def ports(self):
return list(self)
-# The shifting of control bits in the configuration word is dependent on the
-# defined layout. To prevent maintaining the shift constants in a separate
-# location, the same layout is used to generate a dictionary of bit shifts
-# with which the configuration word can be produced!
-def create_shift_dict():
- shift = 0
- shift_dict = {}
- for i in range(0, len(csrbus_layout)):
- shift_dict[csrbus_layout[i][0]] = shift
- shift += csrbus_layout[i][1]
- print(shift_dict)
- return shift_dict
-def config_to_csr(oe, ie, puen, pden, outval, bank):
- shift_dict = create_shift_dict()
- csr_val = ( (oe << shift_dict['oe'])
- | (ie << shift_dict['ie'])
- | (puen << shift_dict['puen'])
- | (pden << shift_dict['pden'])
- | (outval << shift_dict['io'])
- | (bank << shift_dict['bank']) )
- print("Created CSR value: {0:x}".format(csr_val))
- return csr_val # return the config state
# TODO: probably make into class (or return state in a variable)
-def gpio_config(dut, gpio, oe, ie, puen, pden, outval, bank, gpio_end=-1, check=False, wordsize=4):
- csr_val = config_to_csr(oe, ie, puen, pden, outval, bank)
- if gpio_end == -1:
- # Single gpio configure
- print("Configuring GPIO{0} CSR to {1:x}".format(gpio, csr_val))
- yield from wb_write(dut.bus, gpio, csr_val)
- yield # Allow one clk cycle to propagate
- else:
- if gpio > gpio_end:
- print("ERROR! Last GPIO given {0} is lower than the start GPIO {1}"
- .format(gpio_end, gpio))
- #exit()
- else:
- single_csr = csr_val
- n_gpios = gpio_end - gpio + 1
- n_rows = ceil(n_gpios / wordsize)
- print("Num of GPIOs: {0}, Num of rows: {1}".format(n_gpios, n_rows))
- curr_gpio = gpio
- start_addr = floor(gpio / wordsize)
- for row in range(0, n_rows):
- temp = 0
- start_byte = curr_gpio % wordsize
- for byte in range(start_byte, wordsize):
- if curr_gpio > n_gpios:
- break
- temp += single_csr << (8 * byte)
- curr_gpio += 1
- print("Configuring CSR to {0:x} to addr: {1:x}"
- .format(temp, start_addr+row))
- yield from wb_write(dut.bus, start_addr+row, temp)
- yield # Allow one clk cycle to propagate
- if(check):
- # Check the written value
- test_csr = yield from gpio_rd_csr(dut, gpio)
- assert test_csr == csr_val
- return csr_val # return the config state
# Not used normally - only for debug
def reg_write(dut, gpio, reg_val):
print("Configuring CSR to {0:x}".format(reg_val))
yield from wb_write(dut.bus, gpio, reg_val)
# TODO: Return the configuration states
-def gpio_rd_csr(dut, gpio):
- shift_dict = create_shift_dict()
- csr_val = yield from wb_read(dut.bus, gpio)
- print("GPIO{0} | CSR: {1:x}".format(gpio, csr_val))
- print("Output Enable: {0:b}".format((csr_val >> shift_dict['oe']) & 1))
- print("Input Enable: {0:b}".format((csr_val >> shift_dict['ie']) & 1))
- print("Pull-Up Enable: {0:b}".format((csr_val >> shift_dict['puen']) & 1))
- print("Pull-Down Enable: {0:b}".format((csr_val >> shift_dict['pden']) & 1))
- if ((csr_val >> shift_dict['oe']) & 1):
- print("Output: {0:b}".format((csr_val >> shift_dict['io']) & 1))
- else:
- print("Input: {0:b}".format((csr_val >> shift_dict['io']) & 1))
- bank_mask = (2**NUMBANKBITS)-1
- print("Bank: {0:b}".format((csr_val >> shift_dict['bank']) & bank_mask))
- return csr_val
def gpio_rd_input(dut, gpio):
in_val = yield from wb_read(dut.bus, gpio)
bank, check=True)
+# TODO:
+class GPIOConfigReg():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.oe=0
+ self.puen=0
+ self.pden=0
+ def set(self, oe=0, ie=0, puen=0, pden=0, outval=0, bank=0):
+ self.oe=oe
+ self.puen=puen
+ self.pden=pden
+# Object for storing each gpio's config state
+class GPIOManager():
+ def __init__(self, dut, layout):
+ self.dut = dut
+ # arrangement of config bits making up csr word
+ self.csr_layout = layout
+ self.shift_dict = self._create_shift_dict()
+ self.n_gpios = len(self.dut.gpio_ports)
+ print(dir(self.dut))
+ # Since GPIO HDL block already has wordsize parameter, use directly
+ # Alternatively, can derive from WB data r/w buses (div by 8 for bytes)
+ #self.wordsize = len(self.dut.gpio_wb__dat_w) / 8
+ self.wordsize = self.dut.wordsize
+ self.n_rows = ceil(self.n_gpios / self.wordsize)
+ self.shadow_csr = []
+ for i in range(self.n_gpios):
+ self.shadow_csr.append(GPIOConfigReg())
+ # The shifting of control bits in the configuration word is dependent on the
+ # defined layout. To prevent maintaining the shift constants in a separate
+ # location, the same layout is used to generate a dictionary of bit shifts
+ # with which the configuration word can be produced!
+ def _create_shift_dict(self):
+ shift = 0
+ shift_dict = {}
+ for i in range(0, len(self.csr_layout)):
+ shift_dict[self.csr_layout[i][0]] = shift
+ shift += self.csr_layout[i][1]
+ print(shift_dict)
+ return shift_dict
+ def _parse_gpio_arg(self, gpio_str):
+ # TODO: No input checking!
+ print("Given GPIO/range string: {}".format(gpio_str))
+ if gpio_str == "all":
+ start = 0
+ end = self.n_gpios
+ elif '-' in gpio_str:
+ start, end = gpio_str.split('-')
+ start = int(start)
+ end = int(end) + 1
+ if (end < start) or (end > self.n_gpios):
+ raise Exception("Second GPIO must be higher than first and"
+ + " must be lower or equal to last available GPIO.")
+ else:
+ start = int(gpio_str)
+ if start >= self.n_gpios:
+ raise Exception("GPIO must be less/equal to last GPIO.")
+ end = start + 1
+ print("Setting config for GPIOs {0} until {1}".format(start, end))
+ return start, end
+ # Take config parameters of specified GPIOs, and combine them to produce
+ # bytes for sending via WB bus
+ def _pack_csr(self, start, end):
+ #start, end = self._parse_gpio_arg(gpio_str)
+ num_csr = end-start
+ csr = [0] * num_csr
+ for i in range(0, num_csr):
+ gpio = i + start
+ print("Pack: gpio{}".format(gpio))
+ csr[i] = ((self.shadow_csr[gpio].oe << self.shift_dict['oe'])
+ | (self.shadow_csr[gpio].ie << self.shift_dict['ie'])
+ | (self.shadow_csr[gpio].puen << self.shift_dict['puen'])
+ | (self.shadow_csr[gpio].pden << self.shift_dict['pden'])
+ | (self.shadow_csr[gpio].io << self.shift_dict['io'])
+ | (self.shadow_csr[gpio].bank << self.shift_dict['bank']))
+ print("GPIO{0} Packed CSR: {1:x}".format(gpio, csr[i]))
+ return csr # return the config byte list
+ def rd_csr(self, row_addr):
+ row_word = yield from wb_read(self.dut.bus, row_addr)
+ print("Returned CSR: {0:x}".format(row_word))
+ return row_word
+ def print_info(self):
+ print("----------")
+ print("GPIO Block Info:")
+ print("Number of GPIOs: {}".format(self.n_gpios))
+ print("WB Data bus width (in bytes): {}".format(self.wordsize))
+ print("Number of rows: {}".format(self.n_rows))
+ print("----------")
+ def config(self, gpio_str, oe, ie, puen, pden, outval, bank, check=False):
+ start, end = self._parse_gpio_arg(gpio_str)
+ # Update the shadow configuration
+ for gpio in range(start, end):
+ print(oe, ie, puen, pden, outval, bank)
+ self.shadow_csr[gpio].set(oe, ie, puen, pden, outval, bank)
+ # UPDATE using ALL shadow registers
+ csr = self._pack_csr(0, self.n_gpios)
+ #start_addr = floor(start / self.wordsize)
+ start_addr = 0
+ curr_gpio = 0
+ for row in range(0, self.n_rows):
+ row_word = 0
+ start_byte = curr_gpio % self.wordsize
+ for byte in range(start_byte, self.wordsize):
+ if curr_gpio > self.n_gpios:
+ break
+ #row_word += csr[byte] << (8 * byte)
+ row_word += csr[curr_gpio] << (8 * byte)
+ curr_gpio += 1
+ print("Configuring CSR to {0:x} to addr: {1:x}"
+ .format(row_word, start_addr+row))
+ yield from wb_write(self.dut.bus, start_addr+row, row_word)
+ yield # Allow one clk cycle to propagate
+ if(True): #check):
+ test_row = yield from self.rd_csr(start_addr+row)
+ assert row_word == test_row
def sim_gpio(dut, use_random=True):
- num_gpios = len(dut.gpio_ports)
- #if use_random:
- # bank = randint(0, (2**NUMBANKBITS)-1)
- # print("Random bank select: {0:b}".format(bank))
- #else:
- # bank = 3 # not special, chose for testing
- """
- oe = 1
- ie = 0
- output = 0
- puen = 0 # 1
- pden = 0
- gpio_csr = [0] * num_gpios
- # Configure GPIOs for
- for gpio in range(0, num_gpios):
- gpio_csr[gpio] = yield from gpio_config(dut, gpio, oe, ie, puen,
- pden, output, bank)
- # Set outputs
- output = 1
- for gpio in range(0, num_gpios):
- yield from gpio_set_out(dut, gpio, gpio_csr[gpio], output)
- # Read CSR
- for gpio in range(0, num_gpios):
- temp_csr = yield from gpio_rd_csr(dut, gpio)
- assert ((temp_csr>>IOSHIFT) & 1) == output
- # Configure for input
- oe = 0
- ie = 1
- for gpio in range(0, num_gpios):
- gpio_csr[gpio] = yield from gpio_config(dut, gpio, oe, ie, puen,
- pden, output, bank)
- temp = yield from gpio_rd_input(dut, gpio)
- assert temp == 0
- yield from gpio_set_in_pad(dut, gpio, 1)
- temp = yield from gpio_rd_input(dut, gpio)
- assert temp == 1
+ gpios = GPIOManager(dut, csrbus_layout)
+ gpios.print_info()
# TODO: not working yet
#test_pattern = []
#for i in range(0, (num_gpios * 2)):
# test_pattern.append(randint(0,1))
#yield from gpio_test_in_pattern(dut, test_pattern)
- """
- #yield from test_gpio_single(dut, 0, use_random)
- #yield from test_gpio_single(dut, 1, use_random)
- oe = 1
- ie = 0
- puen = 0
- pden = 1
- outval = 1
- bank = 2
- start_gpio = 1
- end_gpio = 6
- yield from gpio_config(dut, start_gpio, oe, ie, puen, pden, outval, bank, end_gpio, check=False, wordsize=4)
+ #yield from gpio_config(dut, start_gpio, oe, ie, puen, pden, outval, bank, end_gpio, check=False, wordsize=4)
#reg_val = 0xC56271A2
#reg_val = 0xFFFFFFFF
#yield from reg_write(dut, 0, reg_val)
sim = Simulator(m)
- sim.add_sync_process(wrap(sim_gpio(dut, use_random=False)))
+ #sim.add_sync_process(wrap(sim_gpio(dut, use_random=False)))
+ sim.add_sync_process(wrap(test_gpioman(dut)))
sim_writer = sim.write_vcd('test_gpio.vcd')
with sim_writer:
+def test_gpioman(dut):
+ gpios = GPIOManager(dut, csrbus_layout)
+ gpios.print_info()
+ #gpios._parse_gpio_arg("all")
+ #gpios._parse_gpio_arg("0")
+ #gpios._parse_gpio_arg("1-3")
+ #gpios._parse_gpio_arg("20")
+ oe = 1
+ ie = 0
+ puen = 0
+ pden = 1
+ outval = 0
+ bank = 3
+ yield from gpios.config("0-3", oe=1, ie=0, puen=0, pden=1, outval=0, bank=2)
+ ie = 1
+ yield from gpios.config("4-7", oe=0, ie=1, puen=0, pden=1, outval=0, bank=2)
if __name__ == '__main__':