--- /dev/null
+"""Converted from microwatt core_debug.vhdl to nmigen
+Provides a DMI (Debug Module Interface) for accessing a Libre-SOC core,
+compatible with microwatt's same interface.
+See constants below for addresses and register formats
+from nmigen import Elaboratable, Module, Signal, Cat, Const, Record, Array, Mux
+from nmutil.iocontrol import RecordObject
+from nmigen.utils import log2_int
+from nmigen.cli import rtlil
+from soc.config.state import CoreState
+# DMI register addresses
+class DBGCore:
+ CTRL = 0b0000
+ STAT = 0b0001
+ NIA = 0b0010 # NIA register (read only for now)
+ MSR = 0b0011 # MSR (read only)
+ GSPR_IDX = 0b0100 # GSPR register index
+ GSPR_DATA = 0b0101 # GSPR register data
+ LOG_ADDR = 0b0110 # Log buffer address register
+ LOG_DATA = 0b0111 # Log buffer data register
+ CR = 0b1000 # CR (read only)
+ XER = 0b1001 # XER (read only) - note this is a TEMPORARY hack
+ SVSTATE = 0b1010 # SVSTATE register (read only for now)
+# CTRL register (direct actions, write 1 to act, read back 0)
+# bit 0 : Core stop
+# bit 1 : Core reset (doesn't clear stop)
+# bit 2 : Icache reset
+# bit 3 : Single step
+# bit 4 : Core start
+class DBGCtrl:
+ STOP = 0
+ RESET = 1
+ STEP = 3
+ START = 4
+# STAT register (read only)
+# bit 0 : Core stopping (wait til bit 1 set)
+# bit 1 : Core stopped
+# bit 2 : Core terminated (clears with start or reset)
+class DBGStat:
+ TERM = 2
+class DMIInterface(RecordObject):
+ def __init__(self, name=None):
+ super().__init__(name=name)
+ self.addr_i = Signal(4) # DMI register address
+ self.din = Signal(64) # DMI data write in (if we=1)
+ self.dout = Signal(64) # DMI data read out (if we=0)
+ self.req_i = Signal() # DMI request valid (stb)
+ self.we_i = Signal() # DMI write-enable
+ self.ack_o = Signal() # DMI ack request
+ def connect_to(self, other):
+ return [self.addr_i.eq(other.addr_i),
+ self.req_i.eq(other.req_i),
+ self.we_i.eq(other.we_i),
+ self.din.eq(other.din),
+ other.ack_o.eq(self.ack_o),
+ other.dout.eq(self.dout),
+ ]
+class DbgReg(RecordObject):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ super().__init__(name=name)
+ self.req = Signal()
+ self.ack = Signal()
+ self.addr = Signal(7) # includes fast SPRs, others?
+ self.data = Signal(64)
+class DbgCRReg(RecordObject):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ super().__init__(name=name)
+ self.req = Signal()
+ self.ack = Signal()
+ self.data = Signal(32)
+class CoreDebug(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, LOG_LENGTH=0): # TODO - debug log 512):
+ # Length of log buffer
+ self.dmi = DMIInterface("dmi")
+ # Debug actions
+ self.core_stop_o = Signal()
+ self.core_rst_o = Signal()
+ self.icache_rst_o = Signal()
+ # Core status inputs
+ self.terminate_i = Signal()
+ self.core_stopped_i = Signal()
+ self.state = CoreState("core_dbg")
+ # GSPR register read port
+ self.d_gpr = DbgReg("d_gpr")
+ # CR register read port
+ self.d_cr = DbgReg("d_cr")
+ # XER register read port
+ self.d_xer = DbgReg("d_xer")
+ # Core logging data
+ self.log_data_i = Signal(256)
+ self.log_read_addr_i = Signal(32)
+ self.log_read_data_o = Signal(64)
+ self.log_write_addr_o = Signal(32)
+ # Misc
+ self.terminated_o = Signal()
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
+ dmi, d_gpr, d_cr, d_xer, = self.dmi, self.d_gpr, self.d_cr, self.d_xer
+ # DMI needs fixing... make a one clock pulse
+ dmi_req_i_1 = Signal()
+ # Some internal wires
+ stat_reg = Signal(64)
+ # Some internal latches
+ stopping = Signal()
+ do_step = Signal()
+ do_reset = Signal()
+ do_icreset = Signal()
+ terminated = Signal()
+ do_gspr_rd = Signal()
+ gspr_index = Signal.like(d_gpr.addr)
+ log_dmi_addr = Signal(32)
+ log_dmi_data = Signal(64)
+ do_dmi_log_rd = Signal()
+ dmi_read_log_data = Signal()
+ dmi_read_log_data_1 = Signal()
+ LOG_INDEX_BITS = log2_int(self.LOG_LENGTH)
+ # Single cycle register accesses on DMI except for GSPR data
+ with m.Switch(dmi.addr_i):
+ with m.Case(DBGCore.GSPR_DATA):
+ comb += dmi.ack_o.eq(d_gpr.ack)
+ comb += d_gpr.req.eq(dmi.req_i)
+ with m.Case(DBGCore.CR):
+ comb += dmi.ack_o.eq(d_cr.ack)
+ comb += d_cr.req.eq(dmi.req_i)
+ with m.Case(DBGCore.XER):
+ comb += dmi.ack_o.eq(d_xer.ack)
+ comb += d_xer.req.eq(dmi.req_i)
+ with m.Default():
+ comb += dmi.ack_o.eq(dmi.req_i)
+ # Status register read composition (DBUG_CORE_STAT_xxx)
+ comb += stat_reg.eq(Cat(stopping, # bit 0
+ self.core_stopped_i, # bit 1
+ terminated)) # bit 2
+ # DMI read data mux
+ with m.Switch(dmi.addr_i):
+ with m.Case( DBGCore.STAT):
+ comb += dmi.dout.eq(stat_reg)
+ with m.Case( DBGCore.NIA):
+ comb += dmi.dout.eq(self.state.pc)
+ with m.Case( DBGCore.MSR):
+ comb += dmi.dout.eq(self.state.msr)
+ with m.Case( DBGCore.SVSTATE):
+ comb += dmi.dout.eq(self.state.svstate)
+ with m.Case( DBGCore.GSPR_DATA):
+ comb += dmi.dout.eq(d_gpr.data)
+ with m.Case( DBGCore.LOG_ADDR):
+ comb += dmi.dout.eq(Cat(log_dmi_addr, self.log_write_addr_o))
+ with m.Case( DBGCore.LOG_DATA):
+ comb += dmi.dout.eq(log_dmi_data)
+ with m.Case(DBGCore.CR):
+ comb += dmi.dout.eq(d_cr.data)
+ with m.Case(DBGCore.XER):
+ comb += dmi.dout.eq(d_xer.data)
+ # DMI writes
+ # Reset the 1-cycle "do" signals
+ sync += do_step.eq(0)
+ sync += do_reset.eq(0)
+ sync += do_icreset.eq(0)
+ sync += do_dmi_log_rd.eq(0)
+ # Edge detect on dmi_req_i for 1-shot pulses
+ sync += dmi_req_i_1.eq(dmi.req_i)
+ with m.If(dmi.req_i & ~dmi_req_i_1):
+ with m.If(dmi.we_i):
+ #sync += Display("DMI write to " & to_hstring(dmi_addr))
+ # Control register actions
+ # Core control
+ with m.If(dmi.addr_i == DBGCore.CTRL):
+ with m.If(dmi.din[DBGCtrl.RESET]):
+ sync += do_reset.eq(1)
+ sync += terminated.eq(0)
+ with m.If(dmi.din[DBGCtrl.STOP]):
+ sync += stopping.eq(1)
+ with m.If(dmi.din[DBGCtrl.STEP]):
+ sync += do_step.eq(1)
+ sync += terminated.eq(0)
+ with m.If(dmi.din[DBGCtrl.ICRESET]):
+ sync += do_icreset.eq(1)
+ with m.If(dmi.din[DBGCtrl.START]):
+ sync += stopping.eq(0)
+ sync += terminated.eq(0)
+ # GSPR address
+ with m.Elif(dmi.addr_i == DBGCore.GSPR_IDX):
+ sync += gspr_index.eq(dmi.din)
+ # Log address
+ with m.Elif(dmi.addr_i == DBGCore.LOG_ADDR):
+ sync += log_dmi_addr.eq(dmi.din)
+ sync += do_dmi_log_rd.eq(1)
+ with m.Else():
+ # sync += Display("DMI read from " & to_string(dmi_addr))
+ pass
+ with m.Elif(dmi_read_log_data_1 & ~dmi_read_log_data):
+ # Increment log_dmi_addr after end of read from DBGCore.LOG_DATA
+ lds = log_dmi_addr[:LOG_INDEX_BITS+2]
+ sync += lds.eq(lds + 1)
+ sync += do_dmi_log_rd.eq(1)
+ sync += dmi_read_log_data_1.eq(dmi_read_log_data)
+ sync += dmi_read_log_data.eq(dmi.req_i &
+ (dmi.addr_i == DBGCore.LOG_DATA))
+ # Set core stop on terminate. We'll be stopping some time *after*
+ # the offending instruction, at least until we can do back flushes
+ # that preserve NIA which we can't just yet.
+ with m.If(self.terminate_i):
+ sync += stopping.eq(1)
+ sync += terminated.eq(1)
+ comb += d_gpr.addr.eq(gspr_index)
+ # Core control signals generated by the debug module
+ comb += self.core_stop_o.eq(stopping & ~do_step)
+ comb += self.core_rst_o.eq(do_reset)
+ comb += self.icache_rst_o.eq(do_icreset)
+ comb += self.terminated_o.eq(terminated)
+ # Logging RAM (none)
+ if self.LOG_LENGTH == 0:
+ self.log_read_data_o.eq(0)
+ self.log_write_addr_o.eq(0x00000001)
+ return m
+ # TODO: debug logging
+ """
+ maybe_log: with m.If(LOG_LENGTH > 0 generate
+ subtype log_ptr_t is unsigned(LOG_INDEX_BITS - 1 downto 0)
+ type log_array_t is array(0 to LOG_LENGTH - 1) of std_ulogic_vector(255 downto 0)
+ signal log_array : log_array_t
+ signal log_rd_ptr : log_ptr_t
+ signal log_wr_ptr : log_ptr_t
+ signal log_toggle = Signal()
+ signal log_wr_enable = Signal()
+ signal log_rd_ptr_latched : log_ptr_t
+ signal log_rd = Signal()_vector(255 downto 0)
+ signal log_dmi_reading = Signal()
+ signal log_dmi_read_done = Signal()
+ function select_dword(data = Signal()_vector(255 downto 0)
+ addr = Signal()_vector(31 downto 0)) return std_ulogic_vector is
+ variable firstbit : integer
+ begin
+ firstbit := to_integer(unsigned(addr(1 downto 0))) * 64
+ return data(firstbit + 63 downto firstbit)
+ end
+ attribute ram_style : string
+ attribute ram_style of log_array : signal is "block"
+ attribute ram_decomp : string
+ attribute ram_decomp of log_array : signal is "power"
+ begin
+ # Use MSB of read addresses to stop the logging
+ log_wr_enable.eq(not (self.log_read_addr(31) or log_dmi_addr(31))
+ log_ram: process(clk)
+ begin
+ with m.If(rising_edge(clk)):
+ with m.If(log_wr_enable = '1'):
+ log_array(to_integer(log_wr_ptr)).eq(self.log_data
+ end if
+ log_rd.eq(log_array(to_integer(log_rd_ptr_latched))
+ end if
+ end process
+ log_buffer: process(clk)
+ variable b : integer
+ variable data = Signal()_vector(255 downto 0)
+ begin
+ with m.If(rising_edge(clk)):
+ with m.If(rst = '1'):
+ log_wr_ptr.eq((others => '0')
+ log_toggle.eq('0'
+ with m.Elif(log_wr_enable = '1'):
+ with m.If(log_wr_ptr = to_unsigned(LOG_LENGTH - 1, LOG_INDEX_BITS)):
+ log_toggle.eq(not log_toggle
+ end if
+ log_wr_ptr.eq(log_wr_ptr + 1
+ end if
+ with m.If(do_dmi_log_rd = '1'):
+ log_rd_ptr_latched.eq(unsigned(log_dmi_addr(LOG_INDEX_BITS + 1 downto 2))
+ else
+ log_rd_ptr_latched.eq(unsigned(self.log_read_addr(LOG_INDEX_BITS + 1 downto 2))
+ end if
+ with m.If(log_dmi_read_done = '1'):
+ log_dmi_data.eq(select_dword(log_rd, log_dmi_addr)
+ else
+ self.log_read_data.eq(select_dword(log_rd, self.log_read_addr)
+ end if
+ log_dmi_read_done.eq(log_dmi_reading
+ log_dmi_reading.eq(do_dmi_log_rd
+ end if
+ end process
+ self.log_write_addr(LOG_INDEX_BITS - 1 downto 0).eq(std_ulogic_vector(log_wr_ptr)
+ self.log_write_addr(LOG_INDEX_BITS).eq('1'
+ self.log_write_addr(31 downto LOG_INDEX_BITS + 1).eq((others => '0')
+ end generate
+ """
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield from self.dmi
+ yield self.core_stop_o
+ yield self.core_rst_o
+ yield self.icache_rst_o
+ yield self.terminate_i
+ yield self.core_stopped_i
+ yield from self.state
+ yield from self.d_gpr
+ yield from self.d_cr
+ yield from self.d_xer
+ yield self.log_data_i
+ yield self.log_read_addr_i
+ yield self.log_read_data_o
+ yield self.log_write_addr_o
+ yield self.terminated_o
+ def ports(self):
+ return list(self)
+def test_debug():
+ dut = CoreDebug()
+ vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
+ with open("test_core_debug.il", "w") as f:
+ f.write(vl)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_debug()