--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPLv3+
+# Copyright (C) 2022 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl@lkcl.net>
+# Sponsored by NLnet and NGI POINTER under EU Grants 871528 and 957073
+# Part of the Libre-SOC Project.
+# this is a wrapper around the opencores verilog uart16550 module
+from nmigen import (Elaboratable, Cat, Module, Signal, ClockSignal, Instance,
+ ResetSignal)
+from nmigen_soc.wishbone.bus import Interface
+from nmigen.cli import rtlil, verilog
+__all__ = ["UART16550"]
+class UART16550(Elaboratable):
+ """16550 UART from opencores, nmigen wrapper
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bus=None, features=None, name=None):
+ if name is not None:
+ # convention: give the name in the format "name_number"
+ self.idx = int(name.split("_")[-1])
+ else:
+ self.idx = 0
+ # set up the wishbone bus
+ if features is None:
+ features = frozenset()
+ if bus is None:
+ bus = Interface(addr_width=5,
+ data_width=32,
+ features=features,
+ name=name+"_wb_%d" % self.idx)
+ self.bus = bus
+ assert len(self.bus.dat_r) == 32, "bus width must be 32"
+ # IRQ for data buffer receive/xmit
+ self.irq = Signal()
+ # 9-pin UART signals (if anyone still remembers those...)
+ self.tx_o = Signal() # transmit
+ self.rx_i = Signal() # receive
+ self.rts_o = Signal() # ready to send
+ self.cts_i = Signal() # clear to send
+ self.dtr_o = Signal() # data terminal ready
+ self.dsr_i = Signal() # data send ready
+ self.ri_i = Signal() # can't even remember what this is!
+ self.dcd_i = Signal() # or this!
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ # create external verilog 16550 uart here
+ idx, bus = self.idx, self.bus
+ uart = Instance("uart_top_%d" % idx,
+ i_wb_clk_i=ClockSignal(),
+ i_wb_rst_i=ResetSignal(),
+ i_wb_adr_i=bus.adr,
+ i_wb_dat_i=bus.dat_w,
+ i_wb_sel_i=bus.sel,
+ o_wb_dat_o=bus.dat_r,
+ i_wb_we_i=bus.we,
+ i_wb_stb_i=bus.stb,
+ i_wb_cyc_i=bus.cyc,
+ o_wb_ack_o=bus.ack,
+ o_int_o=self.irq,
+ o_stx_pad_o=self.tx_o,
+ i_srx_pad_i=self.rx_i,
+ o_rts_pad_o=self.rts_o,
+ i_cts_pad_i=self.cts_i,
+ o_dtr_pad_o=self.dtr_o,
+ i_dsr_pad_i=self.dsr_i,
+ i_ri_pad_i=self.ri_i,
+ i_dcd_pad_i=self.dcd_i
+ );
+ m.submodules['uart16550_%d' % self.idx] = uart
+ return m
+def create_ilang(dut, ports, test_name):
+ vl = rtlil.convert(dut, name=test_name, ports=ports)
+ with open("%s.il" % test_name, "w") as f:
+ f.write(vl)
+def create_verilog(dut, ports, test_name):
+ vl = verilog.convert(dut, name=test_name, ports=ports)
+ with open("%s.v" % test_name, "w") as f:
+ f.write(vl)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ uart = UART16550(name="uart_0")
+ create_ilang(uart, [uart.bus.cyc, uart.bus.stb, uart.bus.ack,
+ uart.bus.dat_r, uart.bus.dat_w, uart.bus.adr,
+ uart.bus.we, uart.bus.sel,
+ uart.irq,
+ uart.tx_o, uart.rx_i, uart.rts_o, uart.cts_i,
+ uart.dtr_o, uart.dsr_i, uart.ri_i, uart.dcd_i
+ ], "uart_0")