from nmigen.sim import Simulator, Settle
-# Bit shift position for CSR word used in WB transactions
ADDROFFSET = 8 # offset where CSR/output/input addr are specified
CSRADDR = 0 # addr to access CSR
OADDR = 1 # addr needed to write/read output
gpio_i_list = Array(list(gpio_i))
# Address first byte for GPIO (max would be 256 GPIOs)
- # Address second byte, bit 0 indicates input read
+ # Address second byte, indicates CSR, output, or input access
with m.If(bus.cyc & bus.stb):
comb += wb_ack.eq(1) # always ack
comb += gpio_addr.eq(bus.adr[0:ADDROFFSET])
sync += gpio_oe_list[gpio_addr].eq(wb_wr_data[OESHIFT])
sync += bank_sel.eq(wb_wr_data[BANKSHIFT:BANKSHIFT+4])
with m.Else(): # read
- # Read the value of the input
+ # Read the value of the output
with m.If(bus.adr[ADDROFFSET:] == OADDR):
comb += wb_rd_data.eq(gpio_o_list[gpio_addr])
+ # Read the value of the input
with m.If(bus.adr[ADDROFFSET:] == IADDR):
comb += wb_rd_data.eq(gpio_i_list[gpio_addr])
# Read the state of CSR bits
comb += wb_rd_data.eq((gpio_o_list[gpio_addr] << OSHIFT)
+ (gpio_oe_list[gpio_addr] << OESHIFT)
+ (bank_sel << BANKSHIFT))
- #comb += wb_rd_data.eq(gpio_a[gpio_addr])
return m
def __iter__(self):
def ports(self):
return list(self)
def gpio_configure(dut, gpio, oe, output=0, bank_sel=0):
csr_val = ( (bank_sel << BANKSHIFT)
| (oe << OESHIFT)