+++ /dev/null
-""" LOAD / STORE Computation Unit. Also capable of doing ADD and ADD immediate
- This module runs a "revolving door" set of four latches, based on
- * Issue
- * Go_Read
- * Go_Addr
- * Go_Write *OR* Go_Store
- (Note that opc_l has been inverted (and qn used), due to SRLatch
- default reset state being "0" rather than "1")
- Also note: the LD/ST Comp Unit can act as a *standard ALU* doing
- add and subtract.
- Stores are activated when Go_Store is enabled, and uses the ALU
- to add the immediate (imm_i) to the address (src1_i), and then
- when ready (go_st_i and the ALU ready) the operand (src2_i) is stored
- in the computed address.
-from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
-from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
-from nmigen import Module, Signal, Mux, Cat, Elaboratable, Array
-from nmigen.hdl.rec import Record, Layout
-from nmutil.latch import SRLatch, latchregister
-from soc.experiment.compalu_multi import go_record
-from soc.experiment.testmem import TestMemory
-from soc.decoder.power_enums import InternalOp
-from soc.experiment.alu_hier import CompALUOpSubset
-from soc.decoder.power_enums import InternalOp, Function, CryIn
-import operator
-class CompLDSTOpSubset(Record):
- """CompLDSTOpSubset
- a copy of the relevant subset information from Decode2Execute1Type
- needed for LD/ST operations. use with eq_from_execute1 (below) to
- grab subsets.
- """
- def __init__(self, name=None):
- layout = (('insn_type', InternalOp),
- ('imm_data', Layout((("imm", 64), ("imm_ok", 1)))),
- ('is_32bit', 1),
- ('is_signed', 1),
- ('data_len', 4), # TODO: should be in separate CompLDSTSubset
- ('byte_reverse', 1),
- ('sign_extend', 1),
- ('update', 1))
- Record.__init__(self, Layout(layout), name=name)
- # grrr. Record does not have kwargs
- self.insn_type.reset_less = True
- self.is_32bit.reset_less = True
- self.is_signed.reset_less = True
- self.data_len.reset_less = True
- self.byte_reverse.reset_less = True
- self.sign_extend.reset_less = True
- self.update.reset_less = True
- def eq_from_execute1(self, other):
- """ use this to copy in from Decode2Execute1Type
- """
- res = []
- for fname, sig in self.fields.items():
- eqfrom = other.fields[fname]
- res.append(sig.eq(eqfrom))
- return res
- def ports(self):
- return [self.insn_type,
- self.is_32bit,
- self.is_signed,
- self.data_len,
- self.byte_reverse,
- self.sign_extend,
- self.update,
- ]
-class LDSTCompUnit(Elaboratable):
- """ LOAD / STORE / ADD / SUB Computation Unit
- Inputs
- ------
- * :rwid: register width
- * :alu: an ALU module
- * :mem: a Memory Module (read-write capable)
- Control Signals (In)
- --------------------
- * :oper_i: operation being carried out (LDST_OP_ADD, LDST_OP_LD)
- * :issue_i: LD/ST is being "issued".
- * :isalu_i: ADD/SUB is being "issued" (aka issue_alu_i)
- * :shadown_i: Inverted-shadow is being held (stops STORE *and* WRITE)
- * :go_rd_i: read is being actioned (latches in src regs)
- * :go_wr_i: write mode (exactly like ALU CompUnit)
- * :go_ad_i: address is being actioned (triggers actual mem LD)
- * :go_st_i: store is being actioned (triggers actual mem STORE)
- * :go_die_i: resets the unit back to "wait for issue"
- Control Signals (Out)
- ---------------------
- * :busy_o: function unit is busy
- * :rd_rel_o: request src1/src2
- * :adr_rel_o: request address (from mem)
- * :sto_rel_o: request store (to mem)
- * :req_rel_o: request write (result)
- * :load_mem_o: activate memory LOAD
- * :stwd_mem_o: activate memory STORE
- Note: load_mem_o, stwd_mem_o and req_rel_o MUST all be acknowledged
- in a single cycle and the CompUnit set back to doing another op.
- This means deasserting go_st_i, go_ad_i or go_wr_i as appropriate
- depending on whether the operation is a STORE, LD, or a straight
- ALU operation respectively.
- Control Data (out)
- ------------------
- * :data_o: Dest out (LD or ALU)
- * :addr_o: Address out (LD or ST)
- """
- def __init__(self, rwid, alu, mem, n_src=2, n_dst=1, debugtest=False):
- self.rwid = rwid
- self.alu = alu
- self.mem = mem
- self.debugtest = debugtest
- self.counter = Signal(4)
- src = []
- for i in range(n_src):
- j = i + 1 # name numbering to match src1/src2
- src.append(Signal(rwid, name="src%d_i" % j, reset_less=True))
- dst = []
- for i in range(n_dst):
- j = i + 1 # name numbering to match dest1/2...
- dst.append(Signal(rwid, name="dest%d_i" % j, reset_less=True))
- self.rd = go_record(n_src, name="rd") # read in, req out
- self.wr = go_record(n_dst, name="wr") # write in, req out
- self.go_rd_i = self.rd.go # temporary naming
- self.go_wr_i = self.wr.go # temporary naming
- self.rd_rel_o = self.rd.rel # temporary naming
- self.req_rel_o = self.wr.rel # temporary naming
- self.go_ad_i = Signal(reset_less=True) # go address in
- self.go_st_i = Signal(reset_less=True) # go store in
- self.issue_i = Signal(reset_less=True) # fn issue in
- self.isalu_i = Signal(reset_less=True) # fn issue as ALU in
- self.shadown_i = Signal(reset=1) # shadow function, defaults to ON
- self.go_die_i = Signal() # go die (reset)
- # operation / data input
- self.oper_i = CompALUOpSubset() # operand
- self.src_i = Array(src)
- self.src1_i = src[0] # oper1 in
- self.src2_i = src[1] # oper2 in
- self.busy_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # fn busy out
- self.dest = Array(dst)
- self.data_o = dst[0] # Dest out
- self.adr_rel_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # request address (from mem)
- self.sto_rel_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # request store (to mem)
- self.done_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # final release signal
- self.data_o = Signal(rwid, reset_less=True) # Dest out (LD or ALU)
- self.addr_o = Signal(rwid, reset_less=True) # Address out (LD or ST)
- # hmm... TODO... move these to outside of LDSTCompUnit?
- self.load_mem_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # activate memory LOAD
- self.stwd_mem_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # activate memory STORE
- self.ld_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # operation is a LD
- self.st_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # operation is a ST
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- comb = m.d.comb
- sync = m.d.sync
- m.submodules.alu = self.alu
- #m.submodules.mem = self.mem
- m.submodules.src_l = src_l = SRLatch(sync=False, name="src")
- m.submodules.opc_l = opc_l = SRLatch(sync=False, name="opc")
- m.submodules.adr_l = adr_l = SRLatch(sync=False, name="adr")
- m.submodules.req_l = req_l = SRLatch(sync=False, name="req")
- m.submodules.sto_l = sto_l = SRLatch(sync=False, name="sto")
- # shadow/go_die
- reset_b = Signal(reset_less=True)
- reset_w = Signal(reset_less=True)
- reset_a = Signal(reset_less=True)
- reset_s = Signal(reset_less=True)
- reset_r = Signal(reset_less=True)
- comb += reset_b.eq(self.go_st_i | self.wr.go |
- self.go_ad_i | self.go_die_i)
- comb += reset_w.eq(self.wr.go | self.go_die_i)
- comb += reset_s.eq(self.go_st_i | self.go_die_i)
- comb += reset_r.eq(self.rd.go | self.go_die_i)
- # this one is slightly different, issue_alu_i selects wr.go)
- a_sel = Mux(self.isalu_i, self.wr.go, self.go_ad_i)
- comb += reset_a.eq(a_sel | self.go_die_i)
- # opcode decode
- op_alu = Signal(reset_less=True)
- op_is_ld = Signal(reset_less=True)
- op_is_st = Signal(reset_less=True)
- op_ldst = Signal(reset_less=True)
- op_is_imm = Signal(reset_less=True)
- # ALU/LD data output control
- alulatch = Signal(reset_less=True)
- ldlatch = Signal(reset_less=True)
- # src2 register
- src2_r = Signal(self.rwid, reset_less=True)
- # select immediate or src2 reg to add
- src2_or_imm = Signal(self.rwid, reset_less=True)
- src_sel = Signal(reset_less=True)
- # issue can be either issue_i or issue_alu_i (isalu_i)
- issue_i = Signal(reset_less=True)
- comb += issue_i.eq(self.issue_i | self.isalu_i)
- # Ripple-down the latches, each one set cancels the previous.
- # NOTE: use sync to stop combinatorial loops.
- # opcode latch - inverted so that busy resets to 0
- sync += opc_l.s.eq(issue_i) # XXX NOTE: INVERTED FROM book!
- sync += opc_l.r.eq(reset_b) # XXX NOTE: INVERTED FROM book!
- # src operand latch
- sync += src_l.s.eq(issue_i)
- sync += src_l.r.eq(reset_r)
- # addr latch
- sync += adr_l.s.eq(self.rd.go)
- sync += adr_l.r.eq(reset_a)
- # dest operand latch
- sync += req_l.s.eq(self.go_ad_i | self.go_st_i | self.wr.go)
- sync += req_l.r.eq(reset_w)
- # store latch
- sync += sto_l.s.eq(self.rd.go) # XXX not sure which
- sync += sto_l.r.eq(reset_s)
- # create a latch/register for the operand
- oper_r = CompALUOpSubset() # Dest register
- latchregister(m, self.oper_i, oper_r, self.issue_i, name="oper_l")
- # and one for the output from the ALU
- data_r = Signal(self.rwid, reset_less=True) # Dest register
- latchregister(m, self.alu.o, data_r, alulatch, "aluo_r")
- # and pass the operation to the ALU
- comb += self.alu.op.eq(oper_r)
- comb += self.alu.op.insn_type.eq(InternalOp.OP_ADD) # override insn_type
- # outputs: busy and release signals
- busy_o = self.busy_o
- comb += self.busy_o.eq(opc_l.q) # busy out
- comb += self.rd.rel.eq(src_l.q & busy_o) # src1/src2 req rel
- comb += self.sto_rel_o.eq(sto_l.q & busy_o & self.shadown_i & op_is_st)
- # request release enabled based on if op is a LD/ST or a plain ALU
- # if op is an ADD/SUB or a LD, req_rel activates.
- wr_q = Signal(reset_less=True)
- comb += wr_q.eq(req_l.q & (~op_ldst | op_is_ld))
- comb += alulatch.eq((op_ldst & self.adr_rel_o) |
- (~op_ldst & self.wr.rel))
- # select immediate if opcode says so. however also change the latch
- # to trigger *from* the opcode latch instead.
- comb += src_sel.eq(Mux(op_is_imm, opc_l.qn, src_l.q))
- comb += src2_or_imm.eq(Mux(op_is_imm, oper_r.imm_data.imm,
- self.src2_i))
- # create a latch/register for src1/src2 (include immediate select)
- latchregister(m, self.src1_i, self.alu.a, src_l.q, name="src1_l")
- latchregister(m, self.src2_i, src2_r, src_l.q, name="src2_l")
- latchregister(m, src2_or_imm, self.alu.b, src_sel, name="imm_r")
- # decode bits of operand (latched)
- comb += op_is_imm.eq(oper_r.imm_data.imm_ok)
- comb += op_is_st.eq(oper_r.insn_type == InternalOp.OP_STORE) # ST
- comb += op_is_ld.eq(oper_r.insn_type == InternalOp.OP_LOAD) # LD
- comb += op_ldst.eq(op_is_ld | op_is_st)
- comb += self.load_mem_o.eq(op_is_ld & self.go_ad_i)
- comb += self.stwd_mem_o.eq(op_is_st & self.go_st_i)
- comb += self.ld_o.eq(op_is_ld)
- comb += self.st_o.eq(op_is_st)
- # on a go_read, tell the ALU we're accepting data.
- # NOTE: this spells TROUBLE if the ALU isn't ready!
- # go_read is only valid for one clock!
- with m.If(self.rd.go): # src operands ready, GO!
- with m.If(~self.alu.p_ready_o): # no ACK yet
- m.d.comb += self.alu.p_valid_i.eq(1) # so indicate valid
- # only proceed if ALU says its output is valid
- with m.If(self.alu.n_valid_o):
- # write req release out. waits until shadow is dropped.
- comb += self.wr.rel.eq(wr_q & busy_o & self.shadown_i)
- # address release only happens on LD/ST, and is shadowed.
- comb += self.adr_rel_o.eq(adr_l.q & op_ldst & busy_o &
- self.shadown_i)
- # when output latch is ready, and ALU says ready, accept ALU output
- with m.If(self.wr.rel):
- # tells ALU "thanks got it"
- m.d.comb += self.alu.n_ready_i.eq(1)
- # provide "done" signal: select req_rel for non-LD/ST, adr_rel for LD/ST
- comb += self.done_o.eq((self.wr.rel & ~op_ldst) |
- (self.adr_rel_o & op_ldst))
- # put the register directly onto the output bus on a go_write
- # this is "ALU mode". go_wr_i *must* be deasserted on next clock
- with m.If(self.wr.go):
- comb += self.data_o.eq(data_r)
- # "LD/ST" mode: put the register directly onto the *address* bus
- with m.If(self.go_ad_i | self.go_st_i):
- comb += self.addr_o.eq(data_r)
- # TODO: think about moving these to another module
- if self.debugtest:
- return m
- # connect ST to memory. NOTE: unit *must* be set back
- # to start again by dropping go_st_i on next clock
- with m.If(self.stwd_mem_o):
- wrport = self.mem.wrport
- comb += wrport.addr.eq(self.addr_o)
- comb += wrport.data.eq(src2_r)
- comb += wrport.en.eq(1)
- # connect LD to memory. NOTE: unit *must* be set back
- # to start again by dropping go_ad_i on next clock
- rdport = self.mem.rdport
- ldd_r = Signal(self.rwid, reset_less=True) # Dest register
- # latch LD-out
- latchregister(m, rdport.data, ldd_r, ldlatch, "ldo_r")
- sync += ldlatch.eq(self.load_mem_o)
- with m.If(self.load_mem_o):
- comb += rdport.addr.eq(self.addr_o)
- # comb += rdport.en.eq(1) # only when transparent=False
- # if LD-latch, put ld-reg out onto output
- with m.If(ldlatch | self.load_mem_o):
- comb += self.data_o.eq(ldd_r)
- return m
- def __iter__(self):
- yield self.rd.go
- yield self.go_ad_i
- yield self.wr.go
- yield self.go_st_i
- yield self.issue_i
- yield self.isalu_i
- yield self.shadown_i
- yield self.go_die_i
- yield from self.oper_i.ports()
- yield from self.src_i
- yield self.busy_o
- yield self.rd.rel
- yield self.adr_rel_o
- yield self.sto_rel_o
- yield self.wr.rel
- yield self.data_o
- yield self.load_mem_o
- yield self.stwd_mem_o
- def ports(self):
- return list(self)
-def wait_for(sig):
- v = (yield sig)
- print("wait for", sig, v)
- while True:
- yield
- v = (yield sig)
- print(v)
- if v:
- break
-def store(dut, src1, src2, imm, imm_ok=True):
- yield dut.oper_i.insn_type.eq(InternalOp.OP_STORE)
- yield dut.src1_i.eq(src1)
- yield dut.src2_i.eq(src2)
- yield dut.oper_i.imm_data.imm.eq(imm)
- yield dut.oper_i.imm_data.imm_ok.eq(imm_ok)
- yield dut.issue_i.eq(1)
- yield
- yield dut.issue_i.eq(0)
- yield
- yield dut.rd.go.eq(0b11)
- yield from wait_for(dut.rd.rel)
- yield dut.rd.go.eq(0)
- yield from wait_for(dut.adr_rel_o)
- yield dut.go_st_i.eq(1)
- yield from wait_for(dut.sto_rel_o)
- wait_for(dut.stwd_mem_o)
- yield dut.go_st_i.eq(0)
- yield
-def load(dut, src1, src2, imm, imm_ok=True):
- yield dut.oper_i.insn_type.eq(InternalOp.OP_LOAD)
- yield dut.src1_i.eq(src1)
- yield dut.src2_i.eq(src2)
- yield dut.oper_i.imm_data.imm.eq(imm)
- yield dut.oper_i.imm_data.imm_ok.eq(imm_ok)
- yield dut.issue_i.eq(1)
- yield
- yield dut.issue_i.eq(0)
- yield
- yield dut.rd.go.eq(0b11)
- yield from wait_for(dut.rd.rel)
- yield dut.rd.go.eq(0)
- yield from wait_for(dut.adr_rel_o)
- yield dut.go_ad_i.eq(1)
- yield from wait_for(dut.busy_o)
- yield
- data = (yield dut.data_o)
- yield dut.go_ad_i.eq(0)
- # wait_for(dut.stwd_mem_o)
- return data
-def add(dut, src1, src2, imm, imm_ok=False):
- yield dut.oper_i.insn_type.eq(InternalOp.OP_ADD)
- yield dut.src1_i.eq(src1)
- yield dut.src2_i.eq(src2)
- yield dut.oper_i.imm_data.imm.eq(imm)
- yield dut.oper_i.imm_data.imm_ok.eq(imm_ok)
- yield dut.issue_i.eq(1)
- yield
- yield dut.issue_i.eq(0)
- yield
- yield dut.rd.go.eq(1)
- yield from wait_for(dut.rd.rel)
- yield dut.rd.go.eq(0)
- yield from wait_for(dut.wr.rel)
- yield dut.wr.go.eq(1)
- yield from wait_for(dut.busy_o)
- yield
- data = (yield dut.data_o)
- yield dut.wr.go.eq(0)
- yield
- # wait_for(dut.stwd_mem_o)
- return data
-def scoreboard_sim(dut):
- # two STs (different addresses)
- yield from store(dut, 4, 3, 2)
- yield from store(dut, 2, 9, 2)
- yield
- # two LDs (deliberately LD from the 1st address then 2nd)
- data = yield from load(dut, 4, 0, 2)
- assert data == 0x0003
- data = yield from load(dut, 2, 0, 2)
- assert data == 0x0009
- yield
- # now do an add
- data = yield from add(dut, 4, 3, 0xfeed)
- assert data == 0x7
- # and an add-immediate
- data = yield from add(dut, 4, 0xdeef, 2, imm_ok=True)
- assert data == 0x6
-class TestLDSTCompUnit(LDSTCompUnit):
- def __init__(self, rwid):
- from alu_hier import ALU
- self.alu = alu = ALU(rwid)
- self.mem = mem = TestMemory(rwid, 8)
- LDSTCompUnit.__init__(self, rwid, alu, mem)
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = LDSTCompUnit.elaborate(self, platform)
- m.submodules.mem = self.mem
- return m
-def test_scoreboard():
- dut = TestLDSTCompUnit(16)
- vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
- with open("test_ldst_comp.il", "w") as f:
- f.write(vl)
- run_simulation(dut, scoreboard_sim(dut), vcd_name='test_ldst_comp.vcd')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_scoreboard()