whoops use reduce(or_) not bool to merge bitwise src in dep cells
[soc.git] / src / scoreboard / ldst_matrix.py
1 """ Mitch Alsup 6600-style LD/ST Memory Scoreboard Matrix (sparse vector)
3 6600 LD/ST Dependency Table Matrix inputs / outputs
4 ---------------------------------------------------
6 Relevant comments (p45-46):
8 * If there are no WAR dependencies on a Load instruction with a computed
9 address it can assert Bank_Addressable and Translate_Addressable.
11 * If there are no RAW dependencies on a Store instruction with both a
12 write permission and store data present it can assert Bank_Addressable
14 Relevant bugreports:
16 * http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=81
18 Notes:
20 * Load Hit (or Store Hit with Data) are asserted by the LD/ST Computation
21 Unit when it has data and address ready
23 * Asserting the ld_hit_i (or stwd_hit_i) *requires* that the output be
24 captured or at least taken into consideration for the next LD/STs
25 *right then*. Failure to observe the xx_hold_xx_o *will* result in
26 data corruption, as they are *only* asserted if xx_hit_i is asserted
28 * The hold signals still have to go through "maybe address clashes"
29 detection, they cannot just be used as-is to stop a LD/ST.
31 """
33 from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
34 from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
35 from nmigen import Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Array, Cat, Const
37 from ldst_dep_cell import LDSTDepCell
40 class LDSTDepMatrix(Elaboratable):
41 """ implements 11.4.12 mitch alsup LD/ST Dependency Matrix, p46
42 actually a sparse matrix along the diagonal.
44 load-hold-store and store-hold-load accumulate in a priority-picking
45 fashion, ORing together. the OR gate from the dependency cell is
46 here.
47 """
48 def __init__(self, n_ldst):
49 self.n_ldst = n_ldst # X and Y (FUs)
50 self.ld_pend_i = Signal(n_ldst, reset_less=True) # load pending in
51 self.st_pend_i = Signal(n_ldst, reset_less=True) # store pending in
52 self.issue_i = Signal(n_ldst, reset_less=True) # Issue in
53 self.go_die_i = Signal(n_ldst, reset_less=True) # Die/Reset in
55 self.load_hit_i = Signal(n_ldst, reset_less=True) # load hit in
56 self.stwd_hit_i = Signal(n_ldst, reset_less=True) # store w/data hit in
58 # outputs
59 self.ld_hold_st_o = Signal(n_ldst, reset_less=True) # load holds st out
60 self.st_hold_ld_o = Signal(n_ldst, reset_less=True) # st holds load out
62 def elaborate(self, platform):
63 m = Module()
65 # ---
66 # matrix of dependency cells. actually, LDSTDepCell is a row, now
67 # ---
68 dm = Array(LDSTDepCell(self.n_ldst) for f in range(self.n_ldst))
69 for fu in range(self.n_ldst):
70 setattr(m.submodules, "dm_fu%d" % (fu), dm[fu])
72 # ---
73 # connect Function Unit vector, all horizontal
74 # ---
75 lhs_l = []
76 shl_l = []
77 issue_l = []
78 go_die_l = []
79 lh_l = []
80 sh_l = []
81 for fu in range(self.n_ldst):
82 dc = dm[fu]
83 # accumulate load-hold-store / store-hold-load bits (horizontal)
84 lhs_l.append(dc.ld_hold_st_o)
85 shl_l.append(dc.st_hold_ld_o)
86 # accumulate inputs (for Cat'ing later) - TODO: must be a better way
87 issue_l.append(dc.issue_i)
88 go_die_l.append(dc.go_die_i)
90 # load-hit and store-with-data-hit go in vertically (top)
91 m.d.comb += [dc.load_hit_i.eq(self.load_hit_i),
92 dc.stwd_hit_i.eq(self.stwd_hit_i),
93 dc.load_v_i.eq(self.ld_pend_i),
94 dc.stor_v_i.eq(self.st_pend_i),
95 ]
97 # connect cell inputs using Cat(*list_of_stuff)
98 m.d.comb += [Cat(*issue_l).eq(self.issue_i),
99 Cat(*go_die_l).eq(self.go_die_i),
100 ]
101 # connect the load-hold-store / store-hold-load OR-accumulated outputs
102 m.d.comb += self.ld_hold_st_o.eq(Cat(*lhs_l))
103 m.d.comb += self.st_hold_ld_o.eq(Cat(*shl_l))
105 # the load/store input also needs to be connected to "top" (vertically)
106 for fu in range(self.n_ldst):
107 load_h_l = []
108 stor_h_l = []
109 for fux in range(self.n_ldst):
110 dc = dm[fux]
111 load_h_l.append(dc.load_h_i)
112 stor_h_l.append(dc.stor_h_i)
113 m.d.comb += [Cat(*load_h_l).eq(self.ld_pend_i),
114 Cat(*stor_h_l).eq(self.st_pend_i),
115 ]
117 return m
119 def __iter__(self):
120 yield self.ld_pend_i
121 yield self.st_pend_i
122 yield self.issue_i
123 yield self.go_die_i
124 yield self.load_hit_i
125 yield self.stwd_hit_i
126 yield self.ld_hold_st_o
127 yield self.st_hold_ld_o
129 def ports(self):
130 return list(self)
132 def d_matrix_sim(dut):
133 """ XXX TODO
134 """
135 yield dut.dest_i.eq(1)
136 yield dut.issue_i.eq(1)
137 yield
138 yield dut.issue_i.eq(0)
139 yield
140 yield dut.src1_i.eq(1)
141 yield dut.issue_i.eq(1)
142 yield
143 yield dut.issue_i.eq(0)
144 yield
145 yield dut.go_rd_i.eq(1)
146 yield
147 yield dut.go_rd_i.eq(0)
148 yield
149 yield dut.go_wr_i.eq(1)
150 yield
151 yield dut.go_wr_i.eq(0)
152 yield
154 def test_d_matrix():
155 dut = LDSTDepMatrix(n_ldst=4)
156 vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
157 with open("test_ld_st_matrix.il", "w") as f:
158 f.write(vl)
160 run_simulation(dut, d_matrix_sim(dut), vcd_name='test_ld_st_matrix.vcd')
162 if __name__ == '__main__':
163 test_d_matrix()