--- /dev/null
+"""JTAG interface
+using Staf Verhaegen (Chips4Makers) wishbone TAP
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from nmigen import (Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Cat)
+from nmigen.cli import rtlil
+from c4m.nmigen.jtag.tap import IOType
+from soc.debug.dmi import DMIInterface, DBGCore
+from soc.debug.dmi2jtag import DMITAP
+# map from pinmux to c4m jtag iotypes
+iotypes = {'-': IOType.In,
+ '+': IOType.Out,
+ '>': IOType.TriOut,
+ '*': IOType.InTriOut,
+ }
+scanlens = {IOType.In: 1,
+ IOType.Out: 1,
+ IOType.TriOut: 2,
+ IOType.InTriOut: 3,
+ }
+def dummy_pinset():
+ # sigh this needs to come from pinmux.
+ gpios = []
+ for i in range(16):
+ gpios.append("%d*" % i)
+ return {'uart': ['tx+', 'rx-'],
+ 'gpio': gpios,
+ 'i2c': ['sda*', 'scl+']}
+# TODO: move to suitable location
+class Pins:
+ """declare a list of pins, including name and direction. grouped by fn
+ the pin dictionary needs to be in a reliable order so that the JTAG
+ Boundary Scan is also in a reliable order
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pindict):
+ self.io_names = OrderedDict()
+ if isinstance(pindict, OrderedDict):
+ self.io_names.update(pindict)
+ else:
+ keys = list(pindict.keys())
+ keys.sort()
+ for k in keys:
+ self.io_names[k] = pindict[k]
+ def __iter__(self):
+ # start parsing io_names and enumerate them to return pin specs
+ scan_idx = 0
+ for fn, pins in self.io_names.items():
+ for pin in pins:
+ # decode the pin name and determine the c4m jtag io type
+ name, pin_type = pin[:-1], pin[-1]
+ iotype = iotypes[pin_type]
+ pin_name = "%s_%s" % (fn, name)
+ yield (fn, name, iotype, pin_name, scan_idx)
+ scan_idx += scanlens[iotype] # inc boundary reg scan offset
+class JTAG(DMITAP, Pins):
+ # 32-bit data width here so that it matches with litex
+ def __init__(self, pinset, domain, wb_data_wid=32):
+ self.domain = domain
+ DMITAP.__init__(self, ir_width=4)
+ Pins.__init__(self, pinset)
+ # enumerate pin specs and create IOConn Records.
+ # we store the boundary scan register offset in the IOConn record
+ self.ios = [] # these are enumerated in external_ports
+ self.scan_len = 0
+ for fn, pin, iotype, pin_name, scan_idx in list(self):
+ io = self.add_io(iotype=iotype, name=pin_name)
+ io._scan_idx = scan_idx # hmm shouldn't really do this
+ self.scan_len += scan_idx # record full length of boundary scan
+ self.ios.append(io)
+ # this is redundant. or maybe part of testing, i don't know.
+ self.sr = self.add_shiftreg(ircode=4, length=3,
+ domain=domain)
+ # create and connect wishbone
+ self.wb = self.add_wishbone(ircodes=[5, 6, 7], features={'err'},
+ address_width=30, data_width=wb_data_wid,
+ granularity=8, # 8-bit wide
+ name="jtag_wb",
+ domain=domain)
+ # create DMI2JTAG (goes through to dmi_sim())
+ self.dmi = self.add_dmi(ircodes=[8, 9, 10],
+ domain=domain)
+ # use this for enable/disable of parts of the ASIC.
+ # XXX make sure to add the _en sig to en_sigs list
+ self.wb_icache_en = Signal(reset=1)
+ self.wb_dcache_en = Signal(reset=1)
+ self.wb_sram_en = Signal(reset=1)
+ self.en_sigs = en_sigs = Cat(self.wb_icache_en, self.wb_dcache_en,
+ self.wb_sram_en)
+ self.sr_en = self.add_shiftreg(ircode=11, length=len(en_sigs),
+ domain=domain)
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = super().elaborate(platform)
+ m.d.comb += self.sr.i.eq(self.sr.o) # loopback as part of test?
+ # provide way to enable/disable wishbone caches and SRAM
+ # just in case of issues
+ # see https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=520
+ with m.If(self.sr_en.oe):
+ m.d.sync += self.en_sigs.eq(self.sr_en.o)
+ # also make it possible to read the enable/disable current state
+ with m.If(self.sr_en.ie):
+ m.d.comb += self.sr_en.i.eq(self.en_sigs)
+ # create a fake "stall"
+ #wb = self.wb
+ #m.d.comb += wb.stall.eq(wb.cyc & ~wb.ack) # No burst support
+ return m
+ def external_ports(self):
+ """create a list of ports that goes into the top level il (or verilog)
+ """
+ ports = super().external_ports() # gets JTAG signal names
+ ports += list(self.wb.fields.values()) # wishbone signals
+ for io in self.ios:
+ ports += list(io.core.fields.values()) # io "core" signals
+ ports += list(io.pad.fields.values()) # io "pad" signals"
+ return ports
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ pinset = dummy_pinset()
+ dut = JTAG(pinset)
+ vl = rtlil.convert(dut)
+ with open("test_jtag.il", "w") as f:
+ f.write(vl)