update to nmutil Memory API
[ieee754fpu.git] / src / nmutil / iocontrol.py
1 """ IO Control API
3 Associated development bugs:
4 * http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64
5 * http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57
7 Stage API:
8 ---------
10 stage requires compliance with a strict API that may be
11 implemented in several means, including as a static class.
13 Stages do not HOLD data, and they definitely do not contain
14 signalling (ready/valid). They do however specify the FORMAT
15 of the incoming and outgoing data, and they provide a means to
16 PROCESS that data (from incoming format to outgoing format).
18 Stage Blocks really must be combinatorial blocks. It would be ok
19 to have input come in from sync'd sources (clock-driven) however by
20 doing so they would no longer be deterministic, and chaining such
21 blocks with such side-effects together could result in unexpected,
22 unpredictable, unreproduceable behaviour.
23 So generally to be avoided, then unless you know what you are doing.
25 the methods of a stage instance must be as follows:
27 * ispec() - Input data format specification. Takes a bit of explaining.
28 The requirements are: something that eventually derives from
29 nmigen Value must be returned *OR* an iterator or iterable
30 or sequence (list, tuple etc.) or generator must *yield*
31 thing(s) that (eventually) derive from the nmigen Value class.
33 Complex to state, very simple in practice:
34 see test_buf_pipe.py for over 25 worked examples.
36 * ospec() - Output data format specification.
37 format requirements identical to ispec.
39 * process(m, i) - Optional function for processing ispec-formatted data.
40 returns a combinatorial block of a result that
41 may be assigned to the output, by way of the "nmoperator.eq"
42 function. Note that what is returned here can be
43 extremely flexible. Even a dictionary can be returned
44 as long as it has fields that match precisely with the
45 Record into which its values is intended to be assigned.
46 Again: see example unit tests for details.
48 * setup(m, i) - Optional function for setting up submodules.
49 may be used for more complex stages, to link
50 the input (i) to submodules. must take responsibility
51 for adding those submodules to the module (m).
52 the submodules must be combinatorial blocks and
53 must have their inputs and output linked combinatorially.
55 Both StageCls (for use with non-static classes) and Stage (for use
56 by static classes) are abstract classes from which, for convenience
57 and as a courtesy to other developers, anything conforming to the
58 Stage API may *choose* to derive. See Liskov Substitution Principle:
59 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle
61 StageChain:
62 ----------
64 A useful combinatorial wrapper around stages that chains them together
65 and then presents a Stage-API-conformant interface. By presenting
66 the same API as the stages it wraps, it can clearly be used recursively.
68 ControlBase:
69 -----------
71 The base class for pipelines. Contains previous and next ready/valid/data.
72 Also has an extremely useful "connect" function that can be used to
73 connect a chain of pipelines and present the exact same prev/next
74 ready/valid/data API.
76 Note: pipelines basically do not become pipelines as such until
77 handed to a derivative of ControlBase. ControlBase itself is *not*
78 strictly considered a pipeline class. Wishbone and AXI4 (master or
79 slave) could be derived from ControlBase, for example.
80 """
82 from nmigen import Signal, Cat, Const, Module, Value, Elaboratable
83 from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
84 from nmigen.hdl.rec import Record
86 from collections.abc import Sequence, Iterable
87 from collections import OrderedDict
89 from nmutil import nmoperator
92 class Object:
93 def __init__(self):
94 self.fields = OrderedDict()
96 def __setattr__(self, k, v):
97 print ("kv", k, v)
98 if (k.startswith('_') or k in ["fields", "name", "src_loc"] or
99 k in dir(Object) or "fields" not in self.__dict__):
100 return object.__setattr__(self, k, v)
101 self.fields[k] = v
103 def __getattr__(self, k):
104 if k in self.__dict__:
105 return object.__getattr__(self, k)
106 try:
107 return self.fields[k]
108 except KeyError as e:
109 raise AttributeError(e)
111 def __iter__(self):
112 for x in self.fields.values(): # OrderedDict so order is preserved
113 if isinstance(x, Iterable):
114 yield from x
115 else:
116 yield x
118 def eq(self, inp):
119 res = []
120 for (k, o) in self.fields.items():
121 i = getattr(inp, k)
122 print ("eq", o, i)
123 rres = o.eq(i)
124 if isinstance(rres, Sequence):
125 res += rres
126 else:
127 res.append(rres)
128 print (res)
129 return res
131 def ports(self): # being called "keys" would be much better
132 return list(self)
135 class RecordObject(Record):
136 def __init__(self, layout=None, name=None):
137 Record.__init__(self, layout=layout or [], name=name)
139 def __setattr__(self, k, v):
140 #print (dir(Record))
141 if (k.startswith('_') or k in ["fields", "name", "src_loc"] or
142 k in dir(Record) or "fields" not in self.__dict__):
143 return object.__setattr__(self, k, v)
144 self.fields[k] = v
145 #print ("RecordObject setattr", k, v)
146 if isinstance(v, Record):
147 newlayout = {k: (k, v.layout)}
148 elif isinstance(v, Value):
149 newlayout = {k: (k, v.shape())}
150 else:
151 newlayout = {k: (k, nmoperator.shape(v))}
152 self.layout.fields.update(newlayout)
154 def __iter__(self):
155 for x in self.fields.values(): # remember: fields is an OrderedDict
156 if isinstance(x, Iterable):
157 yield from x # a bit like flatten (nmigen.tools)
158 else:
159 yield x
161 def ports(self): # would be better being called "keys"
162 return list(self)
165 class PrevControl(Elaboratable):
166 """ contains signals that come *from* the previous stage (both in and out)
167 * valid_i: previous stage indicating all incoming data is valid.
168 may be a multi-bit signal, where all bits are required
169 to be asserted to indicate "valid".
170 * ready_o: output to next stage indicating readiness to accept data
171 * data_i : an input - MUST be added by the USER of this class
172 """
174 def __init__(self, i_width=1, stage_ctl=False):
175 self.stage_ctl = stage_ctl
176 self.valid_i = Signal(i_width, name="p_valid_i") # prev >>in self
177 self._ready_o = Signal(name="p_ready_o") # prev <<out self
178 self.data_i = None # XXX MUST BE ADDED BY USER
179 if stage_ctl:
180 self.s_ready_o = Signal(name="p_s_o_rdy") # prev <<out self
181 self.trigger = Signal(reset_less=True)
183 @property
184 def ready_o(self):
185 """ public-facing API: indicates (externally) that stage is ready
186 """
187 if self.stage_ctl:
188 return self.s_ready_o # set dynamically by stage
189 return self._ready_o # return this when not under dynamic control
191 def _connect_in(self, prev, direct=False, fn=None, do_data=True):
192 """ internal helper function to connect stage to an input source.
193 do not use to connect stage-to-stage!
194 """
195 valid_i = prev.valid_i if direct else prev.valid_i_test
196 res = [self.valid_i.eq(valid_i),
197 prev.ready_o.eq(self.ready_o)]
198 if do_data is False:
199 return res
200 data_i = fn(prev.data_i) if fn is not None else prev.data_i
201 return res + [nmoperator.eq(self.data_i, data_i)]
203 @property
204 def valid_i_test(self):
205 vlen = len(self.valid_i)
206 if vlen > 1:
207 # multi-bit case: valid only when valid_i is all 1s
208 all1s = Const(-1, (len(self.valid_i), False))
209 valid_i = (self.valid_i == all1s)
210 else:
211 # single-bit valid_i case
212 valid_i = self.valid_i
214 # when stage indicates not ready, incoming data
215 # must "appear" to be not ready too
216 if self.stage_ctl:
217 valid_i = valid_i & self.s_ready_o
219 return valid_i
221 def elaborate(self, platform):
222 m = Module()
223 m.d.comb += self.trigger.eq(self.valid_i_test & self.ready_o)
224 return m
226 def eq(self, i):
227 return [nmoperator.eq(self.data_i, i.data_i),
228 self.ready_o.eq(i.ready_o),
229 self.valid_i.eq(i.valid_i)]
231 def __iter__(self):
232 yield self.valid_i
233 yield self.ready_o
234 if hasattr(self.data_i, "ports"):
235 yield from self.data_i.ports()
236 elif isinstance(self.data_i, Sequence):
237 yield from self.data_i
238 else:
239 yield self.data_i
241 def ports(self):
242 return list(self)
245 class NextControl(Elaboratable):
246 """ contains the signals that go *to* the next stage (both in and out)
247 * valid_o: output indicating to next stage that data is valid
248 * ready_i: input from next stage indicating that it can accept data
249 * data_o : an output - MUST be added by the USER of this class
250 """
251 def __init__(self, stage_ctl=False):
252 self.stage_ctl = stage_ctl
253 self.valid_o = Signal(name="n_valid_o") # self out>> next
254 self.ready_i = Signal(name="n_ready_i") # self <<in next
255 self.data_o = None # XXX MUST BE ADDED BY USER
256 #if self.stage_ctl:
257 self.d_valid = Signal(reset=1) # INTERNAL (data valid)
258 self.trigger = Signal(reset_less=True)
260 @property
261 def ready_i_test(self):
262 if self.stage_ctl:
263 return self.ready_i & self.d_valid
264 return self.ready_i
266 def connect_to_next(self, nxt, do_data=True):
267 """ helper function to connect to the next stage data/valid/ready.
268 data/valid is passed *TO* nxt, and ready comes *IN* from nxt.
269 use this when connecting stage-to-stage
270 """
271 res = [nxt.valid_i.eq(self.valid_o),
272 self.ready_i.eq(nxt.ready_o)]
273 if do_data:
274 res.append(nmoperator.eq(nxt.data_i, self.data_o))
275 return res
277 def _connect_out(self, nxt, direct=False, fn=None, do_data=True):
278 """ internal helper function to connect stage to an output source.
279 do not use to connect stage-to-stage!
280 """
281 ready_i = nxt.ready_i if direct else nxt.ready_i_test
282 res = [nxt.valid_o.eq(self.valid_o),
283 self.ready_i.eq(ready_i)]
284 if not do_data:
285 return res
286 data_o = fn(nxt.data_o) if fn is not None else nxt.data_o
287 return res + [nmoperator.eq(data_o, self.data_o)]
289 def elaborate(self, platform):
290 m = Module()
291 m.d.comb += self.trigger.eq(self.ready_i_test & self.valid_o)
292 return m
294 def __iter__(self):
295 yield self.ready_i
296 yield self.valid_o
297 if hasattr(self.data_o, "ports"):
298 yield from self.data_o.ports()
299 elif isinstance(self.data_o, Sequence):
300 yield from self.data_o
301 else:
302 yield self.data_o
304 def ports(self):
305 return list(self)