sync += src_l.s.eq(Repl(issue_i, self.n_src))
sync += src_l.r.eq(reset_r)
- # alu latch
+ # alu latch. use sync-delay between alu_ok and valid to generate pulse
comb += alu_l.s.eq(reset_i)
- comb += alu_l.r.eq(alu_ok & ~rda_any)
+ comb += alu_l.r.eq(alu_ok & ~alu_valid & ~rda_any)
# addr latch
comb += adr_l.s.eq(reset_i)
# and one for the output from the ADD (for the EA)
addr_r = Signal(self.rwid, reset_less=True) # Effective Address Latch
- latchregister(m, alu_o, addr_r, alu_l.qn, "ea_r")
+ latchregister(m, alu_o, addr_r, alu_l.q, "ea_r")
# select either immediate or src2 if opcode says so
op_is_imm = oper_r.imm_data.imm_ok
comb += pi.op.eq(self.oper_i) # op details (not all needed)
# address
comb += # EA from adder
- comb += pi.addr.ok.eq(alu_valid) # "go do address stuff"
+ comb += pi.addr.ok.eq(alu_ok) # "go do address stuff"
comb += self.addr_exc_o.eq(pi.addr_exc_o) # exception occurred
comb += addr_ok.eq(self.pi.addr_ok_o) # no exc, address fine
# ld - ld gets latched in via lod_l