with m.If((z.e == z.N126) & (z.m[0:] == 0)):
m.d.sync += z.s.eq(0)
+ def pack(self, m, z, next_state):
+ m.next = next_state
+ # if overflow occurs, return inf
+ with m.If(z.is_overflowed()):
+ m.d.sync += z.inf(0)
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.sync += z.create(z.s, z.e, z.m)
def get_fragment(self, platform=None):
m = Module()
# pack stage
with m.State("pack"):
- m.next = "put_z"
- # if overflow occurs, return inf
- with m.If(z.is_overflowed()):
- m.d.sync += z.inf(0)
- with m.Else():
- m.d.sync += z.create(z.s, z.e, z.m)
+ self.pack(m, z, "put_z")
# ******
# put_z stage