* Array-based unary-indexed (not binary-indexed)
* write-through capability (read on same cycle as write)
- Note: d_wr1 and d_rd1 are for use by the decoder, to get at the PC.
+ Note: d_wr1 d_rd1 are for use by the decoder, to get at the PC.
will probably have to also add one so it can get at the MSR as well.
+ (d_rd2)
PC = 0
MSR = 1
'msr': self.write_port("dest2"),
'fast1': self.write_port("dest3"),
'fast2': self.write_port("dest4"),
- 'd_wr1': self.write_port("d_wr1")}
+ 'd_wr1': self.write_port("d_wr1")} # writing PC
self.r_ports = {'cia': self.read_port("src1"),
'msr': self.read_port("src2"),
'fast1': self.read_port("src3"),
'fast2': self.read_port("src4"),
- 'd_rd1': self.read_port("d_rd1")}
+ 'd_rd1': self.read_port("d_rd1"), # reading PC
+ 'd_rd2': self.read_port("d_rd2")} # reading MSR
# CR Regfile
self.busy_o = core.busy_o
self.memerr_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
- # FAST regfile read /write ports
- self.fast_rd1 = self.core.regs.rf['fast'].r_ports['d_rd1']
- self.fast_wr1 = self.core.regs.rf['fast'].w_ports['d_wr1']
+ # FAST regfile read /write ports for PC and MSR
+ self.fast_r_pc = self.core.regs.rf['fast'].r_ports['d_rd1'] # PC rd
+ self.fast_w_pc = self.core.regs.rf['fast'].w_ports['d_wr1'] # PC wr
+ self.fast_r_msr = self.core.regs.rf['fast'].r_ports['d_rd2'] # MSR rd
# hack method of keeping an eye on whether branch/trap set the PC
self.fast_nia = self.core.regs.rf['fast'].w_ports['nia']
self.fast_nia.wen.name = 'fast_nia_wen'
comb += self.pc_o.eq(cur_pc)
ilatch = Signal(32)
+ # MSR (temp and latched)
+ cur_msr = Signal(64) # current MSR (note it is reset/sync)
+ msr = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
# next instruction (+4 on current)
nia = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
comb += nia.eq(cur_pc + 4)
core_opcode_i = core.raw_opcode_i # raw opcode
insn_type = core.pdecode2.e.do.insn_type
+ insn_msr = core.pdecode2.msr
# only run if not in halted state
with m.If(~core.core_terminated_o):
comb += pc.eq(self.pc_i.data)
with m.Else():
# otherwise read FastRegs regfile for PC
- comb += self.fast_rd1.ren.eq(1<<FastRegs.PC)
- comb += pc.eq(self.fast_rd1.data_o)
+ comb += self.fast_r_pc.ren.eq(1<<FastRegs.PC)
+ comb += pc.eq(self.fast_r_pc.data_o)
# capture the PC and also drop it into Insn Memory
# we have joined a pair of combinatorial memory
# lookups together. this is Generally Bad.
comb += core_issue_i.eq(1) # and issued
comb += core_opcode_i.eq(current_insn) # actual opcode
sync += ilatch.eq(current_insn) # latch current insn
+ # read MSR
+ comb += self.fast_r_msr.ren.eq(1<<FastRegs.MSR)
+ comb += msr.eq(self.fast_r_msr.data_o)
+ comb += insn_msr.eq(msr)
+ sync += cur_msr.eq(msr) # latch current MSR
m.next = "INSN_ACTIVE" # move to "wait completion"
# instruction started: must wait till it finishes
with m.If(insn_type != MicrOp.OP_NOP):
comb += core_ivalid_i.eq(1) # instruction is valid
comb += core_opcode_i.eq(ilatch) # actual opcode
+ comb += insn_msr.eq(cur_msr) # and MSR
with m.If(self.fast_nia.wen):
sync += pc_changed.eq(1)
with m.If(~core_busy_o): # instruction done!
# this just blithely overwrites whatever pipeline
# updated the PC
with m.If(~pc_changed):
- comb += self.fast_wr1.wen.eq(1<<FastRegs.PC)
- comb += self.fast_wr1.data_i.eq(nia)
+ comb += self.fast_w_pc.wen.eq(1<<FastRegs.PC)
+ comb += self.fast_w_pc.data_i.eq(nia)
m.next = "IDLE" # back to idle
return m