comb += Cat(*wr_multi).eq(wb_wr_data)
# Connect GPIO config bytes to form a single word
comb += wb_rd_data.eq(Cat(*rd_multi))
- # Flag for indicating rd/wr transactions
- new_transaction = Signal(1)
+ for i in range(len(bus.sel)):
+ sync += rd_multi[i].eq(0)
# One address used to configure CSR, set output, read input
with m.If(bus.cyc & bus.stb):
- sync += new_transaction.eq(1)
- with m.If(~bus.we): # read
+ with m.If(bus.we): # write
+ # Update the GPIO configs with sent parameters
+ for i in range(len(bus.sel)):
+ GPIO_num = Signal(16) # fixed for now
+ comb += GPIO_num.eq(bus.adr*len(bus.sel)+i)
+ with m.If(bus.sel[i]):
+ sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].oe.eq(wr_multi[i].oe)
+ sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].puen.eq(wr_multi[i].puen)
+ sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].pden.eq(wr_multi[i].pden)
+ with m.If (wr_multi[i].oe):
+ sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].o.eq(wr_multi[i].io)
+ with m.Else():
+ sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].o.eq(0)
+ sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].bank.eq(wr_multi[i].bank)
+ with m.Else(): # read
# Update the read multi bus with current GPIO configs
# not ack'ing as we need to wait 1 clk cycle before data ready
for i in range(len(bus.sel)):
with m.Else():
sync += rd_multi[i].io.eq(gpio_ports[GPIO_num].i)
sync += rd_multi[i].bank.eq(gpio_ports[GPIO_num].bank)
- with m.Else():
- sync += rd_multi[i].oe.eq(0)
- sync += rd_multi[i].ie.eq(0)
- sync += rd_multi[i].puen.eq(0)
- sync += rd_multi[i].pden.eq(0)
- sync += rd_multi[i].io.eq(0)
- sync += rd_multi[i].bank.eq(0)
- sync += wb_ack.eq(1) # ack after latching data
+ sync += wb_ack.eq(1) # ack after latching data
with m.Else():
- sync += new_transaction.eq(0)
sync += wb_ack.eq(0)
- # Delayed from the start of transaction by 1 clk cycle
- with m.If(new_transaction):
- # Update the GPIO configs with sent parameters
- with m.If(bus.we):
- for i in range(len(bus.sel)):
- GPIO_num = Signal(16) # fixed for now
- comb += GPIO_num.eq(bus.adr*len(bus.sel)+i)
- with m.If(bus.sel[i]):
- sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].oe.eq(wr_multi[i].oe)
- sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].puen.eq(wr_multi[i].puen)
- sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].pden.eq(wr_multi[i].pden)
- with m.If (wr_multi[i].oe):
- sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].o.eq(wr_multi[i].io)
- with m.Else():
- sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].o.eq(0)
- sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].bank.eq(wr_multi[i].bank)
- sync += wb_ack.eq(1) # ack after latching data
- # No need as rd data is can be outputed on the first clk
- # with m.Else():
- # sync += wb_ack.eq(1) # Delay ack until rd data is ready!
return m
def __iter__(self):