add experimental multi-rd/wr comp unit
[soc.git] / src / soc / experiment /
1 from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
2 from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
3 from nmigen import Module, Signal, Mux, Elaboratable, Repl, Array
5 from nmutil.latch import SRLatch, latchregister
6 from soc.decoder.power_decoder2 import Data
7 from soc.decoder.power_enums import InternalOp
9 from alu_hier import CompALUOpSubset
11 """ Computation Unit (aka "ALU Manager").
13 This module runs a "revolving door" set of three latches, based on
14 * Issue
15 * Go_Read
16 * Go_Write
17 where one of them cannot be set on any given cycle.
18 (Note however that opc_l has been inverted (and qn used), due to SRLatch
19 default reset state being "0" rather than "1")
21 * When issue is first raised, a busy signal is sent out.
22 The src1 and src2 registers and the operand can be latched in
23 at this point
25 * Read request is set, which is acknowledged through the Scoreboard
26 to the priority picker, which generates (one and only one) Go_Read
27 at a time. One of those will (eventually) be this Computation Unit.
29 * Once Go_Read is set, the src1/src2/operand latch door shuts (locking
30 src1/src2/operand in place), and the ALU is told to proceed.
32 * As this is currently a "demo" unit, a countdown timer is activated
33 to simulate an ALU "pipeline", which activates "write request release",
34 and the ALU's output is captured into a temporary register.
36 * Write request release will go through a similar process as Read request,
37 resulting (eventually) in Go_Write being asserted.
39 * When Go_Write is asserted, two things happen: (1) the data in the temp
40 register is placed combinatorially onto the output, and (2) the
41 req_l latch is cleared, busy is dropped, and the Comp Unit is back
42 through its revolving door to do another task.
43 """
46 class ComputationUnitNoDelay(Elaboratable):
47 def __init__(self, rwid, alu, n_src=2, n_dst=1):
48 self.n_src, self.n_dst = n_src, n_dst
49 self.rwid = rwid
50 self.alu = alu # actual ALU - set as a "submodule" of the CU
52 self.counter = Signal(4)
53 src = []
54 for i in range(n_src):
55 j = i + 1 # name numbering to match src1/src2
56 src.append(Signal(rwid, name="src%d_i" % j, reset_less=True))
58 dst = []
59 for i in range(n_src):
60 j = i + 1 # name numbering to match dest1/2...
61 dst.append(Signal(rwid, name="dest%d_i" % j, reset_less=True))
63 self.go_rd_i = Signal(n_src, name="gord_i", reset_less=True) # read in
64 self.go_wr_i = Signal(n_dst, name="gowr_i", reset_less=True) # write in
65 self.issue_i = Signal(reset_less=True) # fn issue in
66 self.shadown_i = Signal(reset=1) # shadow function, defaults to ON
67 self.go_die_i = Signal() # go die (reset)
69 # operation / data input
70 self.oper_i = CompALUOpSubset() # operand
71 self.src_i = Array(src)
72 self.src1_i = src[0] # oper1 in
73 self.src2_i = src[1] # oper2 in
75 self.busy_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # fn busy out
76 self.dest = Array(dst)
77 self.data_o = dst[0] # Dest out
78 self.rd_rel_o = Signal(n_src, reset_less=True) # release src1/src2
79 self.req_rel_o = Signal(n_dst, reset_less=True) # release out (valid_o)
80 self.done_o = self.req_rel_o # 'normalise' API
82 def elaborate(self, platform):
83 m = Module()
84 m.submodules.alu = self.alu
85 m.submodules.src_l = src_l = SRLatch(False, self.n_src, name="src")
86 m.submodules.opc_l = opc_l = SRLatch(sync=False, name="opc")
87 m.submodules.req_l = req_l = SRLatch(False, self.n_dst, name="req")
88 m.submodules.rst_l = rst_l = SRLatch(sync=False, name="rst")
89 m.submodules.rok_l = rok_l = SRLatch(sync=False, name="rdok")
91 # ALU only proceeds when all src are ready.
92 all_rd = Signal(reset_less=True)
93 m.d.comb += all_rd.eq(self.busy_o & rok_l.q & ~(self.rd_rel_o.bool()))
95 # write_requests all done
96 wr_any = Signal(reset_less=True)
97 req_done = Signal(reset_less=True)
98 m.d.comb += wr_any.eq(self.go_wr_i.bool())
99 m.d.comb += req_done.eq(~(self.req_rel_o.bool()) & rst_l.q & wr_any)
101 # shadow/go_die
102 reset = Signal(reset_less=True)
103 rst_r = Signal(reset_less=True) # reset latch off
104 reset_w = Signal(self.n_dst, reset_less=True)
105 reset_r = Signal(self.n_src, reset_less=True)
106 m.d.comb += reset.eq(req_done | self.go_die_i)
107 m.d.comb += rst_r.eq(self.issue_i | self.go_die_i)
108 m.d.comb += reset_w.eq(self.go_wr_i | Repl(self.go_die_i, self.n_dst))
109 m.d.comb += reset_r.eq(self.go_rd_i | Repl(self.go_die_i, self.n_src))
111 # read-done,wr-proceed latch
112 m.d.comb += rok_l.s.eq(self.issue_i) # set up when issue starts
113 m.d.comb += rok_l.r.eq(self.alu.p_ready_o) # off when ALU acknowledges
115 # wr-done, back-to-start latch
116 m.d.comb += rst_l.s.eq(all_rd) # set when read-phase is fully done
117 m.d.comb += rst_l.r.eq(rst_r) # *off* on issue
119 # opcode latch (not using go_rd_i) - inverted so that busy resets to 0
120 m.d.sync += opc_l.s.eq(self.issue_i) # set on issue
121 m.d.sync += opc_l.r.eq(self.alu.n_valid_o) # reset on ALU finishes
123 # src operand latch (not using go_wr_i)
124 m.d.sync += src_l.s.eq(Repl(self.issue_i, self.n_src))
125 m.d.sync += src_l.r.eq(reset_r)
127 # dest operand latch (not using issue_i)
128 m.d.sync += req_l.s.eq(Repl(all_rd, self.n_dst))
129 m.d.sync += req_l.r.eq(reset_w)
131 # create a latch/register for the operand
132 oper_r = CompALUOpSubset()
133 latchregister(m, self.oper_i, oper_r, self.issue_i, "oper_r")
135 # and for each output from the ALU
136 drl = []
137 for i in range(self.n_dst):
138 name = "data_r%d" % i
139 data_r = Signal(self.rwid, name=name, reset_less=True)
140 latchregister(m, self.alu.out[i], data_r, req_l.q[i], name)
141 drl.append(data_r)
143 # pass the operation to the ALU
144 m.d.comb += self.alu.op.eq(oper_r)
146 # create list of src/alu-src/src-latch. override 2nd one below
147 sl = []
148 for i in range(self.n_src):
149 sl.append([self.src_i[i], self.alu.i[i], src_l.q[i]])
151 # select immediate if opcode says so. however also change the latch
152 # to trigger *from* the opcode latch instead.
153 op_is_imm = oper_r.imm_data.imm_ok
154 src2_or_imm = Signal(self.rwid, reset_less=True)
155 src_sel = Signal(reset_less=True)
156 m.d.comb += src_sel.eq(Mux(op_is_imm, opc_l.q, src_l.q[1]))
157 m.d.comb += src2_or_imm.eq(Mux(op_is_imm, oper_r.imm_data.imm,
158 self.src2_i))
159 # overwrite 2nd src-latch with immediate-muxed stuff
160 sl[1][0] = src2_or_imm
161 sl[1][2] = src_sel
163 # create a latch/register for src1/src2
164 for i in range(self.n_src):
165 src, alusrc, latch = sl[i]
166 latchregister(m, src, alusrc, latch, name="src_r%d" % i)
168 # -----
169 # outputs
170 # -----
172 # all request signals gated by busy_o. prevents picker problems
173 m.d.comb += self.busy_o.eq(opc_l.q) # busy out
174 bro = Repl(self.busy_o, self.n_src)
175 m.d.comb += self.rd_rel_o.eq(src_l.q & bro) # src1/src2 req rel
177 # on a go_read, tell the ALU we're accepting data.
178 # NOTE: this spells TROUBLE if the ALU isn't ready!
179 # go_read is only valid for one clock!
180 with m.If(all_rd): # src operands ready, GO!
181 with m.If(~self.alu.p_ready_o): # no ACK yet
182 m.d.comb += self.alu.p_valid_i.eq(1) # so indicate valid
184 brd = Repl(self.busy_o & self.shadown_i, self.n_dst)
185 # only proceed if ALU says its output is valid
186 with m.If(self.alu.n_valid_o):
187 # when ALU ready, write req release out. waits for shadow
188 m.d.comb += self.req_rel_o.eq(req_l.q & brd)
189 # when output latch is ready, and ALU says ready, accept ALU output
190 with m.If(reset):
191 m.d.comb += self.alu.n_ready_i.eq(1) # tells ALU "thanks got it"
193 # output the data from the latch on go_write
194 for i in range(self.n_dst):
195 with m.If(self.go_wr_i[i]):
196 m.d.comb += self.dest[i].eq(drl[i])
198 return m
200 def __iter__(self):
201 yield self.go_rd_i
202 yield self.go_wr_i
203 yield self.issue_i
204 yield self.shadown_i
205 yield self.go_die_i
206 yield from self.oper_i.ports()
207 yield self.src1_i
208 yield self.src2_i
209 yield self.busy_o
210 yield self.rd_rel_o
211 yield self.req_rel_o
212 yield self.data_o
214 def ports(self):
215 return list(self)
218 def op_sim(dut, a, b, op, inv_a=0, imm=0, imm_ok=0):
219 yield dut.issue_i.eq(0)
220 yield
221 yield dut.src_i[0].eq(a)
222 yield dut.src_i[1].eq(b)
223 yield dut.oper_i.insn_type.eq(op)
224 yield dut.oper_i.invert_a.eq(inv_a)
225 yield dut.oper_i.imm_data.imm.eq(imm)
226 yield dut.oper_i.imm_data.imm_ok.eq(imm_ok)
227 yield dut.issue_i.eq(1)
228 yield
229 yield dut.issue_i.eq(0)
230 yield
231 yield dut.go_rd_i.eq(0b11)
232 while True:
233 yield
234 rd_rel_o = yield dut.rd_rel_o
235 print ("rd_rel", rd_rel_o)
236 if rd_rel_o:
237 break
238 yield
239 yield dut.go_rd_i.eq(0)
240 req_rel_o = yield dut.req_rel_o
241 result = yield dut.data_o
242 print ("req_rel", req_rel_o, result)
243 while True:
244 req_rel_o = yield dut.req_rel_o
245 result = yield dut.data_o
246 print ("req_rel", req_rel_o, result)
247 if req_rel_o:
248 break
249 yield
250 yield dut.go_wr_i[0].eq(1)
251 yield
252 result = yield dut.data_o
253 print ("result", result)
254 yield dut.go_wr_i[0].eq(0)
255 yield
256 return result
259 def scoreboard_sim(dut):
260 result = yield from op_sim(dut, 5, 2, InternalOp.OP_ADD, inv_a=0,
261 imm=8, imm_ok=1)
262 assert result == 13
264 result = yield from op_sim(dut, 5, 2, InternalOp.OP_ADD)
265 assert result == 7
267 result = yield from op_sim(dut, 5, 2, InternalOp.OP_ADD, inv_a=1)
268 assert result == 65532
271 def test_scoreboard():
272 from alu_hier import ALU
273 from soc.decoder.power_decoder2 import Decode2ToExecute1Type
275 m = Module()
276 alu = ALU(16)
277 dut = ComputationUnitNoDelay(16, alu)
278 = dut
279 vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
280 with open("", "w") as f:
281 f.write(vl)
283 run_simulation(m, scoreboard_sim(dut), vcd_name='test_compalu.vcd')
285 if __name__ == '__main__':
286 test_scoreboard()