fus = self.fus.fus
e = self.ireg.e # decoded instruction to execute
- # dictionary of lists of regfile ports
- byregfiles = {}
- byregfiles_spec = {}
+ # dictionary of dictionaries of lists of regfile ports.
+ # first key: regfile. second key: regfile port name
+ byregfiles = defaultdict({})
+ byregfiles_spec = defaultdict({})
for (funame, fu) in fus.items():
# create in each FU a receptacle for the read/write register
# hazard numbers. to be latched in connect_rd/write_ports
fu.rd_latches = []
fu.wr_latches = []
print("%s ports for %s" % (mode, funame))
for idx in range(fu.n_src if readmode else fu.n_dst):
+ # construct regfile specs: read uses inspec, write outspec
if readmode:
(regfile, regname, wid) = fu.get_in_spec(idx)
(regfile, regname, wid) = fu.get_out_spec(idx)
print(" %d %s %s %s" % (idx, regfile, regname, str(wid)))
- name = "%s_%s_%s" % (regfile, idx, funame)
+ # the PowerDecoder2 (main one, not the satellites) contains
+ # the decoded regfile numbers. obtain these now
if readmode:
rdflag, read = regspec_decode_read(e, regfile, regname)
wrport, write = None, None
rdflag, read = None, None
wrport, write = regspec_decode_write(e, regfile, regname)
- if regfile not in byregfiles:
- byregfiles[regfile] = {}
- byregfiles_spec[regfile] = {}
+ # construct the dictionary of regspec information by regfile
if regname not in byregfiles_spec[regfile]:
byregfiles_spec[regfile][regname] = \
(rdflag, wrport, read, write, wid, [])
wrl = Signal.like(write, name="wrlatch_"+name)
- # ok just print that out, for convenience
+ # ok just print that all out, for convenience
for regfile, spec in byregfiles.items():
print("regfile %s ports:" % mode, regfile)
fuspecs = byregfiles_spec[regfile]