yield b.sig.eq(0x4567)
yield Settle()
out = yield o.sig
+ ao_1 = yield a1.sig
+ bo_1 = yield b1.sig
print("out 000", bin(out&omask), hex(out&omask))
+ print(" a1 b1", hex(ao_1), hex(bo_1))
+ assert ao_1 == 0x123 and bo_1 == 0x4567
yield mask.eq(0b010)
yield Settle()
out = yield o.sig
+ ao_1 = yield a1.sig
+ bo_1 = yield b1.sig
print("out 010", bin(out&omask), hex(out&omask))
+ print(" a1 b1", hex(ao_1), hex(bo_1))
+ assert ao_1 == 0x123 and bo_1 == 0x4567
yield mask.eq(0b110)
yield Settle()
out = yield o.sig
+ ao_1 = yield a1.sig
+ bo_1 = yield b1.sig
print("out 110", bin(out&omask), hex(out&omask))
+ print(" a1 b1", hex(ao_1), hex(bo_1))
+ assert ao_1 == 0x123 and bo_1 == 0x4567
yield mask.eq(0b111)
yield Settle()
out = yield o.sig
+ ao_1 = yield a1.sig
+ bo_1 = yield b1.sig
print("out 111", bin(out&omask), hex(out&omask))
+ print(" a1 b1", hex(ao_1), hex(bo_1))
+ assert ao_1 == 0x123 and bo_1 == 0x4567
with sim.write_vcd("partition_minitest.vcd", "partition_partition_ass.gtkw",
self.width = width
mask = ctx.get_mask()
self.output = SimdSignal(mask, self.width, reset_less=True)
+ # XXX errr... this is a bit of a hack, but should work
+ # obtain the module for the output Signal
self.partition_points = self.output.partpoints
self.mwidth = len(self.partition_points)+1
with m.Case(pbit):
# direct access to the underlying Signal
- comb += self.output.sig.eq(Cat(*output))
+ if self.is_lhs:
+ comb += Cat(*output).eq(self.output.sig) # LHS mode
+ else:
+ comb += self.output.sig.eq(Cat(*output)) # RHS mode
print ("PartitionedCat end")
return m