[mesa.git] / src / gallium / drivers / swr / rasterizer / scripts / mako / lexer.py
1 # mako/lexer.py
2 # Copyright (C) 2006-2015 the Mako authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
3 #
4 # This module is part of Mako and is released under
5 # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
7 """provides the Lexer class for parsing template strings into parse trees."""
9 import re
10 import codecs
11 from mako import parsetree, exceptions, compat
12 from mako.pygen import adjust_whitespace
14 _regexp_cache = {}
16 class Lexer(object):
17 def __init__(self, text, filename=None,
18 disable_unicode=False,
19 input_encoding=None, preprocessor=None):
20 self.text = text
21 self.filename = filename
22 self.template = parsetree.TemplateNode(self.filename)
23 self.matched_lineno = 1
24 self.matched_charpos = 0
25 self.lineno = 1
26 self.match_position = 0
27 self.tag = []
28 self.control_line = []
29 self.ternary_stack = []
30 self.disable_unicode = disable_unicode
31 self.encoding = input_encoding
33 if compat.py3k and disable_unicode:
34 raise exceptions.UnsupportedError(
35 "Mako for Python 3 does not "
36 "support disabling Unicode")
38 if preprocessor is None:
39 self.preprocessor = []
40 elif not hasattr(preprocessor, '__iter__'):
41 self.preprocessor = [preprocessor]
42 else:
43 self.preprocessor = preprocessor
45 @property
46 def exception_kwargs(self):
47 return {'source': self.text,
48 'lineno': self.matched_lineno,
49 'pos': self.matched_charpos,
50 'filename': self.filename}
52 def match(self, regexp, flags=None):
53 """compile the given regexp, cache the reg, and call match_reg()."""
55 try:
56 reg = _regexp_cache[(regexp, flags)]
57 except KeyError:
58 if flags:
59 reg = re.compile(regexp, flags)
60 else:
61 reg = re.compile(regexp)
62 _regexp_cache[(regexp, flags)] = reg
64 return self.match_reg(reg)
66 def match_reg(self, reg):
67 """match the given regular expression object to the current text
68 position.
70 if a match occurs, update the current text and line position.
72 """
74 mp = self.match_position
76 match = reg.match(self.text, self.match_position)
77 if match:
78 (start, end) = match.span()
79 if end == start:
80 self.match_position = end + 1
81 else:
82 self.match_position = end
83 self.matched_lineno = self.lineno
84 lines = re.findall(r"\n", self.text[mp:self.match_position])
85 cp = mp - 1
86 while (cp >= 0 and cp < self.textlength and self.text[cp] != '\n'):
87 cp -= 1
88 self.matched_charpos = mp - cp
89 self.lineno += len(lines)
90 #print "MATCHED:", match.group(0), "LINE START:",
91 # self.matched_lineno, "LINE END:", self.lineno
92 #print "MATCH:", regexp, "\n", self.text[mp : mp + 15], \
93 # (match and "TRUE" or "FALSE")
94 return match
96 def parse_until_text(self, *text):
97 startpos = self.match_position
98 text_re = r'|'.join(text)
99 brace_level = 0
100 while True:
101 match = self.match(r'#.*\n')
102 if match:
103 continue
104 match = self.match(r'(\"\"\"|\'\'\'|\"|\')((?<!\\)\\\1|.)*?\1',
105 re.S)
106 if match:
107 continue
108 match = self.match(r'(%s)' % text_re)
109 if match:
110 if match.group(1) == '}' and brace_level > 0:
111 brace_level -= 1
112 continue
113 return \
114 self.text[startpos:
115 self.match_position - len(match.group(1))],\
116 match.group(1)
117 match = self.match(r"(.*?)(?=\"|\'|#|%s)" % text_re, re.S)
118 if match:
119 brace_level += match.group(1).count('{')
120 brace_level -= match.group(1).count('}')
121 continue
122 raise exceptions.SyntaxException(
123 "Expected: %s" %
124 ','.join(text),
125 **self.exception_kwargs)
127 def append_node(self, nodecls, *args, **kwargs):
128 kwargs.setdefault('source', self.text)
129 kwargs.setdefault('lineno', self.matched_lineno)
130 kwargs.setdefault('pos', self.matched_charpos)
131 kwargs['filename'] = self.filename
132 node = nodecls(*args, **kwargs)
133 if len(self.tag):
134 self.tag[-1].nodes.append(node)
135 else:
136 self.template.nodes.append(node)
137 # build a set of child nodes for the control line
138 # (used for loop variable detection)
139 # also build a set of child nodes on ternary control lines
140 # (used for determining if a pass needs to be auto-inserted
141 if self.control_line:
142 control_frame = self.control_line[-1]
143 control_frame.nodes.append(node)
144 if not (isinstance(node, parsetree.ControlLine) and
145 control_frame.is_ternary(node.keyword)):
146 if self.ternary_stack and self.ternary_stack[-1]:
147 self.ternary_stack[-1][-1].nodes.append(node)
148 if isinstance(node, parsetree.Tag):
149 if len(self.tag):
150 node.parent = self.tag[-1]
151 self.tag.append(node)
152 elif isinstance(node, parsetree.ControlLine):
153 if node.isend:
154 self.control_line.pop()
155 self.ternary_stack.pop()
156 elif node.is_primary:
157 self.control_line.append(node)
158 self.ternary_stack.append([])
159 elif self.control_line and \
160 self.control_line[-1].is_ternary(node.keyword):
161 self.ternary_stack[-1].append(node)
162 elif self.control_line and \
163 not self.control_line[-1].is_ternary(node.keyword):
164 raise exceptions.SyntaxException(
165 "Keyword '%s' not a legal ternary for keyword '%s'" %
166 (node.keyword, self.control_line[-1].keyword),
167 **self.exception_kwargs)
169 _coding_re = re.compile(r'#.*coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+).*\r?\n')
171 def decode_raw_stream(self, text, decode_raw, known_encoding, filename):
172 """given string/unicode or bytes/string, determine encoding
173 from magic encoding comment, return body as unicode
174 or raw if decode_raw=False
176 """
177 if isinstance(text, compat.text_type):
178 m = self._coding_re.match(text)
179 encoding = m and m.group(1) or known_encoding or 'ascii'
180 return encoding, text
182 if text.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8):
183 text = text[len(codecs.BOM_UTF8):]
184 parsed_encoding = 'utf-8'
185 m = self._coding_re.match(text.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
186 if m is not None and m.group(1) != 'utf-8':
187 raise exceptions.CompileException(
188 "Found utf-8 BOM in file, with conflicting "
189 "magic encoding comment of '%s'" % m.group(1),
190 text.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'),
191 0, 0, filename)
192 else:
193 m = self._coding_re.match(text.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
194 if m:
195 parsed_encoding = m.group(1)
196 else:
197 parsed_encoding = known_encoding or 'ascii'
199 if decode_raw:
200 try:
201 text = text.decode(parsed_encoding)
202 except UnicodeDecodeError:
203 raise exceptions.CompileException(
204 "Unicode decode operation of encoding '%s' failed" %
205 parsed_encoding,
206 text.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'),
207 0, 0, filename)
209 return parsed_encoding, text
211 def parse(self):
212 self.encoding, self.text = self.decode_raw_stream(self.text,
213 not self.disable_unicode,
214 self.encoding,
215 self.filename,)
217 for preproc in self.preprocessor:
218 self.text = preproc(self.text)
220 # push the match marker past the
221 # encoding comment.
222 self.match_reg(self._coding_re)
224 self.textlength = len(self.text)
226 while (True):
227 if self.match_position > self.textlength:
228 break
230 if self.match_end():
231 break
232 if self.match_expression():
233 continue
234 if self.match_control_line():
235 continue
236 if self.match_comment():
237 continue
238 if self.match_tag_start():
239 continue
240 if self.match_tag_end():
241 continue
242 if self.match_python_block():
243 continue
244 if self.match_text():
245 continue
247 if self.match_position > self.textlength:
248 break
249 raise exceptions.CompileException("assertion failed")
251 if len(self.tag):
252 raise exceptions.SyntaxException("Unclosed tag: <%%%s>" %
253 self.tag[-1].keyword,
254 **self.exception_kwargs)
255 if len(self.control_line):
256 raise exceptions.SyntaxException(
257 "Unterminated control keyword: '%s'" %
258 self.control_line[-1].keyword,
259 self.text,
260 self.control_line[-1].lineno,
261 self.control_line[-1].pos, self.filename)
262 return self.template
264 def match_tag_start(self):
265 match = self.match(r'''
266 \<% # opening tag
268 ([\w\.\:]+) # keyword
270 ((?:\s+\w+|\s*=\s*|".*?"|'.*?')*) # attrname, = \
271 # sign, string expression
273 \s* # more whitespace
275 (/)?> # closing
277 ''',
279 re.I | re.S | re.X)
281 if match:
282 keyword, attr, isend = match.groups()
283 self.keyword = keyword
284 attributes = {}
285 if attr:
286 for att in re.findall(
287 r"\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(?:'([^']*)'|\"([^\"]*)\")", attr):
288 key, val1, val2 = att
289 text = val1 or val2
290 text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n')
291 attributes[key] = text
292 self.append_node(parsetree.Tag, keyword, attributes)
293 if isend:
294 self.tag.pop()
295 else:
296 if keyword == 'text':
297 match = self.match(r'(.*?)(?=\</%text>)', re.S)
298 if not match:
299 raise exceptions.SyntaxException(
300 "Unclosed tag: <%%%s>" %
301 self.tag[-1].keyword,
302 **self.exception_kwargs)
303 self.append_node(parsetree.Text, match.group(1))
304 return self.match_tag_end()
305 return True
306 else:
307 return False
309 def match_tag_end(self):
310 match = self.match(r'\</%[\t ]*(.+?)[\t ]*>')
311 if match:
312 if not len(self.tag):
313 raise exceptions.SyntaxException(
314 "Closing tag without opening tag: </%%%s>" %
315 match.group(1),
316 **self.exception_kwargs)
317 elif self.tag[-1].keyword != match.group(1):
318 raise exceptions.SyntaxException(
319 "Closing tag </%%%s> does not match tag: <%%%s>" %
320 (match.group(1), self.tag[-1].keyword),
321 **self.exception_kwargs)
322 self.tag.pop()
323 return True
324 else:
325 return False
327 def match_end(self):
328 match = self.match(r'\Z', re.S)
329 if match:
330 string = match.group()
331 if string:
332 return string
333 else:
334 return True
335 else:
336 return False
338 def match_text(self):
339 match = self.match(r"""
340 (.*?) # anything, followed by:
341 (
342 (?<=\n)(?=[ \t]*(?=%|\#\#)) # an eval or line-based
343 # comment preceded by a
344 # consumed newline and whitespace
345 |
346 (?=\${) # an expression
347 |
348 (?=</?[%&]) # a substitution or block or call start or end
349 # - don't consume
350 |
351 (\\\r?\n) # an escaped newline - throw away
352 |
353 \Z # end of string
354 )""", re.X | re.S)
356 if match:
357 text = match.group(1)
358 if text:
359 self.append_node(parsetree.Text, text)
360 return True
361 else:
362 return False
364 def match_python_block(self):
365 match = self.match(r"<%(!)?")
366 if match:
367 line, pos = self.matched_lineno, self.matched_charpos
368 text, end = self.parse_until_text(r'%>')
369 # the trailing newline helps
370 # compiler.parse() not complain about indentation
371 text = adjust_whitespace(text) + "\n"
372 self.append_node(
373 parsetree.Code,
374 text,
375 match.group(1) == '!', lineno=line, pos=pos)
376 return True
377 else:
378 return False
380 def match_expression(self):
381 match = self.match(r"\${")
382 if match:
383 line, pos = self.matched_lineno, self.matched_charpos
384 text, end = self.parse_until_text(r'\|', r'}')
385 if end == '|':
386 escapes, end = self.parse_until_text(r'}')
387 else:
388 escapes = ""
389 text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n')
390 self.append_node(
391 parsetree.Expression,
392 text, escapes.strip(),
393 lineno=line, pos=pos)
394 return True
395 else:
396 return False
398 def match_control_line(self):
399 match = self.match(
400 r"(?<=^)[\t ]*(%(?!%)|##)[\t ]*((?:(?:\\r?\n)|[^\r\n])*)"
401 r"(?:\r?\n|\Z)", re.M)
402 if match:
403 operator = match.group(1)
404 text = match.group(2)
405 if operator == '%':
406 m2 = re.match(r'(end)?(\w+)\s*(.*)', text)
407 if not m2:
408 raise exceptions.SyntaxException(
409 "Invalid control line: '%s'" %
410 text,
411 **self.exception_kwargs)
412 isend, keyword = m2.group(1, 2)
413 isend = (isend is not None)
415 if isend:
416 if not len(self.control_line):
417 raise exceptions.SyntaxException(
418 "No starting keyword '%s' for '%s'" %
419 (keyword, text),
420 **self.exception_kwargs)
421 elif self.control_line[-1].keyword != keyword:
422 raise exceptions.SyntaxException(
423 "Keyword '%s' doesn't match keyword '%s'" %
424 (text, self.control_line[-1].keyword),
425 **self.exception_kwargs)
426 self.append_node(parsetree.ControlLine, keyword, isend, text)
427 else:
428 self.append_node(parsetree.Comment, text)
429 return True
430 else:
431 return False
433 def match_comment(self):
434 """matches the multiline version of a comment"""
435 match = self.match(r"<%doc>(.*?)</%doc>", re.S)
436 if match:
437 self.append_node(parsetree.Comment, match.group(1))
438 return True
439 else:
440 return False