comb = m.d.comb
m.submodules.gtc = gtc = GTCombiner(self.mwidth)
- # make a series of "eqs" and "gts", splitting a and b into partition chunks
+ # make a series of "eqs" and "gts", splitting a and b into
+ # partition chunks
eqs = Signal(self.mwidth, reset_less=True)
eql = []
gts = Signal(self.mwidth, reset_less=True)
comb += eqs.eq(Cat(*eql))
comb += gts.eq(Cat(*gtl))
- # Signal to control the constant injected into the partition next to a closed gate
+ # control the constant injected into the partition
+ # next to a closed gate
aux_input = Signal()
- # Signal to enable or disable the gt input for the gt partition combiner
+ # enable or disable the gt input for the gt partition combiner
gt_en = Signal()
with m.Switch(self.opcode):
comb += gtc.gt_en.eq(gt_en)
comb += self.output.eq(gtc.outputs)
return m