panfrost_emit_vertex_tiler_jobs(struct panfrost_batch *batch,
struct mali_vertex_tiler_prefix *vertex_prefix,
- struct mali_vertex_tiler_postfix *vertex_postfix,
+ struct mali_draw_packed *vertex_draw,
struct mali_vertex_tiler_prefix *tiler_prefix,
- struct mali_vertex_tiler_postfix *tiler_postfix,
+ struct mali_draw_packed *tiler_draw,
union midgard_primitive_size *primitive_size)
struct panfrost_context *ctx = batch->ctx;
if (device->quirks & IS_BIFROST) {
bifrost_vertex.prefix = *vertex_prefix;
- bifrost_vertex.postfix = *vertex_postfix;
+ memcpy(&bifrost_vertex.postfix, vertex_draw, MALI_DRAW_LENGTH);
vp = &bifrost_vertex;
vp_size = sizeof(bifrost_vertex);
bifrost_tiler.prefix = *tiler_prefix;
bifrost_tiler.tiler.primitive_size = *primitive_size;
bifrost_tiler.tiler.tiler_meta = panfrost_batch_get_tiler_meta(batch, ~0);
- bifrost_tiler.postfix = *tiler_postfix;
+ memcpy(&bifrost_tiler.postfix, tiler_draw, MALI_DRAW_LENGTH);
tp = &bifrost_tiler;
tp_size = sizeof(bifrost_tiler);
} else {
midgard_vertex.prefix = *vertex_prefix;
- midgard_vertex.postfix = *vertex_postfix;
+ memcpy(&midgard_vertex.postfix, vertex_draw, MALI_DRAW_LENGTH);
vp = &midgard_vertex;
vp_size = sizeof(midgard_vertex);
midgard_tiler.prefix = *tiler_prefix;
- midgard_tiler.postfix = *tiler_postfix;
+ memcpy(&midgard_tiler.postfix, tiler_draw, MALI_DRAW_LENGTH);
midgard_tiler.primitive_size = *primitive_size;
tp = &midgard_tiler;
tp_size = sizeof(midgard_tiler);
+static inline void
+pan_emit_draw_descs(struct panfrost_batch *batch,
+ struct MALI_DRAW *d, enum pipe_shader_type st)
+ d->offset_start = batch->ctx->offset_start;
+ d->instances = batch->ctx->instance_count > 1 ?
+ batch->ctx->padded_count : 1;
+ d->uniform_buffers = panfrost_emit_const_buf(batch, st, &d->push_uniforms);
+ d->textures = panfrost_emit_texture_descriptors(batch, st);
+ d->samplers = panfrost_emit_sampler_descriptors(batch, st);
static void
struct pipe_context *pipe,
ctx->active_prim = info->mode;
struct mali_vertex_tiler_prefix vertex_prefix = { 0 }, tiler_prefix = { 0 };
- struct mali_vertex_tiler_postfix vertex_postfix = { 0 }, tiler_postfix = { 0 };
+ struct mali_draw_packed vertex_postfix, tiler_postfix;
union midgard_primitive_size primitive_size;
unsigned vertex_count;
- if (device->quirks & IS_BIFROST) {
- vertex_postfix.gl_enables = 0x2;
- tiler_postfix.gl_enables = 0x3;
- vertex_postfix.shared_memory = panfrost_vt_emit_shared_memory(batch);
- } else {
- vertex_postfix.gl_enables = 0x6;
- tiler_postfix.gl_enables = 0x7;
- vertex_postfix.shared_memory = panfrost_batch_reserve_framebuffer(batch);
- }
- tiler_postfix.shared_memory = vertex_postfix.shared_memory;
- if (ctx->occlusion_query) {
- tiler_postfix.gl_enables |= MALI_OCCLUSION_QUERY;
- tiler_postfix.occlusion_counter = ctx->occlusion_query->bo->gpu;
- panfrost_batch_add_bo(ctx->batch, ctx->occlusion_query->bo,
- }
+ mali_ptr shared_mem = (device->quirks & IS_BIFROST) ?
+ panfrost_vt_emit_shared_memory(batch) :
+ panfrost_batch_reserve_framebuffer(batch);
struct pipe_rasterizer_state *rast = &ctx->rasterizer->base;
- SET_BIT(tiler_postfix.gl_enables, MALI_FRONT_CCW_TOP,
- rast->front_ccw);
- SET_BIT(tiler_postfix.gl_enables, MALI_CULL_FACE_FRONT,
- (rast->cull_face & PIPE_FACE_FRONT));
- SET_BIT(tiler_postfix.gl_enables, MALI_CULL_FACE_BACK,
- (rast->cull_face & PIPE_FACE_BACK));
SET_BIT(tiler_prefix.unknown_draw, MALI_DRAW_FLATSHADE_FIRST,
/* Use the corresponding values */
vertex_count = max_index - min_index + 1;
- tiler_postfix.offset_start = vertex_postfix.offset_start = min_index + info->index_bias;
+ ctx->offset_start = min_index + info->index_bias;
tiler_prefix.offset_bias_correction = -min_index;
tiler_prefix.index_count = MALI_POSITIVE(info->count);
draw_flags |= panfrost_translate_index_size(info->index_size);
} else {
vertex_count = ctx->vertex_count;
- tiler_postfix.offset_start = vertex_postfix.offset_start = info->start;
+ ctx->offset_start = info->start;
tiler_prefix.index_count = MALI_POSITIVE(ctx->vertex_count);
tiler_prefix.unknown_draw = draw_flags;
- ctx->offset_start = vertex_postfix.offset_start;
/* Encode the padded vertex count */
- if (info->instance_count > 1) {
+ if (info->instance_count > 1)
ctx->padded_count = panfrost_padded_vertex_count(vertex_count);
- unsigned shift = __builtin_ctz(ctx->padded_count);
- unsigned k = ctx->padded_count >> (shift + 1);
- tiler_postfix.instance_shift = vertex_postfix.instance_shift = shift;
- tiler_postfix.instance_odd = vertex_postfix.instance_odd = k;
- } else {
+ else
ctx->padded_count = vertex_count;
- }
panfrost_statistics_record(ctx, info);
1, 1, 1);
/* Emit all sort of descriptors. */
- mali_ptr push_vert = 0, push_frag = 0, attribs = 0;
mali_ptr varyings = 0, vs_vary = 0, fs_vary = 0, pos = 0, psiz = 0;
- vertex_postfix.attribute_meta = panfrost_emit_vertex_data(batch, &attribs);
- vertex_postfix.attributes = attribs;
ctx->padded_count *
&vs_vary, &fs_vary, &varyings,
&pos, &psiz);
- vertex_postfix.varyings = varyings;
- tiler_postfix.varyings = varyings;
- vertex_postfix.varying_meta = vs_vary;
- tiler_postfix.varying_meta = fs_vary;
- tiler_postfix.position_varying = pos;
- vertex_postfix.sampler_descriptor = panfrost_emit_sampler_descriptors(batch, PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX);
- tiler_postfix.sampler_descriptor = panfrost_emit_sampler_descriptors(batch, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT);
- vertex_postfix.textures = panfrost_emit_texture_descriptors(batch, PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX);
- tiler_postfix.textures = panfrost_emit_texture_descriptors(batch, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT);
- vertex_postfix.uniform_buffers = panfrost_emit_const_buf(batch, PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX, &push_vert);
- tiler_postfix.uniform_buffers = panfrost_emit_const_buf(batch, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT, &push_frag);
- vertex_postfix.uniforms = push_vert;
- tiler_postfix.uniforms = push_frag;
- tiler_postfix.viewport = panfrost_emit_viewport(batch);
- vertex_postfix.shader = panfrost_emit_compute_shader_meta(batch, PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX);
- tiler_postfix.shader = panfrost_emit_frag_shader_meta(batch);
+ pan_pack(&vertex_postfix, DRAW, cfg) {
+ cfg.unknown_1 = (device->quirks & IS_BIFROST) ? 0x2 : 0x6;
+ cfg.state = panfrost_emit_compute_shader_meta(batch, PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX);
+ cfg.attributes = panfrost_emit_vertex_data(batch, &cfg.attribute_buffers);
+ cfg.varyings = vs_vary;
+ cfg.varying_buffers = varyings;
+ cfg.shared = shared_mem;
+ pan_emit_draw_descs(batch, &cfg, PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX);
+ }
+ pan_pack(&tiler_postfix, DRAW, cfg) {
+ cfg.unknown_1 = (device->quirks & IS_BIFROST) ? 0x3 : 0x7;
+ cfg.front_face_ccw = rast->front_ccw;
+ cfg.cull_front_face = rast->cull_face & PIPE_FACE_FRONT;
+ cfg.cull_back_face = rast->cull_face & PIPE_FACE_BACK;
+ cfg.position = pos;
+ cfg.state = panfrost_emit_frag_shader_meta(batch);
+ cfg.viewport = panfrost_emit_viewport(batch);
+ cfg.varyings = fs_vary;
+ cfg.varying_buffers = varyings;
+ cfg.shared = shared_mem;
+ pan_emit_draw_descs(batch, &cfg, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT);
+ if (ctx->occlusion_query) {
+ cfg.occlusion_query = MALI_OCCLUSION_MODE_PREDICATE;
+ cfg.occlusion = ctx->occlusion_query->bo->gpu;
+ panfrost_batch_add_bo(ctx->batch, ctx->occlusion_query->bo,
+ }
+ }
primitive_size.pointer = psiz;
panfrost_vt_update_primitive_size(ctx, &tiler_prefix, &primitive_size);