--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import Module, Signal
+from nmigen.back.pysim import Simulator, Delay, Settle
+from nmutil.formaltest import FHDLTestCase
+from nmigen.cli import rtlil
+import unittest
+from soc.decoder.power_decoder import create_pdecode
+from soc.decoder.power_decoder2 import PowerDecode2
+from soc.decoder.isa.all import ISA
+from soc.decoder.power_enums import Function
+from soc.simple.core import NonProductionCore
+from soc.experiment.compalu_multi import find_ok # hack
+# test with ALU data
+from soc.fu.alu.test.test_pipe_caller import TestCase, ALUTestCase, test_data
+def set_cu_input(cu, idx, data):
+ rdop = cu.get_in_name(idx)
+ yield cu.src_i[idx].eq(data)
+ while True:
+ rd_rel_o = yield cu.rd.rel[idx]
+ print ("rd_rel %d wait HI" % idx, rd_rel_o, rdop, hex(data))
+ if rd_rel_o:
+ break
+ yield
+ yield cu.rd.go[idx].eq(1)
+ while True:
+ yield
+ rd_rel_o = yield cu.rd.rel[idx]
+ if rd_rel_o:
+ break
+ print ("rd_rel %d wait HI" % idx, rd_rel_o)
+ yield
+ yield cu.rd.go[idx].eq(0)
+ yield cu.src_i[idx].eq(0)
+def get_cu_output(cu, idx, code):
+ wrmask = yield cu.wrmask
+ wrop = cu.get_out_name(idx)
+ wrok = cu.get_out(idx)
+ fname = find_ok(wrok.fields)
+ wrok = yield getattr(wrok, fname)
+ print ("wr_rel mask", repr(code), idx, wrop, bin(wrmask), fname, wrok)
+ assert wrmask & (1<<idx), \
+ "get_cu_output '%s': mask bit %d not set\n" \
+ "write-operand '%s' Data.ok likely not set (%s)" \
+ % (code, idx, wrop, hex(wrok))
+ while True:
+ wr_relall_o = yield cu.wr.rel
+ wr_rel_o = yield cu.wr.rel[idx]
+ print ("wr_rel %d wait" % idx, hex(wr_relall_o), wr_rel_o)
+ if wr_rel_o:
+ break
+ yield
+ yield cu.wr.go[idx].eq(1)
+ yield Settle()
+ result = yield cu.dest[idx]
+ yield
+ yield cu.wr.go[idx].eq(0)
+ print ("result", repr(code), idx, wrop, wrok, hex(result))
+ return result
+def set_cu_inputs(cu, inp):
+ for idx, data in inp.items():
+ yield from set_cu_input(cu, idx, data)
+def set_issue(core, dec2, sim):
+ yield core.issue_i.eq(1)
+ yield
+ yield core.issue_i.eq(0)
+def wait_for_busy_clear(cu):
+ while True:
+ busy_o = yield cu.busy_o
+ if not busy_o:
+ break
+ print("busy",)
+ yield
+def get_cu_outputs(cu, code):
+ res = {}
+ for i in range(cu.n_dst):
+ wr_rel_o = yield cu.wr.rel[i]
+ if wr_rel_o:
+ result = yield from get_cu_output(cu, i, code)
+ wrop = cu.get_out_name(i)
+ print ("output", i, wrop, hex(result))
+ res[wrop] = result
+ return res
+def get_inp_indexed(cu, inp):
+ res = {}
+ for i in range(cu.n_src):
+ wrop = cu.get_in_name(i)
+ if wrop in inp:
+ res[i] = inp[wrop]
+ return res
+class TestRunner(FHDLTestCase):
+ def __init__(self, test_data):
+ super().__init__("run_all")
+ self.test_data = test_data
+ def run_all(self):
+ m = Module()
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ instruction = Signal(32)
+ m.submodules.core = core = NonProductionCore()
+ pdecode = core.pdecode
+ pdecode2 = core.pdecode2
+ comb += pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in.eq(instruction)
+ sim = Simulator(m)
+ sim.add_clock(1e-6)
+ def process():
+ yield core.issue_i.eq(0)
+ yield
+ for test in self.test_data:
+ print(test.name)
+ program = test.program
+ self.subTest(test.name)
+ sim = ISA(pdecode2, test.regs, test.sprs, 0)
+ gen = program.generate_instructions()
+ instructions = list(zip(gen, program.assembly.splitlines()))
+ index = sim.pc.CIA.value//4
+ while index < len(instructions):
+ ins, code = instructions[index]
+ print("0x{:X}".format(ins & 0xffffffff))
+ print(code)
+ # ask the decoder to decode this binary data (endian'd)
+ yield pdecode2.dec.bigendian.eq(0) # little / big?
+ yield instruction.eq(ins) # raw binary instr.
+ yield core.ivalid_i.eq(1)
+ yield Settle()
+ #fn_unit = yield pdecode2.e.fn_unit
+ #fuval = self.funit.value
+ #self.assertEqual(fn_unit & fuval, fuval)
+ # set operand and get inputs
+ yield from set_issue(core, pdecode2, sim)
+ yield Settle()
+ # set up INT regfile, "direct" write from sim data
+ for i in range(32):
+ yield core.regs.int.regs[i].reg.eq(test.regs[i])
+ yield from wait_for_busy_clear(core)
+ yield core.ivalid_i.eq(0)
+ print ("sim", code)
+ # call simulated operation
+ opname = code.split(' ')[0]
+ yield from sim.call(opname)
+ index = sim.pc.CIA.value//4
+ # int regs
+ intregs = []
+ for i in range(32):
+ rval = yield core.regs.int.regs[i].reg
+ intregs.append(rval)
+ print ("int regs", intregs)
+ if False:
+ yield Settle()
+ # get all outputs (one by one, just "because")
+ res = yield from get_cu_outputs(cu, code)
+ yield from self.iodef.check_cu_outputs(res, pdecode2,
+ sim, code)
+ sim.add_sync_process(process)
+ with sim.write_vcd("core_simulator.vcd", "core_simulator.gtkw",
+ traces=[]):
+ sim.run()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main(exit=False)
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ suite.addTest(TestRunner(test_data))
+ runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
+ runner.run(suite)