add more converted header files
[soc.git] / src / iommu / axi_rab /
1 # this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
3 from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
6 class slice_top(Elaboratable):
8 def __init__(self):
9 self.int_cfg_regs = Signal() # input
10 self.int_rw = Signal() # input
11 self.int_addr_min = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT) # input
12 self.int_addr_max = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT) # input
13 self.multi_hit_allow = Signal() # input
14 self.multi_hit = Signal() # output
15 self.prot = Signal(N_SLICES) # output
16 self.hit = Signal(N_SLICES) # output
17 self.cache_coherent = Signal() # output
18 self.out_addr = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS) # output
20 def elaborate(self, platform=None):
21 m = Module()
22 return m
25 # // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
26 # // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
27 # // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
28 # // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
29 # // Unless required by applicable law
30 # // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
31 # // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
32 # // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
33 # // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
34 #
35 # module slice_top
36 # //#(
37 # // parameter N_SLICES = 16,
38 # // parameter N_REGS = 4*N_SLICES,
39 # // parameter ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS = 40,
40 # // parameter ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT = 32
41 # // )
42 # (
43 # input logic [N_REGS-1:0] [63:0] int_cfg_regs,
44 # input logic int_rw,
45 # input logic [ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0] int_addr_min,
46 # input logic [ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0] int_addr_max,
47 # input logic multi_hit_allow,
48 # output logic multi_hit,
49 # output logic [N_SLICES-1:0] prot,
50 # output logic [N_SLICES-1:0] hit,
51 # output logic cache_coherent,
52 # output logic [ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS-1:0] out_addr
53 # );
54 #
55 """ #docstring_begin
57 logic first_hit;
59 genvar i;
60 integer j;
62 logic [ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS*N_SLICES-1:0] slice_out_addr;
64 generate
65 for ( i=0; i<N_SLICES; i++ )
66 begin
67 rab_slice
68 #(
71 )
72 u_slice
73 (
74 .cfg_min ( int_cfg_regs[4*i] [ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0] ),
75 .cfg_max ( int_cfg_regs[4*i+1][ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0] ),
76 .cfg_offset ( int_cfg_regs[4*i+2][ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS-1:0] ),
77 .cfg_wen ( int_cfg_regs[4*i+3][2] ),
78 .cfg_ren ( int_cfg_regs[4*i+3][1] ),
79 .cfg_en ( int_cfg_regs[4*i+3][0] ),
80 .in_trans_type ( int_rw ),
81 .in_addr_min ( int_addr_min ),
82 .in_addr_max ( int_addr_max ),
83 .out_addr ( slice_out_addr[ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS*i+ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS-1:ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS*i] ),
84 .out_prot ( prot[i] ),
85 .out_hit ( hit[i] )
86 );
87 end
88 endgenerate
90 // In case of a multi hit, the lowest slice with a hit is selected.
91 always_comb begin : HIT_CHECK
92 first_hit = 0;
93 multi_hit = 0;
94 out_addr = '0;
95 cache_coherent = 0;
96 for (j = 0; j < N_SLICES; j++) begin
97 if (hit[j] == 1'b1) begin
98 if (first_hit == 1'b1) begin
99 if (multi_hit_allow == 1'b0) begin
100 multi_hit = 1'b1;
101 end
102 end else begin
103 first_hit = 1'b1;
104 out_addr = slice_out_addr[ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS*j +: ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS];
105 cache_coherent = int_cfg_regs[4*j+3][3];
106 end
107 end
108 end
109 end
110 """
111 # endmodule
112 #
113 # // vim: ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et nosmartindent autoindent foldmethod=marker
114 #
115 #