OP_CMPEQB also requesting change of output reg (stop that)
[soc.git] / src / soc / fu / cr / formal / proof_main_stage.py
1 # Proof of correctness for Condition Register pipeline
2 # Copyright (C) 2020 Michael Nolan <mtnolan2640@gmail.com>
3 """
4 Links:
5 * https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=332
6 """
8 from nmigen import (Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Mux, Cat, Repl,
9 signed, Array)
10 from nmigen.asserts import Assert, AnyConst, Assume, Cover
11 from nmigen.test.utils import FHDLTestCase
12 from nmigen.cli import rtlil
14 from soc.fu.cr.main_stage import CRMainStage
15 from soc.fu.alu.pipe_data import ALUPipeSpec
16 from soc.fu.alu.alu_input_record import CompALUOpSubset
17 from soc.decoder.power_enums import InternalOp
18 import unittest
21 # This defines a module to drive the device under test and assert
22 # properties about its outputs
23 class Driver(Elaboratable):
24 def __init__(self):
25 # inputs and outputs
26 pass
28 def elaborate(self, platform):
29 m = Module()
30 comb = m.d.comb
32 rec = CompALUOpSubset()
33 recwidth = 0
34 # Setup random inputs for dut.op
35 for p in rec.ports():
36 width = p.width
37 recwidth += width
38 comb += p.eq(AnyConst(width))
40 pspec = ALUPipeSpec(id_wid=2)
41 m.submodules.dut = dut = CRMainStage(pspec)
43 full_cr_in = Signal(32)
44 cr_a_in = Signal(4)
46 cr_o = Signal(32)
48 a = dut.i.a
49 b = dut.i.b
50 cr = full_cr_in
51 full_cr_out = dut.o.full_cr.data
52 o = dut.o.o.data
54 # setup random inputs
55 comb += [a.eq(AnyConst(64)),
56 b.eq(AnyConst(64)),
57 cr_a_in.eq(AnyConst(4)),
58 full_cr_in.eq(AnyConst(32))]
60 a_fields = dut.fields.FormA
61 xl_fields = dut.fields.FormXL
62 xfx_fields = dut.fields.FormXFX
64 # I'd like to be able to prove this module using the proof
65 # written before I made the change to use 4 bit cr inputs for
66 # OP_MCRF and OP_CROP. So I'm going to set up the machinery to
67 # let me do that here
69 cr_input_arr = Array([full_cr_in[(7-i)*4:(7-i)*4+4] for i in range(8)])
70 cr_output_arr = Array([cr_o[(7-i)*4:(7-i)*4+4] for i in range(8)])
72 bf = Signal(xl_fields.BF[0:-1].shape())
73 bfa = Signal(xl_fields.BFA[0:-1].shape())
74 comb += bf.eq(xl_fields.BF[0:-1])
75 comb += bfa.eq(xl_fields.BFA[0:-1])
77 with m.Switch(rec.insn_type):
78 # CR_ISEL takes cr_a
79 with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_ISEL):
80 # grab the MSBs of the cr bit selector
81 bc = Signal(3, reset_less=True)
82 comb += bc.eq(a_fields.BC[2:5])
84 # Use the MSBs to select which CR register to feed
85 # into cr_a
86 comb += dut.i.cr_a.eq(cr_input_arr[bc])
89 # For OP_CROP, we need to input the corresponding CR
90 # registers for BA, BB, and BT
91 with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_CROP):
92 # grab the MSBs of the 3 bit selectors
93 bt = Signal(3, reset_less=True)
94 ba = Signal(3, reset_less=True)
95 bb = Signal(3, reset_less=True)
96 comb += bt.eq(xl_fields.BT[2:5])
97 comb += ba.eq(xl_fields.BA[2:5])
98 comb += bb.eq(xl_fields.BB[2:5])
100 # Grab the cr register containing the bit from BA, BB,
101 # and BT, and feed it to the cr inputs
102 comb += dut.i.cr_a.eq(cr_input_arr[ba])
103 comb += dut.i.cr_b.eq(cr_input_arr[bb])
104 comb += dut.i.cr_c.eq(cr_input_arr[bt])
106 # Insert the output into the output CR register so the
107 # proof below can use it
108 for i in range(8):
109 with m.If(i != bt):
110 comb += cr_output_arr[i].eq(cr_input_arr[i])
111 with m.Else():
112 comb += cr_output_arr[i].eq(dut.o.cr.data)
114 with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_MCRF):
115 # This does a similar thing to OP_CROP above, with
116 # less inputs. The CR selection fields are already 3
117 # bits so there's no need to grab only the MSBs
119 # set cr_a to the CR selected by BFA
120 comb += dut.i.cr_a.eq(cr_input_arr[bfa])
121 for i in range(8):
122 # Similar to above, insert the result cr back into
123 # the full cr register so the proof below can use
124 # it
125 with m.If(i != bf):
126 comb += cr_output_arr[i].eq(cr_input_arr[i])
127 with m.Else():
128 comb += cr_output_arr[i].eq(dut.o.cr.data)
130 # Set the input similar to OP_MCRF
131 with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_SETB):
132 comb += dut.i.cr_a.eq(cr_input_arr[bfa])
134 # For the other two, they take the full CR as input, and
135 # output a full CR. This handles that
136 with m.Default():
137 comb += dut.i.full_cr.eq(full_cr_in)
138 comb += cr_o.eq(full_cr_out)
140 comb += dut.i.ctx.op.eq(rec)
142 # test signals for output conditions. these must only be enabled for
143 # specific instructions, indicating that they generated the output.
144 # this is critically important because the "ok" signals are used by
145 # MultiCompUnit to request a write to the regfile.
146 o_ok = Signal()
147 cr_o_ok = Signal()
148 full_cr_o_ok = Signal()
150 # Assert that op gets copied from the input to output
151 for rec_sig in rec.ports():
152 name = rec_sig.name
153 dut_sig = getattr(dut.o.ctx.op, name)
154 comb += Assert(dut_sig == rec_sig)
156 # big endian indexing. *sigh*
157 cr_arr = Array([cr[31-i] for i in range(32)])
158 cr_o_arr = Array([cr_o[31-i] for i in range(32)])
160 FXM = xfx_fields.FXM[0:-1]
161 with m.Switch(rec.insn_type):
162 with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_MTCRF):
163 for i in range(8):
164 with m.If(FXM[i]):
165 comb += Assert(cr_o[4*i:4*i+4] == a[4*i:4*i+4])
166 comb += full_cr_o_ok.eq(1)
168 with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_MFCR):
169 with m.If(rec.insn[20]): # mfocrf
170 for i in range(8):
171 with m.If(FXM[i]):
172 comb += Assert(o[4*i:4*i+4] == cr[4*i:4*i+4])
173 with m.Else():
174 comb += Assert(o[4*i:4*i+4] == 0)
175 with m.Else(): # mfcrf
176 comb += Assert(o == cr)
177 comb += o_ok.eq(1)
179 with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_MCRF):
180 BF = xl_fields.BF[0:-1]
181 BFA = xl_fields.BFA[0:-1]
182 for i in range(4):
183 comb += Assert(cr_o_arr[BF*4+i] == cr_arr[BFA*4+i])
184 for i in range(8):
185 with m.If(BF != 7-i):
186 comb += Assert(cr_o[i*4:i*4+4] == cr[i*4:i*4+4])
187 comb += cr_o_ok.eq(1)
189 with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_CROP):
190 bt = Signal(xl_fields.BT[0:-1].shape(), reset_less=True)
191 ba = Signal(xl_fields.BA[0:-1].shape(), reset_less=True)
192 bb = Signal(xl_fields.BB[0:-1].shape(), reset_less=True)
193 comb += bt.eq(xl_fields.BT[0:-1])
194 comb += ba.eq(xl_fields.BA[0:-1])
195 comb += bb.eq(xl_fields.BB[0:-1])
197 bit_a = Signal()
198 bit_b = Signal()
199 bit_o = Signal()
200 comb += bit_a.eq(cr_arr[ba])
201 comb += bit_b.eq(cr_arr[bb])
202 comb += bit_o.eq(cr_o_arr[bt])
204 lut = Signal(4)
205 comb += lut.eq(rec.insn[6:10])
206 with m.If(lut == 0b1000):
207 comb += Assert(bit_o == bit_a & bit_b)
208 with m.If(lut == 0b0100):
209 comb += Assert(bit_o == bit_a & ~bit_b)
210 with m.If(lut == 0b1001):
211 comb += Assert(bit_o == ~(bit_a ^ bit_b))
212 with m.If(lut == 0b0111):
213 comb += Assert(bit_o == ~(bit_a & bit_b))
214 with m.If(lut == 0b0001):
215 comb += Assert(bit_o == ~(bit_a | bit_b))
216 with m.If(lut == 0b1110):
217 comb += Assert(bit_o == bit_a | bit_b)
218 with m.If(lut == 0b1101):
219 comb += Assert(bit_o == bit_a | ~bit_b)
220 with m.If(lut == 0b0110):
221 comb += Assert(bit_o == bit_a ^ bit_b)
223 comb += cr_o_ok.eq(1)
225 with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_ISEL):
226 # Extract the bit selector of the CR
227 bc = Signal(a_fields.BC[0:-1].shape(), reset_less=True)
228 comb += bc.eq(a_fields.BC[0:-1])
230 # Extract the bit from CR
231 cr_bit = Signal(reset_less=True)
232 comb += cr_bit.eq(cr_arr[bc])
234 # select a or b as output
235 comb += Assert(o == Mux(cr_bit, a, b))
236 comb += o_ok.eq(1)
238 with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_SETB):
239 with m.If(cr_arr[4*bfa]):
240 comb += Assert(o == ((1<<64)-1))
241 with m.Elif(cr_arr[4*bfa+1]):
242 comb += Assert(o == 1)
243 with m.Else():
244 comb += Assert(o == 0)
245 comb += o_ok.eq(1)
247 # check that data ok was only enabled when op actioned
248 comb += Assert(dut.o.o.ok == o_ok)
249 comb += Assert(dut.o.cr.ok == cr_o_ok)
250 comb += Assert(dut.o.full_cr.ok == full_cr_o_ok)
252 return m
255 class CRTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
256 def test_formal(self):
257 module = Driver()
258 self.assertFormal(module, mode="bmc", depth=2)
259 def test_ilang(self):
260 dut = Driver()
261 vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=[])
262 with open("cr_main_stage.il", "w") as f:
263 f.write(vl)
266 if __name__ == '__main__':
267 unittest.main()