remove unneeded code
[ieee754fpu.git] / src / add /
1 # IEEE Floating Point Adder (Single Precision)
2 # Copyright (C) Jonathan P Dawson 2013
3 # 2013-12-12
5 from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat
6 from nmigen.cli import main
9 class FPNum:
10 def __init__(self, width, m_width=None):
11 self.width = width
12 if m_width is None:
13 m_width = width + 3 # extra accuracy bits
14 self.v = Signal(width) # Latched copy of value
15 self.m = Signal(m_width) # Mantissa
16 self.e = Signal((10, True)) # Exponent: 10 bits, signed
17 self.s = Signal() # Sign bit
19 def decode(self):
20 v = self.v
21 return [self.m.eq(Cat(0, 0, 0, v[0:23])), # mantissa
22 self.e.eq(Cat(v[23:31]) - 127), # exponent (take off bias)
23 self.s.eq(Cat(v[31])), # sign
24 ]
26 def create(self, s, e, m):
27 return [
28 self.v[31].eq(s), # sign
29 self.v[23:31].eq(e), # exp
30 self.v[0:23].eq(m) # mantissa
31 ]
33 def nan(self, s):
34 return self.create(s, 0xff, 1<<22)
36 def inf(self, s):
37 return self.create(s, 0xff, 0)
39 def is_nan(self):
40 return (self.e == 128) & (self.m != 0)
42 def is_inf(self):
43 return (self.e == 128) & (self.m == 0)
45 def is_zero(self):
46 return (self.e == -127) & (self.m == 0)
49 class FPADD:
50 def __init__(self, width):
51 self.width = width
53 self.in_a = Signal(width)
54 self.in_a_stb = Signal()
55 self.in_a_ack = Signal()
57 self.in_b = Signal(width)
58 self.in_b_stb = Signal()
59 self.in_b_ack = Signal()
61 self.out_z = Signal(width)
62 self.out_z_stb = Signal()
63 self.out_z_ack = Signal()
65 def get_fragment(self, platform):
66 m = Module()
68 # Latches
69 a = FPNum(self.width)
70 b = FPNum(self.width)
71 z = FPNum(self.width, 24)
73 # Sign
74 a_s = Signal()
75 b_s = Signal()
76 z_s = Signal()
78 guard = Signal()
79 round_bit = Signal()
80 sticky = Signal()
82 tot = Signal(28)
84 with m.FSM() as fsm:
86 # ******
87 # gets operand a
89 with m.State("get_a"):
90 with m.If((self.in_a_ack) & (self.in_a_stb)):
91 = "get_b"
92 m.d.sync += [
93 a.v.eq(self.in_a),
94 self.in_a_ack.eq(0)
95 ]
96 with m.Else():
97 m.d.sync += self.in_a_ack.eq(1)
99 # ******
100 # gets operand b
102 with m.State("get_b"):
103 with m.If((self.in_b_ack) & (self.in_b_stb)):
104 = "get_a"
105 m.d.sync += [
106 b.v.eq(self.in_b),
107 self.in_b_ack.eq(0)
108 ]
109 with m.Else():
110 m.d.sync += self.in_b_ack.eq(1)
112 # ******
113 # unpacks operands into sign, mantissa and exponent
115 with m.State("unpack"):
116 = "special_cases"
117 m.d.sync += a.decode()
118 m.d.sync += b.decode()
120 # ******
121 # special cases: NaNs, infs, zeros, denormalised
123 with m.State("special_cases"):
125 # if a is NaN or b is NaN return NaN
126 with m.If(a.is_nan() | b.is_nan()):
127 = "put_z"
128 m.d.sync += z.nan(1)
130 # if a is inf return inf (or NaN)
131 with m.Elif(a.is_inf()):
132 = "put_z"
133 m.d.sync += z.inf(a.s)
134 # if a is inf and signs don't match return NaN
135 with m.If((b.e == 128) & (a.s != b.s)):
136 m.d.sync += z.nan(b.s)
138 # if b is inf return inf
139 with m.Elif(b.is_inf()):
140 = "put_z"
141 m.d.sync += z.inf(b.s)
143 # if a is zero and b zero return signed-a/b
144 with m.Elif(a.is_zero() & b.is_zero()):
145 = "put_z"
146 m.d.sync += z.create(a.s & b.s, b.e[0:8] + 127, b.m[3:26])
148 # if a is zero return b
149 with m.Elif((a.is_zero()):
150 = "put_z"
151 m.d.sync += z.create(b.s, b.e[0:8] + 127, b.m[3:26])
153 # if b is zero return a
154 with m.Elif((b.is_zero()):
155 = "put_z"
156 m.d.sync += z.create(a.s, a.e[0:8] + 127, a.m[3:26])
158 # Denormalised Number checks
159 with m.Else():
160 = "align"
161 # denormalise a check
162 with m.If(a.e == -127):
163 m.d.sync += a.e.eq(-126) # limit a exponent
164 with m.Else():
165 m.d.sync += a.m[26].eq(1) # set highest mantissa bit
166 # denormalise b check
167 with m.If(b.e == -127):
168 m.d.sync += b.e.eq(-126) # limit b exponent
169 with m.Else():
170 m.d.sync += b.m[26].eq(1) # set highest mantissa bit
172 # ******
173 # align. NOTE: this does *not* do single-cycle multi-shifting,
174 # it *STAYS* in the align state until the exponents match
176 with m.State("align"):
177 # exponent of a greater than b: increment b exp, shift b mant
178 with m.If(a.e > b.e):
179 m.d.sync += [
180 b.e.eq(b.e + 1),
181 b.m.eq(b.m >> 1),
182 b.m[0].eq(b.m[0] | b.m[1]) # moo??
183 ]
184 # exponent of b greater than a: increment a exp, shift a mant
185 with m.Elif(a.e < b.e):
186 m.d.sync += [
187 a.e.eq(a.e + 1),
188 a.m.eq(a.m >> 1),
189 a.m[0].eq(a.m[0] | a.m[1]) # moo??
190 ]
191 # exponents equal: move to next stage.
192 with m.Else():
193 = "add_0"
195 # ******
196 # First stage of add. covers same-sign (add) and subtract
197 # special-casing when mantissas are greater or equal, to
198 # give greatest accuracy.
200 with m.State("add_0"):
201 = "add_1"
202 m.d.sync += z.e.eq(a.e)
203 # same-sign (both negative or both positive) add mantissas
204 with m.If(a.s == b.s):
205 m.d.sync += [
206 tot.eq(a.m + b.m),
207 z_s.eq(a.s)
208 ]
209 # a mantissa greater than b, use a
210 with m.Elif(a.m >= b.m):
211 m.d.sync += [
212 tot.eq(a.m - b.m),
213 z_s.eq(a.s)
214 ]
215 # b mantissa greater than a, use b
216 with m.Else():
217 m.d.sync += [
218 tot.eq(b.m - a.m),
219 z_s.eq(b.s)
220 ]
222 # ******
223 # Second stage of add: preparation for normalisation.
224 # detects when tot sum is too big (tot[27] is kinda a carry bit)
226 with m.State("add_1"):
227 = "normalise_1"
228 # tot[27] gets set when the sum overflows. shift result down
229 with m.If(tot[27]):
230 m.d.sync += [
231 z.m.eq(tot[4:28]),
232 guard.eq(tot[3]),
233 round_bit.eq(tot[2]),
234 sticky.eq(tot[1] | tot[0]),
235 z.e.eq(z.e + 1)
236 ]
237 # tot[27] zero case
238 with m.Else():
239 m.d.sync += [
240 z.m.eq(tot[3:27]),
241 guard.eq(tot[2]),
242 round_bit.eq(tot[1]),
243 sticky.eq(tot[0])
244 ]
246 # ******
247 # First stage of normalisation.
248 # NOTE: just like "align", this one keeps going round every clock
249 # until the result's exponent is within acceptable "range"
250 # NOTE: the weirdness of reassigning guard and round is due to
251 # the extra mantissa bits coming from tot[0..2]
253 with m.State("normalise_1"):
254 with m.If((z.m[23] == 0) & (z.e > -126)):
255 m.d.sync +=[
256 z.e.eq(z.e - 1), # DECREASE exponent
257 z.m.eq(z.m << 1), # shift mantissa UP
258 z.m[0].eq(guard), # steal guard bit (was tot[2])
259 guard.eq(round_bit), # steal round_bit (was tot[1])
260 ]
261 with m.Else():
262 = "normalize_2"
264 # ******
265 # Second stage of normalisation.
266 # NOTE: just like "align", this one keeps going round every clock
267 # until the result's exponent is within acceptable "range"
268 # NOTE: the weirdness of reassigning guard and round is due to
269 # the extra mantissa bits coming from tot[0..2]
271 with m.State("normalise_2"):
272 with m.If(z.e < -126):
273 m.d.sync +=[
274 z.e.eq(z.e + 1), # INCREASE exponent
275 z.m.eq(z.m >> 1), # shift mantissa DOWN
276 guard.eq(z.m[0]),
277 round_bit.eq(guard),
278 sticky.eq(sticky | round_bit)
279 ]
280 with m.Else():
281 = "round"
283 # ******
284 # rounding stage
286 with m.State("round"):
287 = "pack"
288 with m.If(guard & (round_bit | sticky | z.m[0])):
289 m.d.sync += z.m.eq(z.m + 1) # mantissa rounds up
290 with m.If(z.m == 0xffffff): # all 1s
291 m.d.sync += z.e.eq(z.e + 1) # exponent rounds up
293 return m
295 """
296 always @(posedge clk)
297 begin
299 case(state)
301 get_a:
302 begin
303 s_in_a_ack <= 1;
304 if (s_in_a_ack && in_a_stb) begin
305 a <= in_a;
306 s_in_a_ack <= 0;
307 state <= get_b;
308 end
309 end
311 get_b:
312 begin
313 s_in_b_ack <= 1;
314 if (s_in_b_ack && in_b_stb) begin
315 b <= in_b;
316 s_in_b_ack <= 0;
317 state <= unpack;
318 end
319 end
321 unpack:
322 begin
323 a_m <= {a[22 : 0], 3'd0};
324 b_m <= {b[22 : 0], 3'd0};
325 a_e <= a[30 : 23] - 127;
326 b_e <= b[30 : 23] - 127;
327 a_s <= a[31];
328 b_s <= b[31];
329 state <= special_cases;
330 end
332 special_cases:
333 begin
334 //if a is NaN or b is NaN return NaN
335 if ((a_e == 128 && a_m != 0) || (b_e == 128 && b_m != 0)) begin
336 z[31] <= 1;
337 z[30:23] <= 255;
338 z[22] <= 1;
339 z[21:0] <= 0;
340 state <= put_z;
341 //if a is inf return inf
342 end else if (a_e == 128) begin
343 z[31] <= a_s;
344 z[30:23] <= 255;
345 z[22:0] <= 0;
346 //if a is inf and signs don't match return nan
347 if ((b_e == 128) && (a_s != b_s)) begin
348 z[31] <= b_s;
349 z[30:23] <= 255;
350 z[22] <= 1;
351 z[21:0] <= 0;
352 end
353 state <= put_z;
354 //if b is inf return inf
355 end else if (b_e == 128) begin
356 z[31] <= b_s;
357 z[30:23] <= 255;
358 z[22:0] <= 0;
359 state <= put_z;
360 //if a is zero return b
361 end else if ((($signed(a_e) == -127) && (a_m == 0)) && (($signed(b_e) == -127) && (b_m == 0))) begin
362 z[31] <= a_s & b_s;
363 z[30:23] <= b_e[7:0] + 127;
364 z[22:0] <= b_m[26:3];
365 state <= put_z;
366 //if a is zero return b
367 end else if (($signed(a_e) == -127) && (a_m == 0)) begin
368 z[31] <= b_s;
369 z[30:23] <= b_e[7:0] + 127;
370 z[22:0] <= b_m[26:3];
371 state <= put_z;
372 //if b is zero return a
373 end else if (($signed(b_e) == -127) && (b_m == 0)) begin
374 z[31] <= a_s;
375 z[30:23] <= a_e[7:0] + 127;
376 z[22:0] <= a_m[26:3];
377 state <= put_z;
378 end else begin
379 //Denormalised Number
380 if ($signed(a_e) == -127) begin
381 a_e <= -126;
382 end else begin
383 a_m[26] <= 1;
384 end
385 //Denormalised Number
386 if ($signed(b_e) == -127) begin
387 b_e <= -126;
388 end else begin
389 b_m[26] <= 1;
390 end
391 state <= align;
392 end
393 end
395 align:
396 begin
397 if ($signed(a_e) > $signed(b_e)) begin
398 b_e <= b_e + 1;
399 b_m <= b_m >> 1;
400 b_m[0] <= b_m[0] | b_m[1];
401 end else if ($signed(a_e) < $signed(b_e)) begin
402 a_e <= a_e + 1;
403 a_m <= a_m >> 1;
404 a_m[0] <= a_m[0] | a_m[1];
405 end else begin
406 state <= add_0;
407 end
408 end
410 add_0:
411 begin
412 z_e <= a_e;
413 if (a_s == b_s) begin
414 tot <= a_m + b_m;
415 z_s <= a_s;
416 end else begin
417 if (a_m >= b_m) begin
418 tot <= a_m - b_m;
419 z_s <= a_s;
420 end else begin
421 tot <= b_m - a_m;
422 z_s <= b_s;
423 end
424 end
425 state <= add_1;
426 end
428 add_1:
429 begin
430 if (tot[27]) begin
431 z_m <= tot[27:4];
432 guard <= tot[3];
433 round_bit <= tot[2];
434 sticky <= tot[1] | tot[0];
435 z_e <= z_e + 1;
436 end else begin
437 z_m <= tot[26:3];
438 guard <= tot[2];
439 round_bit <= tot[1];
440 sticky <= tot[0];
441 end
442 state <= normalise_1;
443 end
445 normalise_1:
446 begin
447 if (z_m[23] == 0 && $signed(z_e) > -126) begin
448 z_e <= z_e - 1;
449 z_m <= z_m << 1;
450 z_m[0] <= guard;
451 guard <= round_bit;
452 round_bit <= 0;
453 end else begin
454 state <= normalise_2;
455 end
456 end
458 normalise_2:
459 begin
460 if ($signed(z_e) < -126) begin
461 z_e <= z_e + 1;
462 z_m <= z_m >> 1;
463 guard <= z_m[0];
464 round_bit <= guard;
465 sticky <= sticky | round_bit;
466 end else begin
467 state <= round;
468 end
469 end
471 round:
472 begin
473 if (guard && (round_bit | sticky | z_m[0])) begin
474 z_m <= z_m + 1;
475 if (z_m == 24'hffffff) begin
476 z_e <=z_e + 1;
477 end
478 end
479 state <= pack;
480 end
482 pack:
483 begin
484 z[22 : 0] <= z_m[22:0];
485 z[30 : 23] <= z_e[7:0] + 127;
486 z[31] <= z_s;
487 if ($signed(z_e) == -126 && z_m[23] == 0) begin
488 z[30 : 23] <= 0;
489 end
490 if ($signed(z_e) == -126 && z_m[23:0] == 24'h0) begin
491 z[31] <= 1'b0; // FIX SIGN BUG: -a + a = +0.
492 end
493 //if overflow occurs, return inf
494 if ($signed(z_e) > 127) begin
495 z[22 : 0] <= 0;
496 z[30 : 23] <= 255;
497 z[31] <= z_s;
498 end
499 state <= put_z;
500 end
502 put_z:
503 begin
504 s_out_z_stb <= 1;
505 s_out_z <= z;
506 if (s_out_z_stb && out_z_ack) begin
507 s_out_z_stb <= 0;
508 state <= get_a;
509 end
510 end
512 endcase
514 if (rst == 1) begin
515 state <= get_a;
516 s_in_a_ack <= 0;
517 s_in_b_ack <= 0;
518 s_out_z_stb <= 0;
519 end
521 end
522 assign in_a_ack = s_in_a_ack;
523 assign in_b_ack = s_in_b_ack;
524 assign out_z_stb = s_out_z_stb;
525 assign out_z = s_out_z;
527 endmodule
528 """
530 if __name__ == "__main__":
531 alu = FPADD(width=32)
532 main(alu, ports=[
533 alu.in_a, alu.in_a_stb, alu.in_a_ack,
534 alu.in_b, alu.in_b_stb, alu.in_b_ack,
535 alu.out_z, alu.out_z_stb, alu.out_z_ack,
536 ])