WIP: rlwinm/rlwnm/rlwimi-type proofs
[soc.git] / src / soc / fu / shift_rot / formal / proof_main_stage.py
1 # Proof of correctness for partitioned equal signal combiner
2 # Copyright (C) 2020 Michael Nolan <mtnolan2640@gmail.com>
3 """
4 Links:
5 * https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=340
6 """
8 from nmigen import (Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Mux, Cat, Repl,
9 signed)
10 from nmigen.asserts import Assert, AnyConst, Assume, Cover
11 from nmutil.formaltest import FHDLTestCase
12 from nmigen.cli import rtlil
14 from soc.fu.shift_rot.main_stage import ShiftRotMainStage
15 from soc.fu.shift_rot.rotator import right_mask, left_mask
16 from soc.fu.shift_rot.pipe_data import ShiftRotPipeSpec
17 from soc.fu.shift_rot.sr_input_record import CompSROpSubset
18 from soc.decoder.power_enums import MicrOp
19 from soc.consts import field
21 import unittest
22 from nmutil.extend import exts
25 # This defines a module to drive the device under test and assert
26 # properties about its outputs
27 class Driver(Elaboratable):
28 def __init__(self):
29 # inputs and outputs
30 pass
32 def elaborate(self, platform):
33 m = Module()
34 comb = m.d.comb
36 rec = CompSROpSubset()
37 # Setup random inputs for dut.op
38 for p in rec.ports():
39 comb += p.eq(AnyConst(p.width))
41 pspec = ShiftRotPipeSpec(id_wid=2)
42 m.submodules.dut = dut = ShiftRotMainStage(pspec)
44 # convenience variables
45 a = dut.i.rs
46 b = dut.i.rb
47 ra = dut.i.a
48 carry_in = dut.i.xer_ca[0]
49 carry_in32 = dut.i.xer_ca[1]
50 carry_out = dut.o.xer_ca
51 o = dut.o.o.data
52 print ("fields", rec.fields)
53 itype = rec.insn_type
55 # instruction fields
56 m_fields = dut.fields.FormM
57 md_fields = dut.fields.FormMD
59 # setup random inputs
60 comb += a.eq(AnyConst(64))
61 comb += b.eq(AnyConst(64))
62 comb += carry_in.eq(AnyConst(1))
63 comb += carry_in32.eq(AnyConst(1))
65 # copy operation
66 comb += dut.i.ctx.op.eq(rec)
68 # check that the operation (op) is passed through (and muxid)
69 comb += Assert(dut.o.ctx.op == dut.i.ctx.op)
70 comb += Assert(dut.o.ctx.muxid == dut.i.ctx.muxid)
72 # signed and signed/32 versions of input a
73 a_signed = Signal(signed(64))
74 a_signed_32 = Signal(signed(32))
75 comb += a_signed.eq(a)
76 comb += a_signed_32.eq(a[0:32])
78 # masks: start-left
79 mb = Signal(7, reset_less=True)
80 ml = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
82 # clear left?
83 with m.If((itype == MicrOp.OP_RLC) | (itype == MicrOp.OP_RLCL)):
84 with m.If(rec.is_32bit):
85 comb += mb.eq(m_fields.MB[0:-1])
86 with m.Else():
87 comb += mb.eq(md_fields.mb[0:-1])
88 with m.Else():
89 with m.If(rec.is_32bit):
90 comb += mb.eq(b[0:6])
91 with m.Else():
92 comb += mb.eq(b+32)
93 comb += ml.eq(left_mask(m, mb))
95 # masks: end-right
96 me = Signal(7, reset_less=True)
97 mr = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
99 # clear right?
100 with m.If((itype == MicrOp.OP_RLC) | (itype == MicrOp.OP_RLCR)):
101 with m.If(rec.is_32bit):
102 comb += me.eq(m_fields.ME[0:-1])
103 with m.Else():
104 comb += me.eq(md_fields.me[0:-1])
105 with m.Else():
106 with m.If(rec.is_32bit):
107 comb += me.eq(b[0:6])
108 with m.Else():
109 comb += me.eq(63-b)
110 comb += mr.eq(right_mask(m, me))
112 # must check Data.ok
113 o_ok = Signal()
114 comb += o_ok.eq(1)
116 # main assertion of arithmetic operations
117 with m.Switch(itype):
119 # left-shift: 64/32-bit
120 with m.Case(MicrOp.OP_SHL):
121 comb += Assume(ra == 0)
122 with m.If(rec.is_32bit):
123 comb += Assert(o[0:32] == ((a << b[0:6]) & 0xffffffff))
124 comb += Assert(o[32:64] == 0)
125 with m.Else():
126 comb += Assert(o == ((a << b[0:7]) & ((1 << 64)-1)))
128 # right-shift: 64/32-bit / signed
129 with m.Case(MicrOp.OP_SHR):
130 comb += Assume(ra == 0)
131 with m.If(~rec.is_signed):
132 with m.If(rec.is_32bit):
133 comb += Assert(o[0:32] == (a[0:32] >> b[0:6]))
134 comb += Assert(o[32:64] == 0)
135 with m.Else():
136 comb += Assert(o == (a >> b[0:7]))
137 with m.Else():
138 with m.If(rec.is_32bit):
139 comb += Assert(o[0:32] == (a_signed_32 >> b[0:6]))
140 comb += Assert(o[32:64] == Repl(a[31], 32))
141 with m.Else():
142 comb += Assert(o == (a_signed >> b[0:7]))
144 # extswsli: 32/64-bit moded
145 with m.Case(MicrOp.OP_EXTSWSLI):
146 comb += Assume(ra == 0)
147 with m.If(rec.is_32bit):
148 comb += Assert(o[0:32] == ((a << b[0:6]) & 0xffffffff))
149 comb += Assert(o[32:64] == 0)
150 with m.Else():
151 # sign-extend to 64 bit
152 a_s = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
153 comb += a_s.eq(exts(a, 32, 64))
154 comb += Assert(o == ((a_s << b[0:7]) & ((1 << 64)-1)))
156 # rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi
157 # *CAN* these even be 64-bit capable? I don't think they are.
158 with m.Case(MicrOp.OP_RLC):
159 comb += Assume(ra == 0)
161 # Duplicate some signals so that they're much easier to find in gtkwave.
162 # Pro-tip: when debugging, factor out expressions into explicitly named
163 # signals, and search using a unique grep-tag (RLC in my case). After
164 # debugging, resubstitute values to taste.
166 mrl = Signal(32, reset_less=True, name='MASK_FOR_RLC')
167 comb += mrl.eq(ml & mr)
169 ainp = Signal(32, reset_less=True, name='A_INP_FOR_RLC')
170 comb += ainp.eq(field(a, 32, 63))
172 sh = Signal(6, reset_less=True, name='SH_FOR_RLC')
173 comb += sh.eq(b[0:6])
175 exp_shl = Signal(32, reset_less=True, name='A_SHIFTED_LEFT_BY_SH_FOR_RLC')
176 comb += exp_shl.eq((ainp << sh) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
178 exp_shr = Signal(32, reset_less=True, name='A_SHIFTED_RIGHT_FOR_RLC')
179 comb += exp_shr.eq((ainp >> (32 - sh)) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
181 exp_ol = Signal(32, reset_less=True, name='EXPECTED_OL_FOR_RLC')
182 comb += exp_ol.eq(((exp_shl | exp_shr) & mrl) | (ainp & ~mrl))
184 # If I uncomment the following lines, I can confirm that all
185 # 32-bit rotations work. If I uncomment only one of the
186 # following lines, I can confirm that all 32-bit rotations
187 # work. When I remove/recomment BOTH lines, however, the
188 # assertion fails. Why??
190 # comb += Assume(mr == 0xFFFFFFFF)
191 # comb += Assume(ml == 0xFFFFFFFF)
192 with m.If(rec.is_32bit):
193 comb += Assert(field(o, 32, 63) == exp_ol)
194 comb += Assert(field(o, 0, 31) == 0)
196 #TODO
197 with m.Case(MicrOp.OP_RLCR):
198 pass
199 with m.Case(MicrOp.OP_RLCL):
200 pass
201 with m.Default():
202 comb += o_ok.eq(0)
204 # check that data ok was only enabled when op actioned
205 comb += Assert(dut.o.o.ok == o_ok)
207 return m
210 class ALUTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
211 def test_formal(self):
212 module = Driver()
213 self.assertFormal(module, mode="bmc", depth=2)
214 self.assertFormal(module, mode="cover", depth=2)
215 def test_ilang(self):
216 dut = Driver()
217 vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=[])
218 with open("main_stage.il", "w") as f:
219 f.write(vl)
222 if __name__ == '__main__':
223 unittest.main()