dcache error handling
[soc.git] / src / soc / fu / mmu / fsm.py
1 from nmigen import Elaboratable, Module, Signal, Shape, unsigned, Cat, Mux
2 from nmigen import Const
3 from soc.fu.mmu.pipe_data import MMUInputData, MMUOutputData, MMUPipeSpec
4 from nmutil.singlepipe import ControlBase
5 from nmutil.util import rising_edge
7 from soc.experiment.mmu import MMU
8 from soc.experiment.dcache import DCache
10 from soc.decoder.power_fields import DecodeFields
11 from soc.decoder.power_fieldsn import SignalBitRange
12 from soc.decoder.power_decoder2 import decode_spr_num
13 from soc.decoder.power_enums import MicrOp, SPR, XER_bits
15 from soc.experiment.pimem import PortInterface
16 from soc.experiment.pimem import PortInterfaceBase
18 from soc.experiment.mem_types import LoadStore1ToDCacheType, LoadStore1ToMMUType
19 from soc.experiment.mem_types import DCacheToLoadStore1Type, MMUToLoadStore1Type
21 # for testing purposes
22 from soc.experiment.testmem import TestMemory
24 # glue logic for microwatt mmu and dcache
25 class LoadStore1(PortInterfaceBase):
26 def __init__(self, regwid=64, addrwid=4):
27 super().__init__(regwid, addrwid)
28 self.d_in = LoadStore1ToDCacheType()
29 self.d_out = DCacheToLoadStore1Type()
30 self.l_in = LoadStore1ToMMUType()
31 self.l_out = MMUToLoadStore1Type()
32 # for debugging with gtkwave only
33 self.debug1 = Signal()
34 self.debug2 = Signal()
36 def set_wr_addr(self, m, addr, mask):
37 #m.d.comb += self.d_in.valid.eq(1)
38 #m.d.comb += self.l_in.valid.eq(1)
39 #m.d.comb += self.d_in.load.eq(0)
40 #m.d.comb += self.l_in.load.eq(0)
41 # set phys addr on both units
42 m.d.comb += self.d_in.addr.eq(addr)
43 m.d.comb += self.l_in.addr.eq(addr)
44 # TODO set mask
45 return None
47 def set_rd_addr(self, m, addr, mask):
48 m.d.comb += self.d_in.valid.eq(1)
49 m.d.comb += self.l_in.valid.eq(1)
50 m.d.comb += self.d_in.load.eq(1)
51 m.d.comb += self.l_in.load.eq(1)
52 m.d.comb += self.d_in.addr.eq(addr)
53 m.d.comb += self.l_in.addr.eq(addr)
54 m.d.comb += self.debug1.eq(1)
55 # m.d.comb += self.debug2.eq(1)
56 # connect testmem first
57 return None #FIXME return value
59 def set_wr_data(self, m, data, wen):
60 m.d.comb += self.d_in.data.eq(data)
61 # TODO set wen
62 st_ok = Const(1, 1)
63 return st_ok
65 def get_rd_data(self, m):
66 ld_ok = Const(1, 1)
67 data = self.d_out.data
68 return data, ld_ok
70 """
71 if d_in.error = '1' then
72 if d_in.cache_paradox = '1' then
73 -- signal an interrupt straight away
74 exception := '1';
75 dsisr(63 - 38) := not r2.req.load;
76 -- XXX there is no architected bit for this
77 -- (probably should be a machine check in fact)
78 dsisr(63 - 35) := d_in.cache_paradox;
79 else
80 -- Look up the translation for TLB miss
81 -- and also for permission error and RC error
82 -- in case the PTE has been updated.
83 mmureq := '1';
84 v.state := MMU_LOOKUP;
85 v.stage1_en := '0';
86 end if;
87 end if;
88 """
90 def elaborate(self, platform):
91 m = super().elaborate(platform)
93 d_out = self.d_out
94 l_out = self.l_out
96 exc = self.pi.exception_o
98 #happened, alignment, instr_fault, invalid,
99 m.d.comb += exc.happened.eq(d_out.error | l_out.err)
100 m.d.comb += exc.invalid.eq(l_out.invalid)
102 #badtree, perm_error, rc_error, segment_fault
103 m.d.comb += exc.badtree.eq(l_out.badtree)
104 m.d.comb += exc.perm_error.eq(l_out.perm_error)
105 m.d.comb += exc.rc_error.eq(l_out.rc_error)
106 m.d.comb += exc.segment_fault.eq(l_out.segerr)
108 # TODO connect those signals somewhere
109 #print(d_out.valid) -> no error
110 #print(d_out.store_done) -> no error
111 #print(d_out.cache_paradox) -> ?
112 #print(l_out.done) -> no error
114 # TODO some exceptions set SPRs
116 return m
118 def ports(self):
119 yield from super().ports()
120 # TODO: memory ports
122 class FSMMMUStage(ControlBase):
123 def __init__(self, pspec):
124 super().__init__()
125 self.pspec = pspec
127 # set up p/n data
128 self.p.data_i = MMUInputData(pspec)
129 self.n.data_o = MMUOutputData(pspec)
131 # incoming PortInterface
132 self.ldst = LoadStore1() # TODO make this depend on pspec
133 self.pi = self.ldst.pi
135 # this Function Unit is extremely unusual in that it actually stores a
136 # "thing" rather than "processes inputs and produces outputs". hence
137 # why it has to be a FSM. linking up LD/ST however is going to have
138 # to be done back in Issuer (or Core)
140 self.mmu = MMU()
141 self.dcache = DCache()
142 regwid=64
143 aw = 5
144 # for verification of DCache
145 # TODO: create connection to real memory, backend memory interface
146 self.testmem = TestMemory(regwid, aw, granularity=regwid//8, init=False)
148 # make life a bit easier in Core
149 self.pspec.mmu = self.mmu
150 self.pspec.dcache = self.dcache
152 # debugging output for gtkw
153 self.debug0 = Signal(4)
154 self.debug_wb_cyc = Signal()
155 self.debug_wb_stb = Signal()
156 self.debug_wb_we = Signal()
157 self.debug1 = Signal()
158 #self.debug2 = Signal(64)
159 #self.debug3 = Signal(64)
160 self.illegal = Signal()
162 # for SPR field number access
163 i = self.p.data_i
164 self.fields = DecodeFields(SignalBitRange, [i.ctx.op.insn])
165 self.fields.create_specs()
167 def elaborate(self, platform):
168 m = super().elaborate(platform)
169 comb = m.d.comb
171 # link mmu and dcache together
172 m.submodules.dcache = dcache = self.dcache
173 m.submodules.mmu = mmu = self.mmu
174 m.submodules.ldst = ldst = self.ldst
175 m.submodules.testmem = testmem = self.testmem
176 m.d.comb += dcache.m_in.eq(mmu.d_out)
177 m.d.comb += mmu.d_in.eq(dcache.m_out)
178 l_in, l_out = mmu.l_in, mmu.l_out
179 d_in, d_out = dcache.d_in, dcache.d_out
180 wb_out, wb_in = dcache.wb_out, dcache.wb_in
182 # link ldst and dcache together
183 comb += l_in.eq(self.ldst.l_in)
184 comb += self.ldst.l_out.eq(l_out)
185 comb += d_in.eq(self.ldst.d_in)
186 comb += self.ldst.d_out.eq(self.dcache.d_out)
188 #connect read port
189 rdport = self.testmem.rdport
190 comb += rdport.addr.eq(wb_out.adr)
191 comb += wb_in.dat.eq(rdport.data)
193 #connect write port
194 wrport = self.testmem.wrport
195 comb += wrport.addr.eq(wb_out.adr)
196 comb += wrport.data.eq(wb_out.dat) # write st to mem
197 comb += wrport.en.eq(wb_out.cyc & wb_out.we) # enable writes
199 # connect DCache wishbone master to debugger
200 comb += self.debug_wb_cyc.eq(wb_out.cyc)
201 comb += self.debug_wb_stb.eq(wb_out.stb)
202 comb += self.debug_wb_we.eq(wb_out.we)
204 comb += wb_in.stall.eq(0)
205 # testmem only takes on cycle
206 with m.If( wb_out.cyc ):
207 m.d.sync += wb_in.ack.eq( wb_out.stb )
209 data_i, data_o = self.p.data_i, self.n.data_o
210 a_i, b_i, o = data_i.ra, data_i.rb, data_o.o
211 op = data_i.ctx.op
213 # TODO: link these SPRs somewhere
214 dsisr = Signal(64)
215 dar = Signal(64)
217 # busy/done signals
218 busy = Signal()
219 done = Signal()
220 m.d.comb += self.n.valid_o.eq(busy & done)
221 m.d.comb += self.p.ready_o.eq(~busy)
223 # take copy of X-Form SPR field
224 x_fields = self.fields.FormXFX
225 spr = Signal(len(x_fields.SPR))
226 comb += spr.eq(decode_spr_num(x_fields.SPR))
228 # ok so we have to "pulse" the MMU (or dcache) rather than
229 # hold the valid hi permanently. guess what this does...
230 valid = Signal()
231 blip = Signal()
232 m.d.comb += blip.eq(rising_edge(m, valid))
234 with m.If(~busy):
235 with m.If(self.p.valid_i):
236 m.d.sync += busy.eq(1)
237 with m.Else():
239 # based on the Micro-Op, we work out which of MMU or DCache
240 # should "action" the operation. one of MMU or DCache gets
241 # enabled ("valid") and we twiddle our thumbs until it
242 # responds ("done").
244 # FIXME: properly implement MicrOp.OP_MTSPR and MicrOp.OP_MFSPR
246 with m.Switch(op.insn_type):
247 with m.Case(MicrOp.OP_MTSPR):
248 # subset SPR: first check a few bits
249 with m.If(~spr[9] & ~spr[5]):
250 comb += self.debug0.eq(3)
251 with m.If(spr[0]):
252 comb += dsisr.eq(a_i[:32])
253 with m.Else():
254 comb += dar.eq(a_i)
255 comb += done.eq(1)
256 # pass it over to the MMU instead
257 with m.Else():
258 comb += self.debug0.eq(4)
259 # blip the MMU and wait for it to complete
260 comb += valid.eq(1) # start "pulse"
261 comb += l_in.valid.eq(blip) # start
262 comb += l_in.mtspr.eq(1) # mtspr mode
263 comb += l_in.sprn.eq(spr) # which SPR
264 comb += l_in.rs.eq(a_i) # incoming operand (RS)
265 comb += done.eq(1) # FIXME l_out.done
267 with m.Case(MicrOp.OP_MFSPR):
268 # subset SPR: first check a few bits
269 with m.If(~spr[9] & ~spr[5]):
270 comb += self.debug0.eq(5)
271 with m.If(spr[0]):
272 comb += o.data.eq(dsisr)
273 with m.Else():
274 comb += o.data.eq(dar)
275 #FIXME comb += o.ok.eq(1)
276 comb += done.eq(1)
277 # pass it over to the MMU instead
278 with m.Else():
279 comb += self.debug0.eq(6)
280 # blip the MMU and wait for it to complete
281 comb += valid.eq(1) # start "pulse"
282 comb += l_in.valid.eq(blip) # start
283 comb += l_in.mtspr.eq(0) # mfspr!=mtspr
284 comb += l_in.sprn.eq(spr) # which SPR
285 comb += l_in.rs.eq(a_i) # incoming operand (RS)
286 comb += o.data.eq(l_out.sprval) # SPR from MMU
287 comb += o.ok.eq(l_out.done) # only when l_out valid
288 comb += done.eq(1) # FIXME l_out.done
290 with m.Case(MicrOp.OP_DCBZ):
291 # activate dcbz mode (spec: v3.0B p850)
292 comb += valid.eq(1) # start "pulse"
293 comb += d_in.valid.eq(blip) # start
294 comb += d_in.dcbz.eq(1) # dcbz mode
295 comb += d_in.addr.eq(a_i + b_i) # addr is (RA|0) + RB
296 comb += done.eq(d_out.store_done) # TODO
297 comb += self.debug0.eq(1)
299 with m.Case(MicrOp.OP_TLBIE):
300 # pass TLBIE request to MMU (spec: v3.0B p1034)
301 # note that the spr is *not* an actual spr number, it's
302 # just that those bits happen to match with field bits
303 # RIC, PRS, R
304 comb += valid.eq(1) # start "pulse"
305 comb += l_in.valid.eq(blip) # start
306 comb += l_in.tlbie.eq(1) # mtspr mode
307 comb += l_in.sprn.eq(spr) # use sprn to send insn bits
308 comb += l_in.addr.eq(b_i) # incoming operand (RB)
309 comb += done.eq(l_out.done) # zzzz
310 comb += self.debug0.eq(2)
311 with m.Case(MicrOp.OP_ILLEGAL):
312 comb += self.illegal.eq(1)
314 with m.If(self.n.ready_i & self.n.valid_o):
315 m.d.sync += busy.eq(0)
317 return m
319 def __iter__(self):
320 yield from self.p
321 yield from self.n
323 def ports(self):
324 return list(self)