--- /dev/null
+# Utilities for Jacob Lifshay's build server for Libre-SOC
+## Programming the FPGA from your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file
+Add the gitlab-build-utils branch of utils.git to your repo:
+git submodule add -b gitlab-build-utils https://git.libre-soc.org/git/utils.git gitlab-build-utils
+Add the environment variable override to the `build` `before_script` section of your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file:
+ stage: build
+ before_script:
+ - export XC3SPROG="$PWD/gitlab-build-utils/program-fpga.py"
+Use the `ArtyA7_100Platform` from `nmigen_boards`:
+from nmigen_boards.arty_a7 import ArtyA7_100Platform
+from nmigen_boards.test.blinky import Blinky
+platform = ArtyA7_100Platform(toolchain="yosys_nextpnr")
+platform.build(Blinky(), do_program=True)
+## Setting up the build server
+Switch to the root user:
+sudo -H -u root bash
+Install `xc3sprog`:
+apt update
+apt install xc3sprog
+Clone https://git.libre-soc.org/git/utils.git and checkout the
+gitlab-build-utils branch:
+git clone -b gitlab-build-utils https://git.libre-soc.org/git/utils.git gitlab-build-utils
+Install `program-fpga.py`:
+cd gitlab-build-utils
+install program-fpga.py /usr/local/bin/
+Install the systemd service:
+systemctl enable `realpath program-fpga.socket program-fpga.service`
+Start the systemd socket (only needed right after installation,
+it should start automatically on next reboot):
+systemctl start program-fpga.socket
+Add it to the `runners.runners.docker.volumes` key in `gitlab-runner`'s
+config file `/etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml`:
+ ...
+ [runners.docker]
+ ...
+ volumes = ["/cache", "/run/program-fpga.sock:/arty-prog-socket"]
+Press Ctrl+D to exit the root shell.
+Test it locally:
+touch empty.bit
+ARTY_PROG_SOCKET=/run/program-fpga.sock program-fpga.py -c nexys4 empty.bit
+It should output something like this (error because an empty file isn't
+something it can program to the fpga):
+xc3sprog -c nexys4 last.bit
+XC3SPROG (c) 2004-2011 xc3sprog project $Rev$ OS: Linux
+Free software: If you contribute nothing, expect nothing!
+Feedback on success/failure/enhancement requests:
+ http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=170565
+Check Sourceforge for updates:
+ http://sourceforge.net/projects/xc3sprog/develop
+Using Libftdi,
+Unknown error
+Test it through gitlab-ci:
+Go to https://salsa.debian.org/Kazan-team/mirrors/utils/-/tree/gitlab-build-utils
+Go to the latest commit, click on the link to the pipeline, click on the retry button on the build button, it looks like:
+Wait until the job completes, it should be successful, with the last few lines being where the fpga is programmed:
+xc3sprog -c nexys4 last.bit
+XC3SPROG (c) 2004-2011 xc3sprog project $Rev$ OS: Linux
+Free software: If you contribute nothing, expect nothing!
+Feedback on success/failure/enhancement requests:
+ http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=170565
+Check Sourceforge for updates:
+ http://sourceforge.net/projects/xc3sprog/develop
+Using Libftdi,
+Saving cache for successful job
\ No newline at end of file