added more code to shader compiler and split into seperate files
[kazan.git] / shader-compiler / src /
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
2 // Copyright 2018 Jacob Lifshay
4 extern crate shader_compiler_backend;
5 extern crate spirv_parser;
7 mod parsed_shader_compile;
8 mod parsed_shader_create;
10 use parsed_shader_compile::ParsedShaderCompile;
11 use shader_compiler_backend::Module;
12 use spirv_parser::{BuiltIn, Decoration, ExecutionMode, ExecutionModel, IdRef, Instruction};
13 use std::cell::RefCell;
14 use std::collections::HashSet;
15 use std::fmt;
16 use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
17 use std::iter;
18 use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
19 use std::rc::Rc;
21 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
22 pub enum CompiledFunctionKey {
23 ComputeShaderEntrypoint,
24 }
26 pub struct Context {
27 types: pointer_type::ContextTypes,
28 next_struct_id: usize,
29 }
31 impl Default for Context {
32 fn default() -> Context {
33 Context {
34 types: Default::default(),
35 next_struct_id: 0,
36 }
37 }
38 }
40 mod pointer_type {
41 use super::{Context, Type};
42 use std::cell::RefCell;
43 use std::fmt;
44 use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
45 use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
47 #[derive(Default)]
48 pub struct ContextTypes(Vec<Rc<Type>>);
50 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
51 enum PointerTypeState {
52 Void,
53 Normal(Weak<Type>),
54 Unresolved,
55 }
57 #[derive(Clone)]
58 pub struct PointerType {
59 pointee: RefCell<PointerTypeState>,
60 }
62 impl fmt::Debug for PointerType {
63 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
64 let mut state = f.debug_struct("PointerType");
65 if let PointerTypeState::Unresolved = *self.pointee.borrow() {
66 state.field("pointee", &PointerTypeState::Unresolved);
67 } else {
68 state.field("pointee", &self.pointee());
69 }
70 state.finish()
71 }
72 }
74 impl PointerType {
75 pub fn new(context: &mut Context, pointee: Option<Rc<Type>>) -> Self {
76 Self {
77 pointee: RefCell::new(match pointee {
78 Some(pointee) => {
79 let weak = Rc::downgrade(&pointee);
80 context.types.0.push(pointee);
81 PointerTypeState::Normal(weak)
82 }
83 None => PointerTypeState::Void,
84 }),
85 }
86 }
87 pub fn new_void() -> Self {
88 Self {
89 pointee: RefCell::new(PointerTypeState::Void),
90 }
91 }
92 pub fn unresolved() -> Self {
93 Self {
94 pointee: RefCell::new(PointerTypeState::Unresolved),
95 }
96 }
97 pub fn resolve(&self, context: &mut Context, new_pointee: Option<Rc<Type>>) {
98 let mut pointee = self.pointee.borrow_mut();
99 match &*pointee {
100 PointerTypeState::Unresolved => {}
101 _ => unreachable!("pointer already resolved"),
102 }
103 *pointee = Self::new(context, new_pointee).pointee.into_inner();
104 }
105 pub fn pointee(&self) -> Option<Rc<Type>> {
106 match *self.pointee.borrow() {
107 PointerTypeState::Normal(ref pointee) => Some(
108 pointee
109 .upgrade()
110 .expect("PointerType is not valid after the associated Context is dropped"),
111 ),
112 PointerTypeState::Void => None,
113 PointerTypeState::Unresolved => {
114 unreachable!("pointee() called on unresolved pointer")
115 }
116 }
117 }
118 }
120 impl PartialEq for PointerType {
121 fn eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
122 self.pointee() == rhs.pointee()
123 }
124 }
126 impl Eq for PointerType {}
128 impl Hash for PointerType {
129 fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) {
130 self.pointee().hash(hasher);
131 }
132 }
133 }
135 pub use pointer_type::PointerType;
137 #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
138 pub enum ScalarType {
139 I8,
140 U8,
141 I16,
142 U16,
143 I32,
144 U32,
145 I64,
146 U64,
147 F16,
148 F32,
149 F64,
150 Bool,
151 Pointer(PointerType),
152 }
154 #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
155 pub struct VectorType {
156 pub element: ScalarType,
157 pub element_count: usize,
158 }
160 #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
161 pub struct StructMember {
162 pub decorations: Vec<Decoration>,
163 pub member_type: Rc<Type>,
164 }
166 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
167 pub struct StructId(usize);
169 impl StructId {
170 pub fn new(context: &mut Context) -> Self {
171 let retval = StructId(context.next_struct_id);
172 context.next_struct_id += 1;
173 retval
174 }
175 }
177 #[derive(Clone)]
178 pub struct StructType {
179 pub id: StructId,
180 pub decorations: Vec<Decoration>,
181 pub members: Vec<StructMember>,
182 }
184 impl Eq for StructType {}
186 impl PartialEq for StructType {
187 fn eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
188 ==
189 }
190 }
192 impl Hash for StructType {
193 fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, h: &mut H) {
195 }
196 }
198 impl fmt::Debug for StructType {
199 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
200 thread_local! {
201 static CURRENTLY_FORMATTING: RefCell<HashSet<StructId>> = RefCell::new(HashSet::new());
202 }
203 struct CurrentlyFormatting {
204 id: StructId,
205 was_formatting: bool,
206 }
207 impl CurrentlyFormatting {
208 fn new(id: StructId) -> Self {
209 let was_formatting = CURRENTLY_FORMATTING
210 .with(|currently_formatting| !currently_formatting.borrow_mut().insert(id));
211 Self { id, was_formatting }
212 }
213 }
214 impl Drop for CurrentlyFormatting {
215 fn drop(&mut self) {
216 if !self.was_formatting {
217 CURRENTLY_FORMATTING.with(|currently_formatting| {
218 currently_formatting.borrow_mut().remove(&;
219 });
220 }
221 }
222 }
223 let currently_formatting = CurrentlyFormatting::new(;
224 let mut state = f.debug_struct("StructType");
225 state.field("id", &;
226 if !currently_formatting.was_formatting {
227 state.field("decorations", &self.decorations);
228 state.field("members", &self.members);
229 }
230 state.finish()
231 }
232 }
234 #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
235 pub struct ArrayType {
236 pub decorations: Vec<Decoration>,
237 pub element: Rc<Type>,
238 pub element_count: Option<usize>,
239 }
241 #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
242 pub enum Type {
243 Scalar(ScalarType),
244 Vector(VectorType),
245 Struct(StructType),
246 Array(ArrayType),
247 }
249 impl Type {
250 pub fn is_pointer(&self) -> bool {
251 if let Type::Scalar(ScalarType::Pointer(_)) = self {
252 true
253 } else {
254 false
255 }
256 }
257 pub fn is_scalar(&self) -> bool {
258 if let Type::Scalar(_) = self {
259 true
260 } else {
261 false
262 }
263 }
264 pub fn is_vector(&self) -> bool {
265 if let Type::Vector(_) = self {
266 true
267 } else {
268 false
269 }
270 }
271 pub fn get_pointee(&self) -> Option<Rc<Type>> {
272 if let Type::Scalar(ScalarType::Pointer(pointer)) = self {
273 pointer.pointee()
274 } else {
275 unreachable!("not a pointer")
276 }
277 }
278 pub fn get_nonvoid_pointee(&self) -> Rc<Type> {
279 self.get_pointee().expect("void is not allowed here")
280 }
281 pub fn get_scalar(&self) -> &ScalarType {
282 if let Type::Scalar(scalar) = self {
283 scalar
284 } else {
285 unreachable!("not a scalar type")
286 }
287 }
288 pub fn get_vector(&self) -> &VectorType {
289 if let Type::Vector(vector) = self {
290 vector
291 } else {
292 unreachable!("not a vector type")
293 }
294 }
295 }
297 /// value that can be either defined or undefined
298 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
299 pub enum Undefable<T> {
300 Undefined,
301 Defined(T),
302 }
304 impl<T> Undefable<T> {
305 pub fn unwrap(self) -> T {
306 match self {
307 Undefable::Undefined => panic!("Undefable::unwrap called on Undefined"),
308 Undefable::Defined(v) => v,
309 }
310 }
311 }
313 impl<T> From<T> for Undefable<T> {
314 fn from(v: T) -> Undefable<T> {
315 Undefable::Defined(v)
316 }
317 }
319 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
320 pub enum ScalarConstant {
321 U8(Undefable<u8>),
322 U16(Undefable<u16>),
323 U32(Undefable<u32>),
324 U64(Undefable<u64>),
325 I8(Undefable<i8>),
326 I16(Undefable<i16>),
327 I32(Undefable<i32>),
328 I64(Undefable<i64>),
329 F16(Undefable<u16>),
330 F32(Undefable<f32>),
331 F64(Undefable<f64>),
332 Bool(Undefable<bool>),
333 }
335 macro_rules! define_scalar_vector_constant_impl_without_from {
336 ($type:ident, $name:ident, $get_name:ident) => {
337 impl ScalarConstant {
338 pub fn $get_name(self) -> Undefable<$type> {
339 match self {
340 ScalarConstant::$name(v) => v,
341 _ => unreachable!(concat!("expected a constant ", stringify!($type))),
342 }
343 }
344 }
345 impl VectorConstant {
346 pub fn $get_name(&self) -> &Vec<Undefable<$type>> {
347 match self {
348 VectorConstant::$name(v) => v,
349 _ => unreachable!(concat!(
350 "expected a constant vector with ",
351 stringify!($type),
352 " elements"
353 )),
354 }
355 }
356 }
357 };
358 }
360 macro_rules! define_scalar_vector_constant_impl {
361 ($type:ident, $name:ident, $get_name:ident) => {
362 define_scalar_vector_constant_impl_without_from!($type, $name, $get_name);
363 impl From<Undefable<$type>> for ScalarConstant {
364 fn from(v: Undefable<$type>) -> ScalarConstant {
365 ScalarConstant::$name(v)
366 }
367 }
368 impl From<Vec<Undefable<$type>>> for VectorConstant {
369 fn from(v: Vec<Undefable<$type>>) -> VectorConstant {
370 VectorConstant::$name(v)
371 }
372 }
373 };
374 }
376 define_scalar_vector_constant_impl!(u8, U8, get_u8);
377 define_scalar_vector_constant_impl!(u16, U16, get_u16);
378 define_scalar_vector_constant_impl!(u32, U32, get_u32);
379 define_scalar_vector_constant_impl!(u64, U64, get_u64);
380 define_scalar_vector_constant_impl!(i8, I8, get_i8);
381 define_scalar_vector_constant_impl!(i16, I16, get_i16);
382 define_scalar_vector_constant_impl!(i32, I32, get_i32);
383 define_scalar_vector_constant_impl!(i64, I64, get_i64);
384 define_scalar_vector_constant_impl_without_from!(u16, F16, get_f16);
385 define_scalar_vector_constant_impl!(f32, F32, get_f32);
386 define_scalar_vector_constant_impl!(f64, F64, get_f64);
387 define_scalar_vector_constant_impl!(bool, Bool, get_bool);
389 impl ScalarConstant {
390 pub fn get_type(self) -> Type {
391 Type::Scalar(self.get_scalar_type())
392 }
393 pub fn get_scalar_type(self) -> ScalarType {
394 match self {
395 ScalarConstant::U8(_) => ScalarType::U8,
396 ScalarConstant::U16(_) => ScalarType::U16,
397 ScalarConstant::U32(_) => ScalarType::U32,
398 ScalarConstant::U64(_) => ScalarType::U64,
399 ScalarConstant::I8(_) => ScalarType::I8,
400 ScalarConstant::I16(_) => ScalarType::I16,
401 ScalarConstant::I32(_) => ScalarType::I32,
402 ScalarConstant::I64(_) => ScalarType::I64,
403 ScalarConstant::F16(_) => ScalarType::F16,
404 ScalarConstant::F32(_) => ScalarType::F32,
405 ScalarConstant::F64(_) => ScalarType::F64,
406 ScalarConstant::Bool(_) => ScalarType::Bool,
407 }
408 }
409 }
411 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
412 pub enum VectorConstant {
413 U8(Vec<Undefable<u8>>),
414 U16(Vec<Undefable<u16>>),
415 U32(Vec<Undefable<u32>>),
416 U64(Vec<Undefable<u64>>),
417 I8(Vec<Undefable<i8>>),
418 I16(Vec<Undefable<i16>>),
419 I32(Vec<Undefable<i32>>),
420 I64(Vec<Undefable<i64>>),
421 F16(Vec<Undefable<u16>>),
422 F32(Vec<Undefable<f32>>),
423 F64(Vec<Undefable<f64>>),
424 Bool(Vec<Undefable<bool>>),
425 }
427 impl VectorConstant {
428 pub fn get_element_type(&self) -> ScalarType {
429 match self {
430 VectorConstant::U8(_) => ScalarType::U8,
431 VectorConstant::U16(_) => ScalarType::U16,
432 VectorConstant::U32(_) => ScalarType::U32,
433 VectorConstant::U64(_) => ScalarType::U64,
434 VectorConstant::I8(_) => ScalarType::I8,
435 VectorConstant::I16(_) => ScalarType::I16,
436 VectorConstant::I32(_) => ScalarType::I32,
437 VectorConstant::I64(_) => ScalarType::I64,
438 VectorConstant::F16(_) => ScalarType::F16,
439 VectorConstant::F32(_) => ScalarType::F32,
440 VectorConstant::F64(_) => ScalarType::F64,
441 VectorConstant::Bool(_) => ScalarType::Bool,
442 }
443 }
444 pub fn get_element_count(&self) -> usize {
445 match self {
446 VectorConstant::U8(v) => v.len(),
447 VectorConstant::U16(v) => v.len(),
448 VectorConstant::U32(v) => v.len(),
449 VectorConstant::U64(v) => v.len(),
450 VectorConstant::I8(v) => v.len(),
451 VectorConstant::I16(v) => v.len(),
452 VectorConstant::I32(v) => v.len(),
453 VectorConstant::I64(v) => v.len(),
454 VectorConstant::F16(v) => v.len(),
455 VectorConstant::F32(v) => v.len(),
456 VectorConstant::F64(v) => v.len(),
457 VectorConstant::Bool(v) => v.len(),
458 }
459 }
460 pub fn get_type(&self) -> Type {
461 Type::Vector(VectorType {
462 element: self.get_element_type(),
463 element_count: self.get_element_count(),
464 })
465 }
466 }
468 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
469 pub enum Constant {
470 Scalar(ScalarConstant),
471 Vector(VectorConstant),
472 }
474 impl Constant {
475 pub fn get_type(&self) -> Type {
476 match self {
477 Constant::Scalar(v) => v.get_type(),
478 Constant::Vector(v) => v.get_type(),
479 }
480 }
481 pub fn get_scalar(&self) -> &ScalarConstant {
482 match self {
483 Constant::Scalar(v) => v,
484 _ => unreachable!("not a scalar constant"),
485 }
486 }
487 }
489 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
490 struct MemberDecoration {
491 member: u32,
492 decoration: Decoration,
493 }
495 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
496 struct BuiltInVariable {
497 built_in: BuiltIn,
498 }
500 impl BuiltInVariable {
501 fn get_type(&self, _context: &mut Context) -> Rc<Type> {
502 match self.built_in {
503 BuiltIn::GlobalInvocationId => Rc::new(Type::Vector(VectorType {
504 element: ScalarType::U32,
505 element_count: 3,
506 })),
507 _ => unreachable!("unknown built-in"),
508 }
509 }
510 }
512 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
513 struct UniformVariable {
514 binding: u32,
515 descriptor_set: u32,
516 variable_type: Rc<Type>,
517 }
519 #[derive(Debug)]
520 enum IdKind {
521 Undefined,
522 DecorationGroup,
523 Type(Rc<Type>),
524 VoidType,
525 FunctionType {
526 return_type: Option<Rc<Type>>,
527 arguments: Vec<Rc<Type>>,
528 },
529 ForwardPointer(Rc<Type>),
530 BuiltInVariable(BuiltInVariable),
531 Constant(Rc<Constant>),
532 UniformVariable(UniformVariable),
533 Function(Option<ParsedShaderFunction>),
534 }
536 #[derive(Debug)]
537 struct IdProperties {
538 kind: IdKind,
539 decorations: Vec<Decoration>,
540 member_decorations: Vec<MemberDecoration>,
541 }
543 impl IdProperties {
544 fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
545 match self.kind {
546 IdKind::Undefined => {}
547 _ => return false,
548 }
549 self.decorations.is_empty() && self.member_decorations.is_empty()
550 }
551 fn set_kind(&mut self, kind: IdKind) {
552 match &self.kind {
553 IdKind::Undefined => {}
554 _ => unreachable!("duplicate id"),
555 }
556 self.kind = kind;
557 }
558 fn get_type(&self) -> Option<&Rc<Type>> {
559 match &self.kind {
560 IdKind::Type(t) => Some(t),
561 IdKind::VoidType => None,
562 _ => unreachable!("id is not type"),
563 }
564 }
565 fn get_nonvoid_type(&self) -> &Rc<Type> {
566 self.get_type().expect("void is not allowed here")
567 }
568 fn get_constant(&self) -> &Rc<Constant> {
569 match &self.kind {
570 IdKind::Constant(c) => c,
571 _ => unreachable!("id is not a constant"),
572 }
573 }
574 fn assert_no_member_decorations(&self, id: IdRef) {
575 for member_decoration in &self.member_decorations {
576 unreachable!(
577 "member decoration not allowed on {}: {:?}",
578 id, member_decoration
579 );
580 }
581 }
582 fn assert_no_decorations(&self, id: IdRef) {
583 self.assert_no_member_decorations(id);
584 for decoration in &self.decorations {
585 unreachable!("decoration not allowed on {}: {:?}", id, decoration);
586 }
587 }
588 }
590 struct Ids(Vec<IdProperties>);
592 impl Ids {
593 pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (IdRef, &IdProperties)> {
594 (1..self.0.len()).map(move |index| (IdRef(index as u32), &self.0[index]))
595 }
596 }
598 impl fmt::Debug for Ids {
599 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
600 f.debug_map()
601 .entries(
602 self.0
603 .iter()
604 .enumerate()
605 .filter_map(|(id_index, id_properties)| {
606 if id_properties.is_empty() {
607 return None;
608 }
609 Some((IdRef(id_index as u32), id_properties))
610 }),
611 )
612 .finish()
613 }
614 }
616 impl Index<IdRef> for Ids {
617 type Output = IdProperties;
618 fn index(&self, index: IdRef) -> &IdProperties {
619 &self.0[index.0 as usize]
620 }
621 }
623 impl IndexMut<IdRef> for Ids {
624 fn index_mut(&mut self, index: IdRef) -> &mut IdProperties {
625 &mut self.0[index.0 as usize]
626 }
627 }
629 struct ParsedShaderFunction {
630 instructions: Vec<Instruction>,
631 decorations: Vec<Decoration>,
632 }
634 impl fmt::Debug for ParsedShaderFunction {
635 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
636 write!(f, "ParsedShaderFunction:\n")?;
637 for instruction in &self.instructions {
638 write!(f, "{}", instruction)?;
639 }
640 Ok(())
641 }
642 }
644 #[derive(Debug)]
645 struct ParsedShader {
646 ids: Ids,
647 main_function_id: IdRef,
648 interface_variables: Vec<IdRef>,
649 execution_modes: Vec<ExecutionMode>,
650 workgroup_size: Option<(u32, u32, u32)>,
651 }
653 struct ShaderEntryPoint {
654 main_function_id: IdRef,
655 interface_variables: Vec<IdRef>,
656 }
658 impl ParsedShader {
659 fn create(
660 context: &mut Context,
661 stage_info: ShaderStageCreateInfo,
662 execution_model: ExecutionModel,
663 ) -> Self {
664 parsed_shader_create::create(context, stage_info, execution_model)
665 }
666 }
668 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
669 pub struct GenericPipelineOptions {
670 pub optimization_mode: shader_compiler_backend::OptimizationMode,
671 }
673 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
674 pub enum DescriptorLayout {
675 Sampler { count: usize },
676 CombinedImageSampler { count: usize },
677 SampledImage { count: usize },
678 StorageImage { count: usize },
679 UniformTexelBuffer { count: usize },
680 StorageTexelBuffer { count: usize },
681 UniformBuffer { count: usize },
682 StorageBuffer { count: usize },
683 UniformBufferDynamic { count: usize },
684 StorageBufferDynamic { count: usize },
685 InputAttachment { count: usize },
686 }
688 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
689 pub struct DescriptorSetLayout {
690 pub bindings: Vec<Option<DescriptorLayout>>,
691 }
693 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
694 pub struct PipelineLayout {
695 pub push_constants_size: usize,
696 pub descriptor_sets: Vec<DescriptorSetLayout>,
697 }
699 #[derive(Debug)]
700 pub struct ComputePipeline {}
702 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
703 pub struct ComputePipelineOptions {
704 pub generic_options: GenericPipelineOptions,
705 }
707 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
708 pub struct Specialization<'a> {
709 pub id: u32,
710 pub bytes: &'a [u8],
711 }
713 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
714 pub struct ShaderStageCreateInfo<'a> {
715 pub code: &'a [u32],
716 pub entry_point_name: &'a str,
717 pub specializations: &'a [Specialization<'a>],
718 }
720 impl ComputePipeline {
721 pub fn new<C: shader_compiler_backend::Compiler>(
722 options: &ComputePipelineOptions,
723 compute_shader_stage: ShaderStageCreateInfo,
724 pipeline_layout: PipelineLayout,
725 backend_compiler: C,
726 ) -> ComputePipeline {
727 let mut frontend_context = Context::default();
728 let parsed_shader = ParsedShader::create(
729 &mut frontend_context,
730 compute_shader_stage,
731 ExecutionModel::GLCompute,
732 );
733 println!("parsed_shader:\n{:#?}", parsed_shader);
734 struct CompilerUser {
735 frontend_context: Context,
736 parsed_shader: ParsedShader,
737 }
738 #[derive(Debug)]
739 enum CompileError {}
740 impl shader_compiler_backend::CompilerUser for CompilerUser {
741 type FunctionKey = CompiledFunctionKey;
742 type Error = CompileError;
743 fn create_error(message: String) -> CompileError {
744 panic!("compile error: {}", message)
745 }
746 fn run<'a, C: shader_compiler_backend::Context<'a>>(
747 self,
748 context: &'a C,
749 ) -> Result<
750 shader_compiler_backend::CompileInputs<'a, C, CompiledFunctionKey>,
751 CompileError,
752 > {
753 let backend_context = context;
754 let CompilerUser {
755 mut frontend_context,
756 parsed_shader,
757 } = self;
758 let mut module = backend_context.create_module("");
759 let function =
760 parsed_shader.compile(&mut frontend_context, backend_context, &mut module);
761 Ok(shader_compiler_backend::CompileInputs {
762 module: module.verify().unwrap(),
763 callable_functions: iter::once((
764 CompiledFunctionKey::ComputeShaderEntrypoint,
765 function,
766 ))
767 .collect(),
768 })
769 }
770 }
771 let compile_results = backend_compiler
772 .run(
773 CompilerUser {
774 frontend_context,
775 parsed_shader,
776 },
777 shader_compiler_backend::CompilerIndependentConfig {
778 optimization_mode: options.generic_options.optimization_mode,
779 }
780 .into(),
781 )
782 .unwrap();
783 unimplemented!()
784 }
785 }