from enum import Enum, unique
from nmigen import (Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Cat, Array, Const)
-from nmigen.cli import main
-from nmigen.cli import rtlil
+from nmigen.cli import main, rtlil
from nmutil.iocontrol import RecordObject
-from nmutil.byterev import byte_reverse
-from nmutil.mask import Mask
from nmigen.utils import log2_int
from nmutil.util import Display
+#from nmutil.plru import PLRU
+from soc.experiment.cache_ram import CacheRam
+from soc.experiment.plru import PLRU
from soc.experiment.mem_types import (Fetch1ToICacheType,
WBMasterOutVector, WBSlaveOutVector,
WBIOMasterOut, WBIOSlaveOut)
-from soc.experiment.cache_ram import CacheRam
-from soc.experiment.plru import PLRU
# for test
from nmigen_soc.wishbone.sram import SRAM
from nmigen import Memory
-from nmigen.cli import rtlil
+from nmutil.util import wrap
+from nmigen.cli import main, rtlil
if True:
from nmigen.back.pysim import Simulator, Delay, Settle
from nmigen.sim.cxxsim import Simulator, Delay, Settle
-from nmutil.util import wrap
SIM = 0
# r.wb.we <= '0';
# We only ever do reads on wishbone
- comb += r.wb.sel.eq(~0) # set to all 1s
+ sync += r.wb.dat.eq(~1)
+ sync += r.wb.sel.eq(~0) # set to all 1s
+ sync += r.wb.we.eq(0)
# -- Not useful normally but helps avoiding
# -- tons of sim warnings
with m.If(inval_in):
for i in range(NUM_LINES):
sync += cache_valid_bits[i].eq(0)
- sync += r.store_valid.eq(0)
+ sync += r.store_valid.eq(0)
# -- Main state machine
# case r.state is
- # Main state machine
- with m.Switch(r.state):
-# when IDLE =>
- with m.Case(State.IDLE):
-# -- Reset per-row valid flags,
-# -- only used in WAIT_ACK
-# for i in 0 to ROW_PER_LINE - 1 loop
-# r.rows_valid(i) <= '0';
-# end loop;
- # Reset per-row valid flags,
- # only used in WAIT_ACK
- for i in range(ROW_PER_LINE):
- sync += r.rows_valid[i].eq(0)
-# -- We need to read a cache line
-# if req_is_miss = '1' then
-# report "cache miss nia:" & to_hstring(i_in.nia) &
-# " IR:" & std_ulogic'image(i_in.virt_mode) &
-# " SM:" & std_ulogic'image(i_in.stop_mark) &
-# " idx:" & integer'image(req_index) &
-# " way:" & integer'image(replace_way) &
-# " tag:" & to_hstring(req_tag) &
-# " RA:" & to_hstring(real_addr);
- # We need to read a cache line
- with m.If(req_is_miss):
- # XXX no, do not use "f". use sync += Display
- # and use %d for integer, %x for hex.
- print(f"cache miss nia:{i_in.nia} " \
- f"IR:{i_in.virt_mode} " \
- f"SM:{i_in.stop_mark} " \
- F"idx:{req_index} " \
- f"way:{replace_way} tag:{req_tag} " \
- f"RA:{real_addr}")
-# -- Keep track of our index and way for
-# -- subsequent stores
-# r.store_index <= req_index;
-# r.store_row <= get_row(req_laddr);
-# r.store_tag <= req_tag;
-# r.store_valid <= '1';
-# r.end_row_ix <=
-# get_row_of_line(get_row(req_laddr)) - 1;
- # Keep track of our index and way
- # for subsequent stores
- sync += r.store_index.eq(req_index)
- sync += r.store_row.eq(get_row(req_laddr))
- sync += r.store_tag.eq(req_tag)
- sync += r.store_valid.eq(1)
- sync += r.end_row_ix.eq(
- get_row_of_line(
- get_row(req_laddr)
- ) - 1
- )
-# -- Prep for first wishbone read. We calculate the
-# -- address of the start of the cache line and
-# -- start the WB cycle.
-# r.wb.adr <= req_laddr(r.wb.adr'left downto 0);
-# r.wb.cyc <= '1';
-# r.wb.stb <= '1';
- # Prep for first wishbone read.
- # We calculate the
- # address of the start of the cache line and
- # start the WB cycle.
- sync += r.wb.adr.eq(req_laddr)
- sync += r.wb.cyc.eq(1)
- sync += r.wb.stb.eq(1)
-# -- Track that we had one request sent
-# r.state <= CLR_TAG;
- # Track that we had one request sent
- sync += r.state.eq(State.CLR_TAG)
-# end if;
-# when CLR_TAG | WAIT_ACK =>
- with m.Case(State.CLR_TAG, State.WAIT_ACK):
-# if r.state = CLR_TAG then
- with m.If(r.state == State.CLR_TAG):
-# -- Get victim way from plru
-# r.store_way <= replace_way;
- # Get victim way from plru
- sync += r.store_way.eq(replace_way)
+ # Main state machine
+ with m.Switch(r.state):
+# when IDLE =>
+ with m.Case(State.IDLE):
+# -- Reset per-row valid flags,
+# -- only used in WAIT_ACK
+# for i in 0 to ROW_PER_LINE - 1 loop
+# r.rows_valid(i) <= '0';
+# end loop;
+ # Reset per-row valid flags,
+ # only used in WAIT_ACK
+ for i in range(ROW_PER_LINE):
+ sync += r.rows_valid[i].eq(0)
+# -- We need to read a cache line
+# if req_is_miss = '1' then
+# report "cache miss nia:" & to_hstring(i_in.nia) &
+# " IR:" & std_ulogic'image(i_in.virt_mode) &
+# " SM:" & std_ulogic'image(i_in.stop_mark) &
+# " idx:" & integer'image(req_index) &
+# " way:" & integer'image(replace_way) &
+# " tag:" & to_hstring(req_tag) &
+# " RA:" & to_hstring(real_addr);
+ # We need to read a cache line
+ with m.If(req_is_miss):
+ # XXX no, do not use "f". use sync += Display
+ # and use %d for integer, %x for hex.
+ print(f"cache miss nia:{i_in.nia} " \
+ f"IR:{i_in.virt_mode} " \
+ f"SM:{i_in.stop_mark} " \
+ F"idx:{req_index} " \
+ f"way:{replace_way} tag:{req_tag} " \
+ f"RA:{real_addr}")
+# -- Keep track of our index and way for
+# -- subsequent stores
+# r.store_index <= req_index;
+# r.store_row <= get_row(req_laddr);
+# r.store_tag <= req_tag;
+# r.store_valid <= '1';
+# r.end_row_ix <=
+# get_row_of_line(get_row(req_laddr)) - 1;
+ # Keep track of our index and way
+ # for subsequent stores
+ sync += r.store_index.eq(req_index)
+ sync += r.store_row.eq(get_row(req_laddr))
+ sync += r.store_tag.eq(req_tag)
+ sync += r.store_valid.eq(1)
+ sync += r.end_row_ix.eq(
+ get_row_of_line(
+ get_row(req_laddr)
+ ) - 1
+ )
+# -- Prep for first wishbone read. We calculate the
+# -- address of the start of the cache line and
+# -- start the WB cycle.
+# r.wb.adr <= req_laddr(r.wb.adr'left downto 0);
+# r.wb.cyc <= '1';
+# r.wb.stb <= '1';
+ # Prep for first wishbone read.
+ # We calculate the
+ # address of the start of the cache line and
+ # start the WB cycle.
+ sync += r.wb.adr.eq(req_laddr)
+ sync += r.wb.cyc.eq(1)
+ sync += r.wb.stb.eq(1)
+# -- Track that we had one request sent
+# r.state <= CLR_TAG;
+ # Track that we had one request sent
+ sync += r.state.eq(State.CLR_TAG)
+# end if;
+# when CLR_TAG | WAIT_ACK =>
+ with m.Case(State.CLR_TAG, State.WAIT_ACK):
+# if r.state = CLR_TAG then
+ with m.If(r.state == State.CLR_TAG):
+# -- Get victim way from plru
+# r.store_way <= replace_way;
+ # Get victim way from plru
+ sync += r.store_way.eq(replace_way)
-# -- Force misses on that way while
-# -- reloading that line
-# cache_valids(req_index)(replace_way) <= '0';
- # Force misses on that way while
- # realoading that line
+# -- Force misses on that way while
+# -- reloading that line
+# cache_valids(req_index)(replace_way) <= '0';
+ # Force misses on that way while
+ # realoading that line
+ cv = Signal(INDEX_BITS)
+ comb += cv.eq(cache_valid_bits[req_index])
+ comb += cv.bit_select(replace_way, 1).eq(0)
+ sync += cache_valid_bits[req_index].eq(cv)
+# -- Store new tag in selected way
+# for i in 0 to NUM_WAYS-1 loop
+# if i = replace_way then
+# tagset := cache_tags(r.store_index);
+# write_tag(i, tagset, r.store_tag);
+# cache_tags(r.store_index) <= tagset;
+# end if;
+# end loop;
+ for i in range(NUM_WAYS):
+ with m.If(i == replace_way):
+ sync += tagset.eq(cache_tags[r.store_index])
+ sync += write_tag(i, tagset, r.store_tag)
+ sync += cache_tags[r.store_index].eq(tagset)
+# r.state <= WAIT_ACK;
+ sync += r.state.eq(State.WAIT_ACK)
+# end if;
+# -- Requests are all sent if stb is 0
+# stbs_done := r.wb.stb = '0';
+ # Requests are all sent if stb is 0
+ comb += stbs_done.eq(r.wb.stb == 0)
+# -- If we are still sending requests,
+# -- was one accepted ?
+# if wishbone_in.stall = '0' and not stbs_done then
+ # If we are still sending requests,
+ # was one accepted?
+ with m.If(~wb_in.stall & ~stbs_done):
+# -- That was the last word ? We are done sending.
+# -- Clear stb and set stbs_done so we can handle
+# -- an eventual last ack on the same cycle.
+# if is_last_row_addr(r.wb.adr, r.end_row_ix) then
+# r.wb.stb <= '0';
+# stbs_done := true;
+# end if;
+ # That was the last word ?
+ # We are done sending.
+ # Clear stb and set stbs_done
+ # so we can handle
+ # an eventual last ack on
+ # the same cycle.
+ with m.If(is_last_row_addr(r.wb.adr, r.end_row_ix)):
+ sync += r.wb.stb.eq(0)
+ comb += stbs_done.eq(1)
+# -- Calculate the next row address
+# r.wb.adr <= next_row_addr(r.wb.adr);
+ # Calculate the next row address
+ rarange = r.wb.adr[ROW_OFF_BITS:LINE_OFF_BITS]
+ sync += rarange.eq(rarange + 1)
+# end if;
+# -- Incoming acks processing
+# if wishbone_in.ack = '1' then
+ # Incoming acks processing
+ with m.If(wb_in.ack):
+# r.rows_valid(r.store_row mod ROW_PER_LINE)
+# <= '1';
+ sync += r.rows_valid[r.store_row & ROW_PER_LINE].eq(1)
+# -- Check for completion
+# if stbs_done and
+# is_last_row(r.store_row, r.end_row_ix) then
+ # Check for completion
+ with m.If(stbs_done &
+ is_last_row(r.store_row, r.end_row_ix)):
+# -- Complete wishbone cycle
+# r.wb.cyc <= '0';
+ # Complete wishbone cycle
+ sync += r.wb.cyc.eq(0)
+# -- Cache line is now valid
+# cache_valids(r.store_index)(replace_way) <=
+# r.store_valid and not inval_in;
+ # Cache line is now valid
cv = Signal(INDEX_BITS)
- comb += cv.eq(cache_valid_bits[req_index])
- comb += cv.bit_select(replace_way, 1).eq(0)
- sync += cache_valid_bits[req_index].eq(cv)
-# -- Store new tag in selected way
-# for i in 0 to NUM_WAYS-1 loop
-# if i = replace_way then
-# tagset := cache_tags(r.store_index);
-# write_tag(i, tagset, r.store_tag);
-# cache_tags(r.store_index) <= tagset;
-# end if;
-# end loop;
- for i in range(NUM_WAYS):
- with m.If(i == replace_way):
- sync += tagset.eq(cache_tags[r.store_index])
- sync += write_tag(i, tagset, r.store_tag)
- sync += cache_tags[r.store_index].eq(tagset)
-# r.state <= WAIT_ACK;
- sync += r.state.eq(State.WAIT_ACK)
-# end if;
-# -- Requests are all sent if stb is 0
-# stbs_done := r.wb.stb = '0';
- # Requests are all sent if stb is 0
- comb += stbs_done.eq(r.wb.stb == 0)
-# -- If we are still sending requests,
-# -- was one accepted ?
-# if wishbone_in.stall = '0' and not stbs_done then
- # If we are still sending requests,
- # was one accepted?
- with m.If(~wb_in.stall & ~stbs_done):
-# -- That was the last word ? We are done sending.
-# -- Clear stb and set stbs_done so we can handle
-# -- an eventual last ack on the same cycle.
-# if is_last_row_addr(r.wb.adr, r.end_row_ix) then
-# r.wb.stb <= '0';
-# stbs_done := true;
-# end if;
- # That was the last word ?
- # We are done sending.
- # Clear stb and set stbs_done
- # so we can handle
- # an eventual last ack on
- # the same cycle.
- with m.If(is_last_row_addr(r.wb.adr, r.end_row_ix)):
- sync += r.wb.stb.eq(0)
- comb += stbs_done.eq(1)
-# -- Calculate the next row address
-# r.wb.adr <= next_row_addr(r.wb.adr);
- # Calculate the next row address
- rarange = r.wb.adr[ROW_OFF_BITS:LINE_OFF_BITS]
- sync += rarange.eq(rarange + 1)
-# end if;
-# -- Incoming acks processing
-# if wishbone_in.ack = '1' then
- # Incoming acks processing
- with m.If(wb_in.ack):
-# r.rows_valid(r.store_row mod ROW_PER_LINE)
-# <= '1';
- sync += r.rows_valid[r.store_row & ROW_PER_LINE].eq(1)
-# -- Check for completion
-# if stbs_done and
-# is_last_row(r.store_row, r.end_row_ix) then
- # Check for completion
- with m.If(stbs_done &
- is_last_row(r.store_row, r.end_row_ix)):
-# -- Complete wishbone cycle
-# r.wb.cyc <= '0';
- # Complete wishbone cycle
- sync += r.wb.cyc.eq(0)
-# -- Cache line is now valid
-# cache_valids(r.store_index)(replace_way) <=
-# r.store_valid and not inval_in;
- # Cache line is now valid
- cv = Signal(INDEX_BITS)
- sync += cv.eq(cache_valid_bits[r.store_index])
- sync += cv.bit_select(replace_way, 1).eq(
- r.store_valid & ~inval_in)
-# -- We are done
-# r.state <= IDLE;
- # We are done
- sync += r.state.eq(State.IDLE)
-# end if;
-# -- Increment store row counter
-# r.store_row <= next_row(r.store_row);
- # Increment store row counter
- sync += r.store_row.eq(next_row(r.store_row))
-# end if;
-# end case;
-# end if;
+ sync += cv.eq(cache_valid_bits[r.store_index])
+ sync += cv.bit_select(replace_way, 1).eq(
+ r.store_valid & ~inval_in)
+# -- We are done
+# r.state <= IDLE;
+ # We are done
+ sync += r.state.eq(State.IDLE)
+# end if;
+# -- Increment store row counter
+# r.store_row <= next_row(r.store_row);
+ # Increment store row counter
+ sync += r.store_row.eq(next_row(r.store_row))
+# end if;
+# end case;
+# end if;
# -- TLB miss and protection fault processing
# if rst = '1' or flush_in = '1' or m_in.tlbld = '1' then
m_out = dut.m_in
yield i_in.valid.eq(0)
+ yield i_out.priv_mode.eq(1)
yield i_out.req.eq(0)
- yield i_out.nia.eq(~1)
+ yield i_out.nia.eq(0)
yield i_out.stop_mark.eq(0)
yield m_out.tlbld.eq(0)
yield m_out.tlbie.eq(0)
- yield m_out.addr.eq(~1)
- yield m_out.pte.eq(~1)
+ yield m_out.addr.eq(0)
+ yield m_out.pte.eq(0)
yield i_out.req.eq(0)
- # hit
- yield i_out.req.eq(1)
- yield i_out.nia.eq(Const(0x0000000000000008, 64))
- yield
- yield
- valid = yield i_in.valid
- insn = yield i_in.insn
- #assert valid
- #assert insn == 0x00000002, \
- #("insn @%x=%x expected 00000002" % i_out.nia, i_in.insn)
- yield
- # another miss
- yield i_out.req.eq(1)
- yield i_out.nia.eq(Const(0x0000000000000040, 64))
- for i in range(30):
- yield
- yield
- valid = yield i_in.valid
- insn = yield i_in.insn
- #assert valid
- #assert insn == 0x00000010, \
- #("insn @%x=%x expected 00000010" % i_out.nia, i_in.insn)
- # test something that aliases
- yield i_out.req.eq(1)
- yield i_out.nia.eq(Const(0x0000000000000100, 64))
- yield
- yield
- #assert i_in.valid == Const(1, 1)
- for i in range(30):
- yield
- yield
- valid = yield i_in.valid
- insn = yield i_in.insn
- #assert valid
- #assert insn == 0x00000040, \
- #("insn @%x=%x expected 00000040" % i_out.nia, i_in.insn)
- yield i_out.req.eq(0)
-def test_icache():
- dut = ICache()
- m = Module()
- m.submodules.icache = dut
- # nmigen Simulation
- sim = Simulator(m)
- sim.add_clock(1e-6)
- sim.add_sync_process(wrap(icache_sim(dut)))
- with sim.write_vcd('test_icache.vcd'):
- sim.run()
+# # hit
+# yield i_out.req.eq(1)
+# yield i_out.nia.eq(Const(0x0000000000000008, 64))
+# yield
+# yield
+# valid = yield i_in.valid
+# insn = yield i_in.insn
+# #assert valid
+# #assert insn == 0x00000002, \
+# #("insn @%x=%x expected 00000002" % i_out.nia, i_in.insn)
+# yield
+# # another miss
+# yield i_out.req.eq(1)
+# yield i_out.nia.eq(Const(0x0000000000000040, 64))
+# for i in range(30):
+# yield
+# yield
+# valid = yield i_in.valid
+# insn = yield i_in.insn
+# #assert valid
+# #assert insn == 0x00000010, \
+# #("insn @%x=%x expected 00000010" % i_out.nia, i_in.insn)
+# # test something that aliases
+# yield i_out.req.eq(1)
+# yield i_out.nia.eq(Const(0x0000000000000100, 64))
+# yield
+# yield
+# #assert i_in.valid == Const(1, 1)
+# for i in range(30):
+# yield
+# yield
+# valid = yield i_in.valid
+# insn = yield i_in.insn
+# #assert valid
+# #assert insn == 0x00000040, \
+# #("insn @%x=%x expected 00000040" % i_out.nia, i_in.insn)
+# yield i_out.req.eq(0)
+def test_icache(mem):
+ dut = ICache()
+ memory = Memory(width=64, depth=16*64, init=mem)
+ sram = SRAM(memory=memory, granularity=8)
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.icache = dut
+ m.submodules.sram = sram
+ m.d.comb += sram.bus.cyc.eq(dut.wb_out.cyc)
+ m.d.comb += sram.bus.stb.eq(dut.wb_out.stb)
+ m.d.comb += sram.bus.we.eq(dut.wb_out.we)
+ m.d.comb += sram.bus.sel.eq(dut.wb_out.sel)
+ m.d.comb += sram.bus.adr.eq(dut.wb_out.adr)
+ m.d.comb += sram.bus.dat_w.eq(dut.wb_out.dat)
+ m.d.comb += dut.wb_in.ack.eq(sram.bus.ack)
+ m.d.comb += dut.wb_in.dat.eq(sram.bus.dat_r)
+ # nmigen Simulation
+ sim = Simulator(m)
+ sim.add_clock(1e-6)
+ sim.add_sync_process(wrap(icache_sim(dut)))
+ with sim.write_vcd('test_icache.vcd'):
+ sim.run()
if __name__ == '__main__':
dut = ICache()
with open("test_icache.il", "w") as f:
- test_icache()
+ mem = []
+ for i in range(0,512):
+ mem.append((i*2)| ((i*2+1)<<32))
+ test_icache(mem)