msk = self.msk
-# m := (others => '0');
- # TODO value should be vhdl (others => '0') in nmigen
- comb += msk.eq(0)
# for i in 0 to 43 loop
for i in range(44):
# if i < to_integer(r.shift) then
# addr := r.addr;
# tlb_data := (others => '0');
comb += addr.eq(r.addr)
- comb += tlb_data.eq('''TODO ()others => '0') ''')
# elsif tlb_load = '1' then
with m.If(tlb_load):
# addr := r.addr(63 downto 12) & x"000";
# addr := prtable_addr;
# tlb_data := (others => '0');
comb += addr.eq(prtable_addr)
- comb += tlb_data.eq('''TODO (others => '0')''')
# else
with m.Else():
# addr := pgtable_addr;
# tlb_data := (others => '0');
comb += addr.eq(pgtable_addr)
- comb += tlb_data.eq('''TODO (others => '0')''')
# end if;
# l_out.done <= r.done;