from jtag import JTAG, resiotypes
from copy import deepcopy
+# extra dependencies for jtag testing (?)
+from soc.bus.sram import SRAM
+from nmigen import Memory
+from nmigen.pysim import Simulator, Delay, Settle, Tick
+from nmutil.util import wrap
+from soc.debug.jtagutils import (jtag_read_write_reg,
+ jtag_srv, jtag_set_reset,
+ jtag_set_ir, jtag_set_get_dr)
# Was thinking of using these functions, but skipped for simplicity for now
# XXX nope. the output from JSON file.
#from pinfunctions import (i2s, lpc, emmc, sdmmc, mspi, mquadspi, spi,
p = ASICPlatform (resources, top.jtag)
+# dut = JTAG(test_pinset(), wb_data_wid=64, domain="sync")
+top.jtag.stop = False
+# rather than the client access the JTAG bus directly
+# create an alternative that the client sets
+class Dummy: pass
+cdut = Dummy()
+cdut.cbus = JTAGInterface()
+# set up client-server on port 44843-something
+top.jtag.s = JTAGServer()
+if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1] != 'server':
+ cdut.c = JTAGClient()
+ top.jtag.s.get_connection()
+ print ("running server only as requested, use openocd remote to test")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ top.jtag.s.get_connection(None) # block waiting for connection
+# take copy of ir_width and scan_len
+cdut._ir_width = top.jtag._ir_width
+cdut.scan_len = top.jtag.scan_len
+memory = Memory(width=64, depth=16)
+sram = SRAM(memory=memory, bus=dut.wb)
+#m = Module()
+#m.submodules.ast = dut
+#m.submodules.sram = sram
+sim = Simulator(top)
+sim.add_clock(1e-6, domain="sync") # standard clock
+sim.add_sync_process(wrap(jtag_srv(top))) #? jtag server
+if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1] != 'server':
+ sim.add_sync_process(wrap(jtag_sim(cdut, top.jtag))) # actual jtag tester
+sim.add_sync_process(wrap(dmi_sim(top.jtag))) # handles (pretends to be) DMI
+with sim.write_vcd("dmi2jtag_test_srv.vcd"):