ports += [ClockSignal(), ResetSignal()]
return ports
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+def build_platform(fpga, firmware):
- # create a platform selected from the toolchain. defaults to VERSA_ECP5
- # only VERSA_ECP5 will work for now because of the DDR3 module
- fpga = "versa_ecp5"
- if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
- fpga = sys.argv[1]
+ # create a platform selected from the toolchain.
platform_kls = {'versa_ecp5': VersaECP5Platform,
'versa_ecp5_85': VersaECP5Platform85,
'ulx3s': ULX3S_85F_Platform,
if fpga == 'arty_a7':
clk_freq = 12e6
- # select a firmware file
- firmware = None
+ # select a firmware address
fw_addr = None
- if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
- firmware = sys.argv[2]
+ if firmware is not None:
fw_addr = 0x0000_0000
+ print ("fpga", fpga, "firmware", firmware)
# get UART resource pins
if platform is not None:
uart_pins = platform.request("uart", 0)
# Get HyperRAM pins
hyperram_pins = None
- if platform is not None and fpga in ['versa_ecp5', 'versa_ecp5_85']:
+ if platform is None or platform in ['isim']:
+ hyperram_pins = HyperRAMPads()
+ # Digilent Arty A7-100t
+ elif platform is not None and fpga in ['arty_a7']:
+ hyperram_ios = HyperRAMResource(0, cs_n="B11",
+ dq="D4 D3 F4 F3 G2 H2 D2 E2",
+ rwds="U13", rst_n="T13", ck_p="V10"
+ # ck_n="D12" - for later (DDR)
+ )
+ #attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33"))
+ platform.add_resources(hyperram_ios)
+ hyperram_pins = platform.request("hyperram")
+ print ("arty a7 hyperram", hyperram_ios)
+ elif platform is not None and fpga in ['versa_ecp5', 'versa_ecp5_85']:
hyperram_ios = HyperRAMResource(0, cs_n="B13",
dq="E14 C10 B10 E12 D12 A9 D11 D14",
rwds="C14", rst_n="E13", ck_p="D13",
hyperram_pins = platform.request("hyperram")
- else:
- hyperram_pins = HyperRAMPads()
+ print ("versa ecp5 hyperram", hyperram_ios)
# set up the SOC
soc = DDR3SoC(fpga=fpga, dram_cls=dram_cls,
with open("ls2.v", "w") as f:
+# urrr this gets exec()d by the build process without arguments
+# which screws up. use the arty_a7_ls2.py etc. with no arguments
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ fpga = None
+ firmware = None
+ if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
+ fpga = sys.argv[1]
+ if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
+ firmware = sys.argv[2]
+ build_platform(fpga, firmware)