:param addr_width: width of the address bus
:param data_width: width of the data bus
:param we_width: number of write enable lines
+ .. note:: The debug read port is meant only to assist in formal proofs!
def __init__(self, addr_width, data_width, we_width):
self.addr_width = addr_width
""" read/write address"""
self.we = Signal(we_width)
"""write enable"""
+ self.dbg_a = Signal(addr_width)
+ """debug read port address"""
+ self.dbg_q = Signal(data_width)
+ """debug read port data"""
def elaborate(self, _):
m = Module()
# read and write data
m.d.comb += wrport.data.eq(self.d)
m.d.comb += self.q.eq(rdport.data)
+ # the debug port is an asynchronous read port, allowing direct access
+ # to a given memory location by the formal engine
+ m.submodules.dbgport = dbgport = mem.read_port(domain="comb")
+ m.d.comb += dbgport.addr.eq(self.dbg_a)
+ m.d.comb += self.dbg_q.eq(dbgport.data)
return m
def ports(self):
with m.If(we_mask[i]):
m.d.sync += Assert(d_reg == dut.q[i*gran:i*gran+gran])
- self.assertFormal(m, mode="bmc", depth=10)
+ # the following is needed for induction, where an unreachable state
+ # (memory and holding register differ) is turned into an illegal one
+ # first, get the value stored in our memory location, using its debug
+ # port
+ stored = Signal.like(dut.q)
+ m.d.comb += dut.dbg_a.eq(a_const)
+ m.d.comb += stored.eq(dut.dbg_q)
+ # now, ensure that the value stored in memory is always in sync
+ # with the holding register
+ with m.If(wrote):
+ for i in range(len(dut.we)):
+ with m.If(we_mask[i]):
+ m.d.sync += Assert(d_reg == stored[i*gran:i*gran+gran])
+ self.assertFormal(m, mode="prove", depth=2)
if __name__ == "__main__":