-# begin
-def elaborate(self, platform):
- # Multiplex internal SPR values back to loadstore1,
- # selected by l_in.sprn.
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
comb = m.d.comb
d_in = self.d_in
i_out = self.i_out
-# l_out.sprval <= r.prtbl when l_in.sprn(9) = '1'
+ # Multiplex internal SPR values back to loadstore1,
+ # selected by l_in.sprn.
with m.If(l_in.sprn[9]):
comb += l_out.sprval.eq(r.prtbl)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += l_out.sprval.eq(r.pid)
-# else x"00000000" & r.pid;
-# if rin.valid = '1' then
-# report "MMU got tlb miss for "
-# & to_hstring(rin.addr);
-# end if;
with m.If(rin.valid):
- print(f"MMU got tlb miss for {rin.addr}")
+ pass
+ #sync += Display(f"MMU got tlb miss for {rin.addr}")
-# if l_out.done = '1' then
-# report "MMU completing op without error";
-# end if;
with m.If(l_out.done):
- print("MMU completing op without error")
+ pass
+ # sync += Display("MMU completing op without error")
-# if l_out.err = '1' then
-# report "MMU completing op with err invalid=" &
-# std_ulogic'image(l_out.invalid) &
-# " badtree=" & std_ulogic'image(
-# l_out.badtree);
-# end if;
with m.If(l_out.err):
- print(f"MMU completing op with err invalid"
- "{l_out.invalid} badtree={l_out.badtree}")
+ pass
+ # sync += Display(f"MMU completing op with err invalid"
+ # "{l_out.invalid} badtree={l_out.badtree}")
-# if rin.state = RADIX_LOOKUP then
-# report "radix lookup shift=" & integer'image(
-# to_integer(rin.shift)) & " msize=" &
-# integer'image(to_integer(rin.mask_size));
-# end if;
with m.If(rin.state == State.RADIX_LOOKUP):
- print(f"radix lookup shift={rin.shift}"
- "msize={rin.mask_size}")
+ pass
+ # sync += Display (f"radix lookup shift={rin.shift}"
+ # "msize={rin.mask_size}")
-# if r.state = RADIX_LOOKUP then
-# report "send load addr=" & to_hstring(d_out.addr)
-# & " addrsh=" & to_hstring(addrsh) &
-# " mask=" & to_hstring(mask);
-# end if;
with m.If(r.state == State.RADIX_LOOKUP):
- print(f"send load addr={d_out.addr}"
- "addrsh={addrsh} mask={mask}")
+ pass
+ # sync += Display(f"send load addr={d_out.addr}"
+ # "addrsh={addrsh} mask={mask}")
-# r <= rin;
sync += r.eq(rin)
v = RegStage()
perm_ok = Signal()
rc_ok = Signal()
addr = Signal(64)
- data = Signal(64)
comb += v.eq(r)
comb += v.valid.eq(0)
comb += v.inval_all.eq(0)
comb += prtbl_rd.eq(0)
-# -- Radix tree data structures in memory are
-# -- big-endian, so we need to byte-swap them
-# for i in 0 to 7 loop
# Radix tree data structures in memory are
# big-endian, so we need to byte-swap them
- for i in range(8):
-# data(i * 8 + 7 downto i * 8) := d_in.data(
-# (7 - i) * 8 + 7 downto (7 - i) * 8);
- comb += data[i * 8:i * 8 + 7 + 1].eq(
- d_in.data[
- (7 - i) * 8:(7 - i) * 8 + 7 + 1
- ])
-# end loop;
+ data = byte_reverse(m, "data", d_in.data, 8)
-# case r.state is
with m.Switch(r.state):
-# when IDLE =>
with m.Case(State.IDLE):
-# if l_in.addr(63) = '0' then
-# pgtbl := r.pgtbl0;
-# pt_valid := r.pt0_valid;
with m.If(~l_in.addr[63]):
comb += pgtbl.eq(r.pgtbl0)
comb += pt_valid.eq(r.pt0_valid)
-# else
-# pgtbl := r.pgtbl3;
-# pt_valid := r.pt3_valid;
with m.Else():
comb += pgtbl.eq(r.pt3_valid)
comb += pt_valid.eq(r.pt3_valid)
-# end if;
-# -- rts == radix tree size, # address bits being
-# -- translated
-# rts := unsigned('0' & pgtbl(62 downto 61) &
-# pgtbl(7 downto 5));
# rts == radix tree size, number of address bits
# being translated
comb += rts.eq(Cat(pgtbl[5:8], pgtbl[61:63]))
-# -- mbits == # address bits to index top level
-# -- of tree
-# mbits := unsigned('0' & pgtbl(4 downto 0));
# mbits == number of address bits to index top
# level of tree
comb += mbits.eq(pgtbl[0:5])