edited 2022-08-071 to 2021...
[utils.git] / src / budget_sync / config.py
1 from budget_sync.ordered_set import OrderedSet
2 from budget_sync.util import PrettyPrinter
3 import toml
4 import sys
5 from typing import Mapping, Set, Dict, Any, Optional
6 try:
7 from functools import cached_property
8 except ImportError:
9 # compatability with python < 3.8
10 from cached_property import cached_property
13 class ConfigParseError(Exception):
14 pass
17 class Person:
18 aliases: OrderedSet[str]
19 email: Optional[str]
21 def __init__(self, config: "Config", identifier: str,
22 full_name: str,
23 aliases: Optional[OrderedSet[str]] = None,
24 email: Optional[str] = None):
25 self.config = config
26 self.identifier = identifier
27 if aliases is None:
28 aliases = OrderedSet()
29 else:
30 assert isinstance(aliases, OrderedSet)
31 self.aliases = aliases
32 self.email = email
33 self.full_name = full_name
35 @cached_property
36 def all_names(self) -> OrderedSet[str]:
37 retval = OrderedSet(self.aliases)
38 retval.add(self.identifier)
39 retval.add(self.full_name)
40 if self.email is not None:
41 retval.add(self.email)
42 return retval
44 @cached_property
45 def output_markdown_file(self) -> str:
46 return self.identifier + '.mdwn'
48 def __eq__(self, other):
49 return self.identifier == other.identifier
51 def __hash__(self):
52 return hash(self.identifier)
54 def __pretty_print__(self, pp: PrettyPrinter):
55 with pp.type_pp("Person") as tpp:
56 tpp.field("config", ...)
57 tpp.field("identifier", self.identifier)
59 def __repr__(self):
60 return (f"Person(config=..., identifier={self.identifier!r}, "
61 f"full_name={self.full_name!r}, "
62 f"aliases={self.aliases!r}, email={self.email!r})")
65 class Milestone:
66 def __init__(self, config: "Config",
67 identifier: str, canonical_bug_id: int):
68 self.config = config
69 self.identifier = identifier
70 self.canonical_bug_id = canonical_bug_id
72 def __eq__(self, other):
73 return self.identifier == other.identifier
75 def __hash__(self):
76 return hash(self.identifier)
78 def __repr__(self):
79 return f"Milestone(config=..., " \
80 f"identifier={self.identifier!r}, " \
81 f"canonical_bug_id={self.canonical_bug_id})"
84 class Config:
85 def __init__(self, bugzilla_url: str, people: Dict[str, Person],
86 milestones: Dict[str, Milestone]):
87 self.bugzilla_url = bugzilla_url
88 self.people = people
89 self.milestones = milestones
91 def __repr__(self):
92 return f"Config(bugzilla_url={self.bugzilla_url!r}, " \
93 f"people={self.people!r}, " \
94 f"milestones={self.milestones!r})"
96 @cached_property
97 def bugzilla_url_stripped(self):
98 return self.bugzilla_url.rstrip('/')
100 @cached_property
101 def all_names(self) -> Dict[str, Person]:
102 # also checks for any name clashes and raises
103 # ConfigParseError if any are detected
104 retval = self.people.copy()
106 for person in self.people.values():
107 for name in person.all_names:
108 other_person = retval.get(name)
109 if other_person is not None and other_person is not person:
110 alias_or_email_or_full_name = "alias"
111 if name == person.email:
112 alias_or_email_or_full_name = "email"
113 if name == person.full_name:
114 alias_or_email_or_full_name = "full_name"
115 if name in self.people:
116 raise ConfigParseError(
117 f"{alias_or_email_or_full_name} is not allowed "
118 f"to be the same "
119 f"as any person's identifier: in person entry for "
120 f"{person.identifier!r}: {name!r} is also the "
121 f"identifier for person"
122 f" {other_person.identifier!r}")
123 raise ConfigParseError(
124 f"{alias_or_email_or_full_name} is not allowed "
125 f"to be the same as "
126 f"another person's alias, email, or full_name: "
127 f"in person entry "
128 f"for {person.identifier!r}: {name!r} is also an alias"
129 f", email, or full_name for person "
130 f"{other_person.identifier!r}")
131 retval[name] = person
132 return retval
134 @cached_property
135 def canonical_bug_ids(self) -> Dict[int, Milestone]:
136 # also checks for any bug id clashes and raises
137 # ConfigParseError if any are detected
138 retval: Dict[int, Milestone] = {}
139 for milestone in self.milestones.values():
140 other_milestone = retval.get(milestone.canonical_bug_id)
141 if other_milestone is not None:
142 raise ConfigParseError(
143 f"canonical_bug_id is not allowed to be the same as "
144 f"another milestone's canonical_bug_id: in milestone "
145 f"entry for {milestone.identifier!r}: "
146 f"{milestone.canonical_bug_id} is also the "
147 f"canonical_bug_id for milestone "
148 f"{other_milestone.identifier!r}")
149 retval[milestone.canonical_bug_id] = milestone
150 return retval
152 def _parse_person(self, identifier: str, value: Any) -> Person:
153 def raise_aliases_must_be_list_of_strings():
154 raise ConfigParseError(
155 f"`aliases` field in person entry for {identifier!r} must "
156 f"be a list of strings")
158 if not isinstance(value, dict):
159 raise ConfigParseError(
160 f"person entry for {identifier!r} must be a table")
161 aliases = OrderedSet()
162 email = None
163 full_name = None
164 for k, v in value.items():
165 assert isinstance(k, str)
166 if k == "aliases":
167 if not isinstance(v, list):
168 raise_aliases_must_be_list_of_strings()
169 for alias in v:
170 if isinstance(alias, str):
171 if alias in aliases:
172 raise ConfigParseError(
173 f"duplicate alias in person entry for "
174 f"{identifier!r}: {alias!r}")
175 aliases.add(alias)
176 else:
177 raise_aliases_must_be_list_of_strings()
178 elif k == "email":
179 if not isinstance(v, str):
180 raise ConfigParseError(
181 f"`email` field in person entry for {identifier!r} "
182 f"must be a string")
183 email = v
184 elif k == "full_name":
185 if not isinstance(v, str):
186 raise ConfigParseError(
187 f"`full_name` field in person entry for "
188 f"{identifier!r} must be a string")
189 full_name = v
190 else:
191 raise ConfigParseError(
192 f"unknown field in person entry for {identifier!r}: `{k}`")
193 if full_name is None:
194 raise ConfigParseError(f"`full_name` field is missing in "
195 f"person entry for {identifier!r}")
196 return Person(config=self, identifier=identifier,
197 full_name=full_name,
198 aliases=aliases, email=email)
200 def _parse_people(self, people: Any):
201 if not isinstance(people, dict):
202 raise ConfigParseError("`people` field must be a table")
203 for identifier, value in people.items():
204 assert isinstance(identifier, str)
205 self.people[identifier] = self._parse_person(identifier, value)
207 # self.all_names checks for name clashes and raises ConfigParseError
208 # if any are detected, so the following line is needed:
209 self.all_names
211 def _parse_milestone(self, identifier: str, value: Any) -> Milestone:
212 if not isinstance(value, dict):
213 raise ConfigParseError(
214 f"milestones entry for {identifier!r} must be a table")
215 canonical_bug_id = None
216 for k, v in value.items():
217 assert isinstance(k, str)
218 if k == "canonical_bug_id":
219 if not isinstance(v, int):
220 raise ConfigParseError(
221 f"`canonical_bug_id` field in milestones entry for "
222 f"{identifier!r} must be an integer")
223 canonical_bug_id = v
224 else:
225 raise ConfigParseError(f"unknown field in milestones entry "
226 f"for {identifier!r}: `{k}`")
227 if canonical_bug_id is None:
228 raise ConfigParseError(f"`canonical_bug_id` field is missing in "
229 f"milestones entry for {identifier!r}")
230 return Milestone(config=self, identifier=identifier,
231 canonical_bug_id=canonical_bug_id)
233 def _parse_milestones(self, milestones: Any):
234 if not isinstance(milestones, dict):
235 raise ConfigParseError("`milestones` field must be a table")
236 for identifier, value in milestones.items():
237 assert isinstance(identifier, str)
238 self.milestones[identifier] = \
239 self._parse_milestone(identifier, value)
241 # self.canonical_bug_ids checks for bug id clashes and raises
242 # ConfigParseError if any are detected, so the following line
243 # is needed:
244 self.canonical_bug_ids
246 @staticmethod
247 def _from_toml(parsed_toml: Mapping[str, Any]) -> "Config":
248 people = None
249 bugzilla_url = None
250 milestones = None
251 for k, v in parsed_toml.items():
252 assert isinstance(k, str)
253 if k == "people":
254 people = v
255 elif k == "milestones":
256 milestones = v
257 elif k == "bugzilla_url":
258 if not isinstance(v, str):
259 raise ConfigParseError("`bugzilla_url` must be a string")
260 bugzilla_url = v
261 else:
262 raise ConfigParseError(f"unknown config entry: `{k}`")
264 if bugzilla_url is None:
265 raise ConfigParseError("`bugzilla_url` field is missing")
267 config = Config(bugzilla_url=bugzilla_url, people={}, milestones={})
269 if people is None:
270 raise ConfigParseError("`people` table is missing")
271 else:
272 config._parse_people(people)
274 if milestones is None:
275 raise ConfigParseError("`milestones` table is missing")
276 else:
277 config._parse_milestones(milestones)
279 return config
281 @staticmethod
282 def from_str(text: str) -> "Config":
283 try:
284 parsed_toml = toml.loads(text)
285 except toml.TomlDecodeError as e:
286 new_err = ConfigParseError(f"TOML parse error: {e}")
287 raise new_err.with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
288 return Config._from_toml(parsed_toml)
290 @staticmethod
291 def from_file(file: Any) -> "Config":
292 if isinstance(file, list):
293 raise TypeError("list is not a valid file or path")
294 try:
295 parsed_toml = toml.load(file)
296 except toml.TomlDecodeError as e:
297 new_err = ConfigParseError(f"TOML parse error: {e}")
298 raise new_err.with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
299 return Config._from_toml(parsed_toml)