whoops set pass_flag[0] always true
[ieee754fpu.git] / src / ieee754 / div_rem_sqrt_rsqrt / test_core.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
3 # See Notices.txt for copyright information
5 from ieee754.div_rem_sqrt_rsqrt.core import (DivPipeCoreConfig,
6 DivPipeCoreSetupStage,
7 DivPipeCoreCalculateStage, DivPipeCoreFinalStage,
8 DivPipeCoreOperation, DivPipeCoreInputData,
9 DivPipeCoreInterstageData, DivPipeCoreOutputData)
10 from ieee754.div_rem_sqrt_rsqrt.algorithm import (FixedUDivRemSqrtRSqrt,
11 Fixed, Operation, div_rem,
12 fixed_sqrt, fixed_rsqrt)
13 import unittest
14 from nmigen import Module, Elaboratable, Signal
15 from nmigen.hdl.ir import Fragment
16 from nmigen.back import rtlil
17 from nmigen.back.pysim import Simulator, Delay, Tick
18 from itertools import chain
21 def show_fixed(bits, fract_width, bit_width):
22 fixed = Fixed.from_bits(bits, fract_width, bit_width, False)
23 return f"{str(fixed)}:{repr(fixed)}"
26 def get_core_op(alg_op):
27 if alg_op is Operation.UDivRem:
28 return DivPipeCoreOperation.UDivRem
29 if alg_op is Operation.SqrtRem:
30 return DivPipeCoreOperation.SqrtRem
31 assert alg_op is Operation.RSqrtRem
32 return DivPipeCoreOperation.RSqrtRem
35 class TestCaseData:
36 __test__ = False # make pytest ignore class
38 def __init__(self,
39 dividend,
40 divisor_radicand,
41 alg_op,
42 quotient_root,
43 remainder,
44 core_config):
45 self.dividend = dividend
46 self.divisor_radicand = divisor_radicand
47 self.alg_op = alg_op
48 self.quotient_root = quotient_root
49 self.remainder = remainder
50 self.core_config = core_config
52 @property
53 def core_op(self):
54 return get_core_op(self.alg_op)
56 def __str__(self):
57 bit_width = self.core_config.bit_width
58 fract_width = self.core_config.fract_width
59 dividend_str = show_fixed(self.dividend,
60 fract_width * 2,
61 bit_width + fract_width)
62 divisor_radicand_str = show_fixed(self.divisor_radicand,
63 fract_width,
64 bit_width)
65 quotient_root_str = show_fixed(self.quotient_root,
66 fract_width,
67 bit_width)
68 remainder_str = show_fixed(self.remainder,
69 fract_width * 3,
70 bit_width * 3)
71 return f"{{dividend={dividend_str}, " \
72 + f"divisor_radicand={divisor_radicand_str}, " \
73 + f"op={self.alg_op.name}, " \
74 + f"quotient_root={quotient_root_str}, " \
75 + f"remainder={remainder_str}, " \
76 + f"config={self.core_config}}}"
79 def generate_test_case(core_config, dividend, divisor_radicand, alg_op):
80 bit_width = core_config.bit_width
81 fract_width = core_config.fract_width
82 obj = FixedUDivRemSqrtRSqrt(dividend,
83 divisor_radicand,
84 alg_op,
85 bit_width,
86 fract_width,
87 core_config.log2_radix)
88 obj.calculate()
89 yield TestCaseData(dividend,
90 divisor_radicand,
91 alg_op,
92 obj.quotient_root,
93 obj.remainder,
94 core_config)
97 def shifted_ints(total_bits, int_bits):
98 """ Generate a sequence like a generalized binary version of A037124.
100 See https://oeis.org/A037124
102 Generates the sequence of all non-negative integers ``n`` in ascending
103 order with no repeats where ``n < (1 << total_bits) and n == (v << i)``
104 where ``i`` is a non-negative integer and ``v`` is a non-negative
105 integer less than ``1 << int_bits``.
106 """
107 n = 0
108 while n < (1 << total_bits):
109 yield n
110 if n < (1 << int_bits):
111 n += 1
112 else:
113 n += 1 << (n.bit_length() - int_bits)
116 def partitioned_ints(bit_width):
117 """ Get ints with all 1s on one side and 0s on the other. """
118 for i in range(bit_width):
119 yield (-1 << i) & ((1 << bit_width) - 1)
120 yield (1 << (i + 1)) - 1
123 class TestShiftedInts(unittest.TestCase):
124 def test(self):
125 expected = [0x000,
126 0x001,
127 0x002, 0x003,
128 0x004, 0x005, 0x006, 0x007,
129 0x008, 0x009, 0x00A, 0x00B, 0x00C, 0x00D, 0x00E, 0x00F,
130 0x010, 0x012, 0x014, 0x016, 0x018, 0x01A, 0x01C, 0x01E,
131 0x020, 0x024, 0x028, 0x02C, 0x030, 0x034, 0x038, 0x03C,
132 0x040, 0x048, 0x050, 0x058, 0x060, 0x068, 0x070, 0x078,
133 0x080, 0x090, 0x0A0, 0x0B0, 0x0C0, 0x0D0, 0x0E0, 0x0F0,
134 0x100, 0x120, 0x140, 0x160, 0x180, 0x1A0, 0x1C0, 0x1E0,
135 0x200, 0x240, 0x280, 0x2C0, 0x300, 0x340, 0x380, 0x3C0,
136 0x400, 0x480, 0x500, 0x580, 0x600, 0x680, 0x700, 0x780,
137 0x800, 0x900, 0xA00, 0xB00, 0xC00, 0xD00, 0xE00, 0xF00]
138 self.assertEqual(list(shifted_ints(12, 4)), expected)
141 def get_test_cases(core_config,
142 dividends=None,
143 divisors=None,
144 radicands=None):
145 if dividends is None:
146 dividend_width = core_config.bit_width + core_config.fract_width
147 dividends = [*shifted_ints(dividend_width,
148 max(3, core_config.log2_radix)),
149 *partitioned_ints(dividend_width)]
150 else:
151 assert isinstance(dividends, list)
152 if divisors is None:
153 divisors = [*shifted_ints(core_config.bit_width,
154 max(3, core_config.log2_radix)),
155 *partitioned_ints(core_config.bit_width)]
156 else:
157 assert isinstance(divisors, list)
158 if radicands is None:
159 radicands = [*shifted_ints(core_config.bit_width, 5),
160 *partitioned_ints(core_config.bit_width)]
161 else:
162 assert isinstance(radicands, list)
164 for alg_op in reversed(Operation): # put UDivRem at end
165 if alg_op is Operation.UDivRem:
166 for dividend in dividends:
167 for divisor in divisors:
168 yield from generate_test_case(core_config,
169 dividend,
170 divisor,
171 alg_op)
172 else:
173 for radicand in radicands:
174 yield from generate_test_case(core_config,
175 0,
176 radicand,
177 alg_op)
180 class DivPipeCoreTestPipeline(Elaboratable):
181 def __init__(self, core_config, sync):
182 self.setup_stage = DivPipeCoreSetupStage(core_config)
183 self.calculate_stages = [
184 DivPipeCoreCalculateStage(core_config, stage_index)
185 for stage_index in range(core_config.n_stages)]
186 self.final_stage = DivPipeCoreFinalStage(core_config)
187 self.interstage_signals = [
188 DivPipeCoreInterstageData(core_config, reset_less=True)
189 for i in range(core_config.n_stages + 1)]
190 self.i = DivPipeCoreInputData(core_config, reset_less=True)
191 self.o = DivPipeCoreOutputData(core_config, reset_less=True)
192 self.sync = sync
194 def elaborate(self, platform):
195 m = Module()
196 stages = [self.setup_stage, *self.calculate_stages, self.final_stage]
197 stage_inputs = [self.i, *self.interstage_signals]
198 stage_outputs = [*self.interstage_signals, self.o]
199 for stage, input, output in zip(stages, stage_inputs, stage_outputs):
200 stage.setup(m, input)
201 assignments = output.eq(stage.process(input))
202 if self.sync:
203 m.d.sync += assignments
204 else:
205 m.d.comb += assignments
206 return m
208 def traces(self):
209 yield from self.i
210 # for interstage_signal in self.interstage_signals:
211 # yield from interstage_signal
212 yield from self.o
215 class TestDivPipeCore(unittest.TestCase):
216 def handle_config(self,
217 core_config,
218 test_cases=None,
219 sync=True):
220 if test_cases is None:
221 test_cases = get_test_cases(core_config)
222 test_cases = list(test_cases)
223 base_name = f"test_div_pipe_core_bit_width_{core_config.bit_width}"
224 base_name += f"_fract_width_{core_config.fract_width}"
225 base_name += f"_radix_{1 << core_config.log2_radix}"
226 if not sync:
227 base_name += "_comb"
228 with self.subTest(part="synthesize"):
229 dut = DivPipeCoreTestPipeline(core_config, sync)
230 vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=[*dut.i, *dut.o])
231 with open(f"{base_name}.il", "w") as f:
232 f.write(vl)
233 dut = DivPipeCoreTestPipeline(core_config, sync)
234 with Simulator(dut,
235 vcd_file=open(f"{base_name}.vcd", "w"),
236 gtkw_file=open(f"{base_name}.gtkw", "w"),
237 traces=[*dut.traces()]) as sim:
238 def generate_process():
239 for test_case in test_cases:
240 yield Tick()
241 yield dut.i.dividend.eq(test_case.dividend)
242 yield dut.i.divisor_radicand.eq(test_case.divisor_radicand)
243 yield dut.i.operation.eq(int(test_case.core_op))
244 yield Delay(0.9e-6)
246 def check_process():
247 # sync with generator
248 if sync:
249 yield
250 for _ in range(core_config.n_stages):
251 yield
252 yield
254 # now synched with generator
255 for test_case in test_cases:
256 yield Tick()
257 yield Delay(0.9e-6)
258 quotient_root = (yield dut.o.quotient_root)
259 remainder = (yield dut.o.remainder)
260 with self.subTest(test_case=str(test_case)):
261 self.assertEqual(quotient_root,
262 test_case.quotient_root,
263 str(test_case))
264 self.assertEqual(remainder, test_case.remainder,
265 str(test_case))
266 sim.add_clock(2e-6)
267 sim.add_sync_process(generate_process)
268 sim.add_sync_process(check_process)
269 sim.run()
271 def test_bit_width_2_fract_width_1_radix_2_comb(self):
272 self.handle_config(DivPipeCoreConfig(bit_width=2,
273 fract_width=1,
274 log2_radix=1),
275 sync=False)
277 def test_bit_width_2_fract_width_1_radix_2(self):
278 self.handle_config(DivPipeCoreConfig(bit_width=2,
279 fract_width=1,
280 log2_radix=1))
282 def test_bit_width_8_fract_width_4_radix_2_comb(self):
283 self.handle_config(DivPipeCoreConfig(bit_width=8,
284 fract_width=4,
285 log2_radix=1),
286 sync=False)
288 def test_bit_width_8_fract_width_4_radix_2(self):
289 self.handle_config(DivPipeCoreConfig(bit_width=8,
290 fract_width=4,
291 log2_radix=1))
293 @unittest.skip("really slow")
294 def test_bit_width_32_fract_width_24_radix_8_comb(self):
295 self.handle_config(DivPipeCoreConfig(bit_width=32,
296 fract_width=24,
297 log2_radix=3),
298 sync=False)
300 @unittest.skip("really slow")
301 def test_bit_width_32_fract_width_24_radix_8(self):
302 self.handle_config(DivPipeCoreConfig(bit_width=32,
303 fract_width=24,
304 log2_radix=3))
306 @unittest.skip("really slow")
307 def test_bit_width_32_fract_width_28_radix_8_comb(self):
308 self.handle_config(DivPipeCoreConfig(bit_width=32,
309 fract_width=28,
310 log2_radix=3),
311 sync=False)
313 @unittest.skip("really slow")
314 def test_bit_width_32_fract_width_28_radix_8(self):
315 self.handle_config(DivPipeCoreConfig(bit_width=32,
316 fract_width=28,
317 log2_radix=3))
319 # FIXME: add more test_* functions
322 if __name__ == '__main__':
323 unittest.main()