--- /dev/null
- /* _NEW_TEXTURE */
- brw_populate_sampler_prog_key_data(ctx, prog, brw->vs.base.sampler_count,
- &key->tex);
+ * Copyright © 2015 Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
+ * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+ * Software.
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "anv_private.h"
+#include "anv_nir.h"
+#include <brw_context.h>
+#include <brw_wm.h> /* brw_new_shader_program is here */
+#include <brw_nir.h>
+#include <brw_vs.h>
+#include <brw_gs.h>
+#include <brw_cs.h>
++#include "brw_vec4_gs_visitor.h"
+#include <mesa/main/shaderobj.h>
+#include <mesa/main/fbobject.h>
+#include <mesa/main/context.h>
+#include <mesa/program/program.h>
+#include <glsl/program.h>
+/* XXX: We need this to keep symbols in nir.h from conflicting with the
+ * generated GEN command packing headers. We need to fix *both* to not
+ * define something as generic as LOAD.
+ */
+#undef LOAD
+#include <glsl/nir/nir_spirv.h>
+#define SPIR_V_MAGIC_NUMBER 0x07230203
+static void
+fail_if(int cond, const char *format, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ if (!cond)
+ return;
+ va_start(args, format);
+ vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ exit(1);
+static VkResult
+set_binding_table_layout(struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data,
+ struct anv_pipeline *pipeline, uint32_t stage)
+ uint32_t bias, count, k, *map;
+ struct anv_pipeline_layout *layout = pipeline->layout;
+ /* No layout is valid for shaders that don't bind any resources. */
+ if (pipeline->layout == NULL)
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+ bias = MAX_RTS;
+ else
+ bias = 0;
+ count = layout->stage[stage].surface_count;
+ prog_data->map_entries =
+ (uint32_t *) malloc(count * sizeof(prog_data->map_entries[0]));
+ if (prog_data->map_entries == NULL)
+ return vk_error(VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
+ k = bias;
+ map = prog_data->map_entries;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < layout->num_sets; i++) {
+ prog_data->bind_map[i].index = map;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < layout->set[i].layout->stage[stage].surface_count; j++)
+ *map++ = k++;
+ prog_data->bind_map[i].index_count =
+ layout->set[i].layout->stage[stage].surface_count;
+ }
+ return VK_SUCCESS;
+static uint32_t
+upload_kernel(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline, const void *data, size_t size)
+ struct anv_state state =
+ anv_state_stream_alloc(&pipeline->program_stream, size, 64);
+ assert(size < pipeline->program_stream.block_pool->block_size);
+ memcpy(state.map, data, size);
+ return state.offset;
+static void
+create_params_array(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
+ struct gl_shader *shader,
+ struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data)
+ VkShaderStage stage = anv_vk_shader_stage_for_mesa_stage(shader->Stage);
+ unsigned num_params = 0;
+ if (shader->num_uniform_components) {
+ /* If the shader uses any push constants at all, we'll just give
+ * them the maximum possible number
+ */
+ num_params += MAX_PUSH_CONSTANTS_SIZE / sizeof(float);
+ }
+ if (pipeline->layout && pipeline->layout->stage[stage].has_dynamic_offsets)
+ num_params += MAX_DYNAMIC_BUFFERS;
+ if (num_params == 0)
+ return;
+ prog_data->param = (const gl_constant_value **)
+ anv_device_alloc(pipeline->device,
+ num_params * sizeof(gl_constant_value *),
+ /* We now set the param values to be offsets into a
+ * anv_push_constant_data structure. Since the compiler doesn't
+ * actually dereference any of the gl_constant_value pointers in the
+ * params array, it doesn't really matter what we put here.
+ */
+ struct anv_push_constants *null_data = NULL;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_params; i++)
+ prog_data->param[i] =
+ (const gl_constant_value *)&null_data->client_data[i * sizeof(float)];
++ * Return a bitfield where bit n is set if barycentric interpolation mode n
++ * (see enum brw_wm_barycentric_interp_mode) is needed by the fragment shader.
++ */
++brw_compute_barycentric_interp_modes(const struct brw_device_info *devinfo,
++ bool shade_model_flat,
++ bool persample_shading,
++ nir_shader *shader)
++ unsigned barycentric_interp_modes = 0;
++ nir_foreach_variable(var, &shader->inputs) {
++ enum glsl_interp_qualifier interp_qualifier =
++ (enum glsl_interp_qualifier) var->data.interpolation;
++ bool is_centroid = var->data.centroid && !persample_shading;
++ bool is_sample = var->data.sample || persample_shading;
++ bool is_gl_Color = (var->data.location == VARYING_SLOT_COL0) ||
++ (var->data.location == VARYING_SLOT_COL1);
++ /* Ignore WPOS and FACE, because they don't require interpolation. */
++ if (var->data.location == VARYING_SLOT_POS ||
++ var->data.location == VARYING_SLOT_FACE)
++ continue;
++ /* Determine the set (or sets) of barycentric coordinates needed to
++ * interpolate this variable. Note that when
++ * brw->needs_unlit_centroid_workaround is set, centroid interpolation
++ * uses PIXEL interpolation for unlit pixels and CENTROID interpolation
++ * for lit pixels, so we need both sets of barycentric coordinates.
++ */
++ if (interp_qualifier == INTERP_QUALIFIER_NOPERSPECTIVE) {
++ if (is_centroid) {
++ barycentric_interp_modes |=
++ } else if (is_sample) {
++ barycentric_interp_modes |=
++ }
++ if ((!is_centroid && !is_sample) ||
++ devinfo->needs_unlit_centroid_workaround) {
++ barycentric_interp_modes |=
++ }
++ } else if (interp_qualifier == INTERP_QUALIFIER_SMOOTH ||
++ (!(shade_model_flat && is_gl_Color) &&
++ interp_qualifier == INTERP_QUALIFIER_NONE)) {
++ if (is_centroid) {
++ barycentric_interp_modes |=
++ } else if (is_sample) {
++ barycentric_interp_modes |=
++ }
++ if ((!is_centroid && !is_sample) ||
++ devinfo->needs_unlit_centroid_workaround) {
++ barycentric_interp_modes |=
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return barycentric_interp_modes;
+static void
+brw_vs_populate_key(struct brw_context *brw,
+ struct brw_vertex_program *vp,
+ struct brw_vs_prog_key *key)
+ struct gl_context *ctx = &brw->ctx;
+ struct gl_program *prog = (struct gl_program *) vp;
+ memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key));
+ /* Just upload the program verbatim for now. Always send it all
+ * the inputs it asks for, whether they are varying or not.
+ */
+ key->program_string_id = vp->id;
+ /* _NEW_POLYGON */
+ if (brw->gen < 6) {
+ key->copy_edgeflag = (ctx->Polygon.FrontMode != GL_FILL ||
+ ctx->Polygon.BackMode != GL_FILL);
+ }
+ if (prog->OutputsWritten & (VARYING_BIT_COL0 | VARYING_BIT_COL1 |
+ key->clamp_vertex_color = ctx->Light._ClampVertexColor;
+ }
+ /* _NEW_POINT */
+ if (brw->gen < 6 && ctx->Point.PointSprite) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ if (ctx->Point.CoordReplace[i])
+ key->point_coord_replace |= (1 << i);
+ }
+ }
- prog, &program_size);
+static bool
+really_do_vs_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
+ struct gl_shader_program *prog,
+ struct brw_vertex_program *vp,
+ struct brw_vs_prog_key *key, struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
+ GLuint program_size;
+ const GLuint *program;
+ struct brw_vs_prog_data *prog_data = &pipeline->vs_prog_data;
+ void *mem_ctx;
+ struct gl_shader *vs = NULL;
+ if (prog)
+ vs = prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX];
+ memset(prog_data, 0, sizeof(*prog_data));
+ mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);
+ create_params_array(pipeline, vs, &prog_data->base.base);
+ anv_nir_apply_dynamic_offsets(pipeline, vs->Program->nir,
+ &prog_data->base.base);
+ GLbitfield64 outputs_written = vp->program.Base.OutputsWritten;
+ prog_data->inputs_read = vp->program.Base.InputsRead;
+ if (key->copy_edgeflag) {
+ outputs_written |= BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_EDGE);
+ prog_data->inputs_read |= VERT_BIT_EDGEFLAG;
+ }
+ if (brw->gen < 6) {
+ /* Put dummy slots into the VUE for the SF to put the replaced
+ * point sprite coords in. We shouldn't need these dummy slots,
+ * which take up precious URB space, but it would mean that the SF
+ * doesn't get nice aligned pairs of input coords into output
+ * coords, which would be a pain to handle.
+ */
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ if (key->point_coord_replace & (1 << i))
+ outputs_written |= BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_TEX0 + i);
+ }
+ /* if back colors are written, allocate slots for front colors too */
+ if (outputs_written & BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_BFC0))
+ outputs_written |= BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_COL0);
+ if (outputs_written & BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_BFC1))
+ outputs_written |= BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_COL1);
+ }
+ /* In order for legacy clipping to work, we need to populate the clip
+ * distance varying slots whenever clipping is enabled, even if the vertex
+ * shader doesn't write to gl_ClipDistance.
+ */
+ if (key->nr_userclip_plane_consts) {
+ outputs_written |= BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_DIST0);
+ outputs_written |= BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_DIST1);
+ }
+ brw_compute_vue_map(brw->intelScreen->devinfo,
+ &prog_data->base.vue_map, outputs_written,
+ prog ? prog->SeparateShader : false);
+ set_binding_table_layout(&prog_data->base.base, pipeline,
+ /* Emit GEN4 code.
+ */
+ program = brw_vs_emit(brw, mem_ctx, key, prog_data, &vp->program,
- struct gl_program *prog = (struct gl_program *) brw->fragment_program;
++ prog, -1, &program_size);
+ if (program == NULL) {
+ ralloc_free(mem_ctx);
+ return false;
+ }
+ const uint32_t offset = upload_kernel(pipeline, program, program_size);
+ if (prog_data->base.dispatch_mode == DISPATCH_MODE_SIMD8) {
+ pipeline->vs_simd8 = offset;
+ pipeline->vs_vec4 = NO_KERNEL;
+ } else {
+ pipeline->vs_simd8 = NO_KERNEL;
+ pipeline->vs_vec4 = offset;
+ }
+ ralloc_free(mem_ctx);
+ return true;
+void brw_wm_populate_key(struct brw_context *brw,
+ struct brw_fragment_program *fp,
+ struct brw_wm_prog_key *key)
+ struct gl_context *ctx = &brw->ctx;
- /* _NEW_TEXTURE */
- brw_populate_sampler_prog_key_data(ctx, prog, brw->wm.base.sampler_count,
- &key->tex);
+ GLuint lookup = 0;
+ GLuint line_aa;
+ bool program_uses_dfdy = fp->program.UsesDFdy;
+ struct gl_framebuffer draw_buffer;
+ bool multisample_fbo;
+ memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key));
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLERS; i++) {
+ /* Assume color sampler, no swizzling. */
+ key->tex.swizzles[i] = SWIZZLE_XYZW;
+ }
+ /* A non-zero framebuffer name indicates that the framebuffer was created by
+ * the user rather than the window system. */
+ draw_buffer.Name = 1;
+ draw_buffer.Visual.samples = 1;
+ draw_buffer._NumColorDrawBuffers = 1;
+ draw_buffer._NumColorDrawBuffers = 1;
+ draw_buffer.Width = 400;
+ draw_buffer.Height = 400;
+ ctx->DrawBuffer = &draw_buffer;
+ multisample_fbo = ctx->DrawBuffer->Visual.samples > 1;
+ /* Build the index for table lookup
+ */
+ if (brw->gen < 6) {
+ /* _NEW_COLOR */
+ if (fp->program.UsesKill || ctx->Color.AlphaEnabled)
+ if (fp->program.Base.OutputsWritten & BITFIELD64_BIT(FRAG_RESULT_DEPTH))
+ /* _NEW_DEPTH */
+ if (ctx->Depth.Test)
+ if (ctx->Depth.Test && ctx->Depth.Mask) /* ?? */
+ if (ctx->Stencil._Enabled) {
+ if (ctx->Stencil.WriteMask[0] ||
+ ctx->Stencil.WriteMask[ctx->Stencil._BackFace])
+ }
+ key->iz_lookup = lookup;
+ }
+ line_aa = AA_NEVER;
+ if (ctx->Line.SmoothFlag) {
+ if (brw->reduced_primitive == GL_LINES) {
+ line_aa = AA_ALWAYS;
+ }
+ else if (brw->reduced_primitive == GL_TRIANGLES) {
+ if (ctx->Polygon.FrontMode == GL_LINE) {
+ line_aa = AA_SOMETIMES;
+ if (ctx->Polygon.BackMode == GL_LINE ||
+ (ctx->Polygon.CullFlag &&
+ ctx->Polygon.CullFaceMode == GL_BACK))
+ line_aa = AA_ALWAYS;
+ }
+ else if (ctx->Polygon.BackMode == GL_LINE) {
+ line_aa = AA_SOMETIMES;
+ if ((ctx->Polygon.CullFlag &&
+ ctx->Polygon.CullFaceMode == GL_FRONT))
+ line_aa = AA_ALWAYS;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ key->line_aa = line_aa;
+ /* _NEW_HINT */
+ key->high_quality_derivatives =
+ ctx->Hint.FragmentShaderDerivative == GL_NICEST;
+ if (brw->gen < 6)
+ key->stats_wm = brw->stats_wm;
+ /* _NEW_LIGHT */
+ key->flat_shade = (ctx->Light.ShadeModel == GL_FLAT);
+ key->clamp_fragment_color = ctx->Color._ClampFragmentColor;
- &fp->program, prog, &program_size);
+ /* _NEW_BUFFERS */
+ /*
+ * Include the draw buffer origin and height so that we can calculate
+ * fragment position values relative to the bottom left of the drawable,
+ * from the incoming screen origin relative position we get as part of our
+ * payload.
+ *
+ * This is only needed for the WM_WPOSXY opcode when the fragment program
+ * uses the gl_FragCoord input.
+ *
+ * We could avoid recompiling by including this as a constant referenced by
+ * our program, but if we were to do that it would also be nice to handle
+ * getting that constant updated at batchbuffer submit time (when we
+ * hold the lock and know where the buffer really is) rather than at emit
+ * time when we don't hold the lock and are just guessing. We could also
+ * just avoid using this as key data if the program doesn't use
+ * fragment.position.
+ *
+ * For DRI2 the origin_x/y will always be (0,0) but we still need the
+ * drawable height in order to invert the Y axis.
+ */
+ if (fp->program.Base.InputsRead & VARYING_BIT_POS) {
+ key->drawable_height = ctx->DrawBuffer->Height;
+ }
+ if ((fp->program.Base.InputsRead & VARYING_BIT_POS) || program_uses_dfdy) {
+ key->render_to_fbo = _mesa_is_user_fbo(ctx->DrawBuffer);
+ }
+ /* _NEW_BUFFERS */
+ key->nr_color_regions = ctx->DrawBuffer->_NumColorDrawBuffers;
+ key->replicate_alpha = ctx->DrawBuffer->_NumColorDrawBuffers > 1 &&
+ (ctx->Multisample.SampleAlphaToCoverage || ctx->Color.AlphaEnabled);
+ /* Ignore sample qualifier while computing this flag. */
+ key->persample_shading =
+ _mesa_get_min_invocations_per_fragment(ctx, &fp->program, true) > 1;
+ if (key->persample_shading)
+ key->persample_2x = ctx->DrawBuffer->Visual.samples == 2;
+ key->compute_pos_offset =
+ _mesa_get_min_invocations_per_fragment(ctx, &fp->program, false) > 1 &&
+ fp->program.Base.SystemValuesRead & SYSTEM_BIT_SAMPLE_POS;
+ key->compute_sample_id =
+ multisample_fbo &&
+ ctx->Multisample.Enabled &&
+ (fp->program.Base.SystemValuesRead & SYSTEM_BIT_SAMPLE_ID);
+ if (brw->gen < 6 || _mesa_bitcount_64(fp->program.Base.InputsRead &
+ key->input_slots_valid = brw->vue_map_geom_out.slots_valid;
+ /* Pre-gen6, the hardware alpha test always used each render
+ * target's alpha to do alpha test, as opposed to render target 0's alpha
+ * like GL requires. Fix that by building the alpha test into the
+ * shader, and we'll skip enabling the fixed function alpha test.
+ */
+ if (brw->gen < 6 && ctx->DrawBuffer->_NumColorDrawBuffers > 1 && ctx->Color.AlphaEnabled) {
+ key->alpha_test_func = ctx->Color.AlphaFunc;
+ key->alpha_test_ref = ctx->Color.AlphaRef;
+ }
+ /* The unique fragment program ID */
+ key->program_string_id = fp->id;
+ ctx->DrawBuffer = NULL;
+static uint8_t
+computed_depth_mode(struct gl_fragment_program *fp)
+ if (fp->Base.OutputsWritten & BITFIELD64_BIT(FRAG_RESULT_DEPTH)) {
+ switch (fp->FragDepthLayout) {
+ }
+ }
+static bool
+really_do_wm_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
+ struct gl_shader_program *prog,
+ struct brw_fragment_program *fp,
+ struct brw_wm_prog_key *key, struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
+ void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);
+ struct brw_wm_prog_data *prog_data = &pipeline->wm_prog_data;
+ struct gl_shader *fs = NULL;
+ unsigned int program_size;
+ const uint32_t *program;
+ if (prog)
+ fs = prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT];
+ memset(prog_data, 0, sizeof(*prog_data));
+ /* key->alpha_test_func means simulating alpha testing via discards,
+ * so the shader definitely kills pixels.
+ */
+ prog_data->uses_kill = fp->program.UsesKill || key->alpha_test_func;
+ prog_data->computed_depth_mode = computed_depth_mode(&fp->program);
+ create_params_array(pipeline, fs, &prog_data->base);
+ anv_nir_apply_dynamic_offsets(pipeline, fs->Program->nir, &prog_data->base);
+ prog_data->barycentric_interp_modes =
+ brw_compute_barycentric_interp_modes(brw->intelScreen->devinfo,
+ key->flat_shade,
+ key->persample_shading,
+ fp->program.Base.nir);
+ set_binding_table_layout(&prog_data->base, pipeline,
+ /* This needs to come after shader time and pull constant entries, but we
+ * don't have those set up now, so just put it after the layout entries.
+ */
+ prog_data->binding_table.render_target_start = 0;
+ program = brw_wm_fs_emit(brw, mem_ctx, key, prog_data,
- static void
- brw_gs_populate_key(struct brw_context *brw,
- struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
++ &fp->program, prog, -1, -1, &program_size);
+ if (program == NULL) {
+ ralloc_free(mem_ctx);
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint32_t offset = upload_kernel(pipeline, program, program_size);
+ if (prog_data->no_8)
+ pipeline->ps_simd8 = NO_KERNEL;
+ else
+ pipeline->ps_simd8 = offset;
+ if (prog_data->no_8 || prog_data->prog_offset_16) {
+ pipeline->ps_simd16 = offset + prog_data->prog_offset_16;
+ } else {
+ pipeline->ps_simd16 = NO_KERNEL;
+ }
+ ralloc_free(mem_ctx);
+ return true;
- struct brw_gs_prog_key *key)
++anv_codegen_gs_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
++ struct gl_shader_program *prog,
+ struct brw_geometry_program *gp,
- struct gl_context *ctx = &brw->ctx;
- struct brw_stage_state *stage_state = &brw->gs.base;
- struct gl_program *prog = &gp->program.Base;
++ struct brw_gs_prog_key *key,
++ struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
- memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key));
++ struct brw_gs_compile c;
- key->program_string_id = gp->id;
++ memset(&c, 0, sizeof(c));
++ c.key = *key;
++ c.gp = gp;
- /* _NEW_TEXTURE */
- brw_populate_sampler_prog_key_data(ctx, prog, stage_state->sampler_count,
- &key->tex);
- }
++ c.prog_data.include_primitive_id =
++ (gp->program.Base.InputsRead & VARYING_BIT_PRIMITIVE_ID) != 0;
- static bool
- really_do_gs_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
- struct gl_shader_program *prog,
- struct brw_geometry_program *gp,
- struct brw_gs_prog_key *key, struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
- {
- struct brw_gs_compile_output output;
- /* FIXME: We pass the bind map to the compile in the output struct. Need
- * something better. */
- set_binding_table_layout(&output.prog_data.base.base,
++ c.prog_data.invocations = gp->program.Invocations;
- brw_compile_gs_prog(brw, prog, gp, key, &output);
++ set_binding_table_layout(&c.prog_data.base.base,
- pipeline->gs_vec4 = upload_kernel(pipeline, output.program, output.program_size);
++ /* Allocate the references to the uniforms that will end up in the
++ * prog_data associated with the compiled program, and which will be freed
++ * by the state cache.
++ *
++ * Note: param_count needs to be num_uniform_components * 4, since we add
++ * padding around uniform values below vec4 size, so the worst case is that
++ * every uniform is a float which gets padded to the size of a vec4.
++ */
++ struct gl_shader *gs = prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY];
++ int param_count = gp->program.Base.nir->num_uniforms * 4;
++ c.prog_data.base.base.param =
++ rzalloc_array(NULL, const gl_constant_value *, param_count);
++ c.prog_data.base.base.pull_param =
++ rzalloc_array(NULL, const gl_constant_value *, param_count);
++ c.prog_data.base.base.image_param =
++ rzalloc_array(NULL, struct brw_image_param, gs->NumImages);
++ c.prog_data.base.base.nr_params = param_count;
++ c.prog_data.base.base.nr_image_params = gs->NumImages;
++ brw_nir_setup_glsl_uniforms(gp->program.Base.nir, prog, &gp->program.Base,
++ &c.prog_data.base.base, false);
++ if (brw->gen >= 8) {
++ c.prog_data.static_vertex_count = !gp->program.Base.nir ? -1 :
++ nir_gs_count_vertices(gp->program.Base.nir);
++ }
++ if (brw->gen >= 7) {
++ if (gp->program.OutputType == GL_POINTS) {
++ /* When the output type is points, the geometry shader may output data
++ * to multiple streams, and EndPrimitive() has no effect. So we
++ * configure the hardware to interpret the control data as stream ID.
++ */
++ c.prog_data.control_data_format = GEN7_GS_CONTROL_DATA_FORMAT_GSCTL_SID;
++ /* We only have to emit control bits if we are using streams */
++ if (prog->Geom.UsesStreams)
++ c.control_data_bits_per_vertex = 2;
++ else
++ c.control_data_bits_per_vertex = 0;
++ } else {
++ /* When the output type is triangle_strip or line_strip, EndPrimitive()
++ * may be used to terminate the current strip and start a new one
++ * (similar to primitive restart), and outputting data to multiple
++ * streams is not supported. So we configure the hardware to interpret
++ * the control data as EndPrimitive information (a.k.a. "cut bits").
++ */
++ c.prog_data.control_data_format = GEN7_GS_CONTROL_DATA_FORMAT_GSCTL_CUT;
++ /* We only need to output control data if the shader actually calls
++ * EndPrimitive().
++ */
++ c.control_data_bits_per_vertex = gp->program.UsesEndPrimitive ? 1 : 0;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* There are no control data bits in gen6. */
++ c.control_data_bits_per_vertex = 0;
++ /* If it is using transform feedback, enable it */
++ if (prog->TransformFeedback.NumVarying)
++ c.prog_data.gen6_xfb_enabled = true;
++ else
++ c.prog_data.gen6_xfb_enabled = false;
++ }
++ c.control_data_header_size_bits =
++ gp->program.VerticesOut * c.control_data_bits_per_vertex;
++ /* 1 HWORD = 32 bytes = 256 bits */
++ c.prog_data.control_data_header_size_hwords =
++ ALIGN(c.control_data_header_size_bits, 256) / 256;
++ GLbitfield64 outputs_written = gp->program.Base.OutputsWritten;
++ brw_compute_vue_map(brw->intelScreen->devinfo,
++ &c.prog_data.base.vue_map, outputs_written,
++ prog ? prog->SeparateShader : false);
++ /* Compute the output vertex size.
++ *
++ * From the Ivy Bridge PRM, Vol2 Part1 STATE_GS - Output Vertex
++ * Size (p168):
++ *
++ * [0,62] indicating [1,63] 16B units
++ *
++ * Specifies the size of each vertex stored in the GS output entry
++ * (following any Control Header data) as a number of 128-bit units
++ * (minus one).
++ *
++ * Programming Restrictions: The vertex size must be programmed as a
++ * multiple of 32B units with the following exception: Rendering is
++ * disabled (as per SOL stage state) and the vertex size output by the
++ * GS thread is 16B.
++ *
++ * If rendering is enabled (as per SOL state) the vertex size must be
++ * programmed as a multiple of 32B units. In other words, the only time
++ * software can program a vertex size with an odd number of 16B units
++ * is when rendering is disabled.
++ *
++ * Note: B=bytes in the above text.
++ *
++ * It doesn't seem worth the extra trouble to optimize the case where the
++ * vertex size is 16B (especially since this would require special-casing
++ * the GEN assembly that writes to the URB). So we just set the vertex
++ * size to a multiple of 32B (2 vec4's) in all cases.
++ *
++ * The maximum output vertex size is 62*16 = 992 bytes (31 hwords). We
++ * budget that as follows:
++ *
++ * 512 bytes for varyings (a varying component is 4 bytes and
++ * gl_MaxGeometryOutputComponents = 128)
++ * 16 bytes overhead for VARYING_SLOT_PSIZ (each varying slot is 16
++ * bytes)
++ * 16 bytes overhead for gl_Position (we allocate it a slot in the VUE
++ * even if it's not used)
++ * 32 bytes overhead for gl_ClipDistance (we allocate it 2 VUE slots
++ * whenever clip planes are enabled, even if the shader doesn't
++ * write to gl_ClipDistance)
++ * 16 bytes overhead since the VUE size must be a multiple of 32 bytes
++ * (see below)--this causes up to 1 VUE slot to be wasted
++ * 400 bytes available for varying packing overhead
++ *
++ * Worst-case varying packing overhead is 3/4 of a varying slot (12 bytes)
++ * per interpolation type, so this is plenty.
++ *
++ */
++ unsigned output_vertex_size_bytes = c.prog_data.base.vue_map.num_slots * 16;
++ assert(brw->gen == 6 ||
++ output_vertex_size_bytes <= GEN7_MAX_GS_OUTPUT_VERTEX_SIZE_BYTES);
++ c.prog_data.output_vertex_size_hwords =
++ ALIGN(output_vertex_size_bytes, 32) / 32;
++ /* Compute URB entry size. The maximum allowed URB entry size is 32k.
++ * That divides up as follows:
++ *
++ * 64 bytes for the control data header (cut indices or StreamID bits)
++ * 4096 bytes for varyings (a varying component is 4 bytes and
++ * gl_MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents = 1024)
++ * 4096 bytes overhead for VARYING_SLOT_PSIZ (each varying slot is 16
++ * bytes/vertex and gl_MaxGeometryOutputVertices is 256)
++ * 4096 bytes overhead for gl_Position (we allocate it a slot in the VUE
++ * even if it's not used)
++ * 8192 bytes overhead for gl_ClipDistance (we allocate it 2 VUE slots
++ * whenever clip planes are enabled, even if the shader doesn't
++ * write to gl_ClipDistance)
++ * 4096 bytes overhead since the VUE size must be a multiple of 32
++ * bytes (see above)--this causes up to 1 VUE slot to be wasted
++ * 8128 bytes available for varying packing overhead
++ *
++ * Worst-case varying packing overhead is 3/4 of a varying slot per
++ * interpolation type, which works out to 3072 bytes, so this would allow
++ * us to accommodate 2 interpolation types without any danger of running
++ * out of URB space.
++ *
++ * In practice, the risk of running out of URB space is very small, since
++ * the above figures are all worst-case, and most of them scale with the
++ * number of output vertices. So we'll just calculate the amount of space
++ * we need, and if it's too large, fail to compile.
++ *
++ * The above is for gen7+ where we have a single URB entry that will hold
++ * all the output. In gen6, we will have to allocate URB entries for every
++ * vertex we emit, so our URB entries only need to be large enough to hold
++ * a single vertex. Also, gen6 does not have a control data header.
++ */
++ unsigned output_size_bytes;
++ if (brw->gen >= 7) {
++ output_size_bytes =
++ c.prog_data.output_vertex_size_hwords * 32 * gp->program.VerticesOut;
++ output_size_bytes += 32 * c.prog_data.control_data_header_size_hwords;
++ } else {
++ output_size_bytes = c.prog_data.output_vertex_size_hwords * 32;
++ }
++ /* Broadwell stores "Vertex Count" as a full 8 DWord (32 byte) URB output,
++ * which comes before the control header.
++ */
++ if (brw->gen >= 8)
++ output_size_bytes += 32;
++ assert(output_size_bytes >= 1);
++ int max_output_size_bytes = GEN7_MAX_GS_URB_ENTRY_SIZE_BYTES;
++ if (brw->gen == 6)
++ max_output_size_bytes = GEN6_MAX_GS_URB_ENTRY_SIZE_BYTES;
++ if (output_size_bytes > max_output_size_bytes)
++ return false;
- ralloc_free(output.mem_ctx);
++ /* URB entry sizes are stored as a multiple of 64 bytes in gen7+ and
++ * a multiple of 128 bytes in gen6.
++ */
++ if (brw->gen >= 7)
++ c.prog_data.base.urb_entry_size = ALIGN(output_size_bytes, 64) / 64;
++ else
++ c.prog_data.base.urb_entry_size = ALIGN(output_size_bytes, 128) / 128;
++ /* FIXME: Need to pull this from nir shader. */
++ c.prog_data.output_topology = _3DPRIM_TRISTRIP;
++ /* The GLSL linker will have already matched up GS inputs and the outputs
++ * of prior stages. The driver does extend VS outputs in some cases, but
++ * only for legacy OpenGL or Gen4-5 hardware, neither of which offer
++ * geometry shader support. So we can safely ignore that.
++ *
++ * For SSO pipelines, we use a fixed VUE map layout based on variable
++ * locations, so we can rely on rendezvous-by-location making this work.
++ *
++ * However, we need to ignore VARYING_SLOT_PRIMITIVE_ID, as it's not
++ * written by previous stages and shows up via payload magic.
++ */
++ GLbitfield64 inputs_read =
++ gp->program.Base.InputsRead & ~VARYING_BIT_PRIMITIVE_ID;
++ brw_compute_vue_map(brw->intelScreen->devinfo,
++ &c.input_vue_map, inputs_read,
++ prog->SeparateShader);
++ /* GS inputs are read from the VUE 256 bits (2 vec4's) at a time, so we
++ * need to program a URB read length of ceiling(num_slots / 2).
++ */
++ c.prog_data.base.urb_read_length = (c.input_vue_map.num_slots + 1) / 2;
++ void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);
++ unsigned program_size;
++ const unsigned *program =
++ brw_gs_emit(brw, prog, &c, mem_ctx, -1, &program_size);
++ if (program == NULL) {
++ ralloc_free(mem_ctx);
++ return false;
++ }
++ pipeline->gs_vec4 = upload_kernel(pipeline, program, program_size);
+ pipeline->gs_vertex_count = gp->program.VerticesIn;
- &cp->program, prog, &program_size);
++ ralloc_free(mem_ctx);
+ return true;
+static bool
+brw_codegen_cs_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
+ struct gl_shader_program *prog,
+ struct brw_compute_program *cp,
+ struct brw_cs_prog_key *key, struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
+ const GLuint *program;
+ void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);
+ GLuint program_size;
+ struct brw_cs_prog_data *prog_data = &pipeline->cs_prog_data;
+ struct gl_shader *cs = prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE];
+ assert (cs);
+ memset(prog_data, 0, sizeof(*prog_data));
+ set_binding_table_layout(&prog_data->base, pipeline, VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE);
+ create_params_array(pipeline, cs, &prog_data->base);
+ anv_nir_apply_dynamic_offsets(pipeline, cs->Program->nir, &prog_data->base);
+ program = brw_cs_emit(brw, mem_ctx, key, prog_data,
- brw_process_intel_debug_variable(compiler->screen);
++ &cp->program, prog, -1, &program_size);
+ if (program == NULL) {
+ ralloc_free(mem_ctx);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_CS))
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ pipeline->cs_simd = upload_kernel(pipeline, program, program_size);
+ ralloc_free(mem_ctx);
+ return true;
+static void
+brw_cs_populate_key(struct brw_context *brw,
+ struct brw_compute_program *bcp, struct brw_cs_prog_key *key)
+ memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key));
+ /* The unique compute program ID */
+ key->program_string_id = bcp->id;
+struct anv_compiler {
+ struct anv_device *device;
+ struct intel_screen *screen;
+ struct brw_context *brw;
+ struct gl_pipeline_object pipeline;
+extern "C" {
+struct anv_compiler *
+anv_compiler_create(struct anv_device *device)
+ const struct brw_device_info *devinfo = &device->info;
+ struct anv_compiler *compiler;
+ struct gl_context *ctx;
+ compiler = rzalloc(NULL, struct anv_compiler);
+ if (compiler == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ compiler->screen = rzalloc(compiler, struct intel_screen);
+ if (compiler->screen == NULL)
+ goto fail;
+ compiler->brw = rzalloc(compiler, struct brw_context);
+ if (compiler->brw == NULL)
+ goto fail;
+ compiler->device = device;
+ compiler->brw->gen = devinfo->gen;
+ compiler->brw->is_g4x = devinfo->is_g4x;
+ compiler->brw->is_baytrail = devinfo->is_baytrail;
+ compiler->brw->is_haswell = devinfo->is_haswell;
+ compiler->brw->is_cherryview = devinfo->is_cherryview;
+ /* We need this at least for CS, which will check brw->max_cs_threads
+ * against the work group size. */
+ compiler->brw->max_vs_threads = devinfo->max_vs_threads;
+ compiler->brw->max_hs_threads = devinfo->max_hs_threads;
+ compiler->brw->max_ds_threads = devinfo->max_ds_threads;
+ compiler->brw->max_gs_threads = devinfo->max_gs_threads;
+ compiler->brw->max_wm_threads = devinfo->max_wm_threads;
+ compiler->brw->max_cs_threads = devinfo->max_cs_threads;
+ compiler->brw->urb.size = devinfo->urb.size;
+ compiler->brw->urb.min_vs_entries = devinfo->urb.min_vs_entries;
+ compiler->brw->urb.max_vs_entries = devinfo->urb.max_vs_entries;
+ compiler->brw->urb.max_hs_entries = devinfo->urb.max_hs_entries;
+ compiler->brw->urb.max_ds_entries = devinfo->urb.max_ds_entries;
+ compiler->brw->urb.max_gs_entries = devinfo->urb.max_gs_entries;
+ compiler->brw->intelScreen = compiler->screen;
+ compiler->screen->devinfo = &device->info;
- program = brw->ctx.Driver.NewShaderProgram(name);
++ brw_process_intel_debug_variable();
+ compiler->screen->compiler = brw_compiler_create(compiler, &device->info);
+ ctx = &compiler->brw->ctx;
+ _mesa_init_shader_object_functions(&ctx->Driver);
+ /* brw_select_clip_planes() needs this for bogus reasons. */
+ ctx->_Shader = &compiler->pipeline;
+ return compiler;
+ fail:
+ ralloc_free(compiler);
+ return NULL;
+anv_compiler_destroy(struct anv_compiler *compiler)
+ _mesa_free_errors_data(&compiler->brw->ctx);
+ ralloc_free(compiler);
+/* From gen7_urb.c */
+/* FIXME: Add to struct intel_device_info */
+static const int gen8_push_size = 32 * 1024;
+static void
+gen7_compute_urb_partition(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
+ const struct brw_device_info *devinfo = &pipeline->device->info;
+ bool vs_present = pipeline->vs_simd8 != NO_KERNEL;
+ unsigned vs_size = vs_present ? pipeline->vs_prog_data.base.urb_entry_size : 1;
+ unsigned vs_entry_size_bytes = vs_size * 64;
+ bool gs_present = pipeline->gs_vec4 != NO_KERNEL;
+ unsigned gs_size = gs_present ? pipeline->gs_prog_data.base.urb_entry_size : 1;
+ unsigned gs_entry_size_bytes = gs_size * 64;
+ /* From p35 of the Ivy Bridge PRM (section 1.7.1: 3DSTATE_URB_GS):
+ *
+ * VS Number of URB Entries must be divisible by 8 if the VS URB Entry
+ * Allocation Size is less than 9 512-bit URB entries.
+ *
+ * Similar text exists for GS.
+ */
+ unsigned vs_granularity = (vs_size < 9) ? 8 : 1;
+ unsigned gs_granularity = (gs_size < 9) ? 8 : 1;
+ /* URB allocations must be done in 8k chunks. */
+ unsigned chunk_size_bytes = 8192;
+ /* Determine the size of the URB in chunks. */
+ unsigned urb_chunks = devinfo->urb.size * 1024 / chunk_size_bytes;
+ /* Reserve space for push constants */
+ unsigned push_constant_bytes = gen8_push_size;
+ unsigned push_constant_chunks =
+ push_constant_bytes / chunk_size_bytes;
+ /* Initially, assign each stage the minimum amount of URB space it needs,
+ * and make a note of how much additional space it "wants" (the amount of
+ * additional space it could actually make use of).
+ */
+ /* VS has a lower limit on the number of URB entries */
+ unsigned vs_chunks =
+ ALIGN(devinfo->urb.min_vs_entries * vs_entry_size_bytes,
+ chunk_size_bytes) / chunk_size_bytes;
+ unsigned vs_wants =
+ ALIGN(devinfo->urb.max_vs_entries * vs_entry_size_bytes,
+ chunk_size_bytes) / chunk_size_bytes - vs_chunks;
+ unsigned gs_chunks = 0;
+ unsigned gs_wants = 0;
+ if (gs_present) {
+ /* There are two constraints on the minimum amount of URB space we can
+ * allocate:
+ *
+ * (1) We need room for at least 2 URB entries, since we always operate
+ * the GS in DUAL_OBJECT mode.
+ *
+ * (2) We can't allocate less than nr_gs_entries_granularity.
+ */
+ gs_chunks = ALIGN(MAX2(gs_granularity, 2) * gs_entry_size_bytes,
+ chunk_size_bytes) / chunk_size_bytes;
+ gs_wants =
+ ALIGN(devinfo->urb.max_gs_entries * gs_entry_size_bytes,
+ chunk_size_bytes) / chunk_size_bytes - gs_chunks;
+ }
+ /* There should always be enough URB space to satisfy the minimum
+ * requirements of each stage.
+ */
+ unsigned total_needs = push_constant_chunks + vs_chunks + gs_chunks;
+ assert(total_needs <= urb_chunks);
+ /* Mete out remaining space (if any) in proportion to "wants". */
+ unsigned total_wants = vs_wants + gs_wants;
+ unsigned remaining_space = urb_chunks - total_needs;
+ if (remaining_space > total_wants)
+ remaining_space = total_wants;
+ if (remaining_space > 0) {
+ unsigned vs_additional = (unsigned)
+ round(vs_wants * (((double) remaining_space) / total_wants));
+ vs_chunks += vs_additional;
+ remaining_space -= vs_additional;
+ gs_chunks += remaining_space;
+ }
+ /* Sanity check that we haven't over-allocated. */
+ assert(push_constant_chunks + vs_chunks + gs_chunks <= urb_chunks);
+ /* Finally, compute the number of entries that can fit in the space
+ * allocated to each stage.
+ */
+ unsigned nr_vs_entries = vs_chunks * chunk_size_bytes / vs_entry_size_bytes;
+ unsigned nr_gs_entries = gs_chunks * chunk_size_bytes / gs_entry_size_bytes;
+ /* Since we rounded up when computing *_wants, this may be slightly more
+ * than the maximum allowed amount, so correct for that.
+ */
+ nr_vs_entries = MIN2(nr_vs_entries, devinfo->urb.max_vs_entries);
+ nr_gs_entries = MIN2(nr_gs_entries, devinfo->urb.max_gs_entries);
+ /* Ensure that we program a multiple of the granularity. */
+ nr_vs_entries = ROUND_DOWN_TO(nr_vs_entries, vs_granularity);
+ nr_gs_entries = ROUND_DOWN_TO(nr_gs_entries, gs_granularity);
+ /* Finally, sanity check to make sure we have at least the minimum number
+ * of entries needed for each stage.
+ */
+ assert(nr_vs_entries >= devinfo->urb.min_vs_entries);
+ if (gs_present)
+ assert(nr_gs_entries >= 2);
+ /* Lay out the URB in the following order:
+ * - push constants
+ * - VS
+ * - GS
+ */
+ pipeline->urb.vs_start = push_constant_chunks;
+ pipeline->urb.vs_size = vs_size;
+ pipeline->urb.nr_vs_entries = nr_vs_entries;
+ pipeline->urb.gs_start = push_constant_chunks + vs_chunks;
+ pipeline->urb.gs_size = gs_size;
+ pipeline->urb.nr_gs_entries = nr_gs_entries;
+static const struct {
+ uint32_t token;
+ gl_shader_stage stage;
+ const char *name;
+} stage_info[] = {
+ { GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, (gl_shader_stage)-1,"tess control" },
+ { GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, (gl_shader_stage)-1, "tess evaluation" },
+struct spirv_header{
+ uint32_t magic;
+ uint32_t version;
+ uint32_t gen_magic;
+static void
+setup_nir_io(struct gl_shader *mesa_shader,
+ nir_shader *shader)
+ struct gl_program *prog = mesa_shader->Program;
+ foreach_list_typed(nir_variable, var, node, &shader->inputs) {
+ prog->InputsRead |= BITFIELD64_BIT(var->data.location);
+ if (shader->stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {
+ struct gl_fragment_program *fprog = (struct gl_fragment_program *)prog;
+ fprog->InterpQualifier[var->data.location] =
+ (glsl_interp_qualifier)var->data.interpolation;
+ if (var->data.centroid)
+ fprog->IsCentroid |= BITFIELD64_BIT(var->data.location);
+ if (var->data.sample)
+ fprog->IsSample |= BITFIELD64_BIT(var->data.location);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach_list_typed(nir_variable, var, node, &shader->outputs) {
+ prog->OutputsWritten |= BITFIELD64_BIT(var->data.location);
+ }
+ shader->info.inputs_read = prog->InputsRead;
+ shader->info.outputs_written = prog->OutputsWritten;
+ mesa_shader->num_uniform_components = shader->num_uniforms;
+static void
+anv_compile_shader_spirv(struct anv_compiler *compiler,
+ struct gl_shader_program *program,
+ struct anv_pipeline *pipeline, uint32_t stage)
+ struct brw_context *brw = compiler->brw;
+ struct anv_shader *shader = pipeline->shaders[stage];
+ struct gl_shader *mesa_shader;
+ int name = 0;
+ mesa_shader = brw_new_shader(&brw->ctx, name, stage_info[stage].token);
+ fail_if(mesa_shader == NULL,
+ "failed to create %s shader\n", stage_info[stage].name);
+#define CREATE_PROGRAM(stage) \
+ _mesa_init_##stage##_program(&brw->ctx, &ralloc(mesa_shader, struct brw_##stage##_program)->program, 0, 0)
+ bool is_scalar;
+ struct gl_program *prog;
+ switch (stage) {
+ prog = CREATE_PROGRAM(vertex);
+ is_scalar = compiler->screen->compiler->scalar_vs;
+ break;
+ prog = CREATE_PROGRAM(geometry);
+ is_scalar = false;
+ break;
+ prog = CREATE_PROGRAM(fragment);
+ is_scalar = true;
+ break;
+ prog = CREATE_PROGRAM(compute);
+ is_scalar = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ unreachable("Unsupported shader stage");
+ }
+ _mesa_reference_program(&brw->ctx, &mesa_shader->Program, prog);
+ mesa_shader->Program->Parameters =
+ rzalloc(mesa_shader, struct gl_program_parameter_list);
+ mesa_shader->Type = stage_info[stage].token;
+ mesa_shader->Stage = stage_info[stage].stage;
+ struct gl_shader_compiler_options *glsl_options =
+ &compiler->screen->compiler->glsl_compiler_options[stage_info[stage].stage];
+ if (shader->module->nir) {
+ /* Some things such as our meta clear/blit code will give us a NIR
+ * shader directly. In that case, we just ignore the SPIR-V entirely
+ * and just use the NIR shader */
+ mesa_shader->Program->nir = shader->module->nir;
+ mesa_shader->Program->nir->options = glsl_options->NirOptions;
+ } else {
+ uint32_t *spirv = (uint32_t *) shader->module->data;
+ assert(spirv[0] == SPIR_V_MAGIC_NUMBER);
+ assert(shader->module->size % 4 == 0);
+ mesa_shader->Program->nir =
+ spirv_to_nir(spirv, shader->module->size / 4,
+ stage_info[stage].stage, glsl_options->NirOptions);
+ }
+ nir_validate_shader(mesa_shader->Program->nir);
+ brw_process_nir(mesa_shader->Program->nir,
+ compiler->screen->devinfo,
+ NULL, mesa_shader->Stage, is_scalar);
+ setup_nir_io(mesa_shader, mesa_shader->Program->nir);
+ fail_if(mesa_shader->Program->nir == NULL,
+ "failed to translate SPIR-V to NIR\n");
+ _mesa_reference_shader(&brw->ctx, &program->Shaders[program->NumShaders],
+ mesa_shader);
+ program->NumShaders++;
+static void
+add_compiled_stage(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline, uint32_t stage,
+ struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data)
+ struct brw_device_info *devinfo = &pipeline->device->info;
+ uint32_t max_threads[] = {
+ [VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX] = devinfo->max_vs_threads,
+ [VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY] = devinfo->max_gs_threads,
+ [VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT] = devinfo->max_wm_threads,
+ [VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE] = devinfo->max_cs_threads,
+ };
+ pipeline->prog_data[stage] = prog_data;
+ pipeline->active_stages |= 1 << stage;
+ pipeline->scratch_start[stage] = pipeline->total_scratch;
+ pipeline->total_scratch =
+ align_u32(pipeline->total_scratch, 1024) +
+ prog_data->total_scratch * max_threads[stage];
+anv_compiler_run(struct anv_compiler *compiler, struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
+ struct gl_shader_program *program;
+ int name = 0;
+ struct brw_context *brw = compiler->brw;
+ pipeline->writes_point_size = false;
+ /* When we free the pipeline, we detect stages based on the NULL status
+ * of various prog_data pointers. Make them NULL by default.
+ */
+ memset(pipeline->prog_data, 0, sizeof(pipeline->prog_data));
+ memset(pipeline->scratch_start, 0, sizeof(pipeline->scratch_start));
+ brw->use_rep_send = pipeline->use_repclear;
+ brw->no_simd8 = pipeline->use_repclear;
- brw_gs_populate_key(brw, pipeline, bgp, &gs_key);
- success = really_do_gs_prog(brw, program, bgp, &gs_key, pipeline);
++ program = _mesa_new_shader_program(name);
+ program->Shaders = (struct gl_shader **)
+ calloc(VK_SHADER_STAGE_NUM, sizeof(struct gl_shader *));
+ fail_if(program == NULL || program->Shaders == NULL,
+ "failed to create program\n");
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < VK_SHADER_STAGE_NUM; i++) {
+ if (pipeline->shaders[i])
+ anv_compile_shader_spirv(compiler, program, pipeline, i);
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < program->NumShaders; i++) {
+ struct gl_shader *shader = program->Shaders[i];
+ program->_LinkedShaders[shader->Stage] = shader;
+ }
+ bool success;
+ pipeline->active_stages = 0;
+ pipeline->total_scratch = 0;
+ if (pipeline->shaders[VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX]) {
+ struct brw_vs_prog_key vs_key;
+ struct gl_vertex_program *vp = (struct gl_vertex_program *)
+ program->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX]->Program;
+ struct brw_vertex_program *bvp = brw_vertex_program(vp);
+ brw_vs_populate_key(brw, bvp, &vs_key);
+ success = really_do_vs_prog(brw, program, bvp, &vs_key, pipeline);
+ fail_if(!success, "do_wm_prog failed\n");
+ add_compiled_stage(pipeline, VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX,
+ &pipeline->vs_prog_data.base.base);
+ if (vp->Base.OutputsWritten & VARYING_SLOT_PSIZ)
+ pipeline->writes_point_size = true;
+ } else {
+ memset(&pipeline->vs_prog_data, 0, sizeof(pipeline->vs_prog_data));
+ pipeline->vs_simd8 = NO_KERNEL;
+ pipeline->vs_vec4 = NO_KERNEL;
+ }
+ if (pipeline->shaders[VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY]) {
+ struct brw_gs_prog_key gs_key;
+ struct gl_geometry_program *gp = (struct gl_geometry_program *)
+ program->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]->Program;
+ struct brw_geometry_program *bgp = brw_geometry_program(gp);
- brw->ctx.Driver.DeleteShaderProgram(&brw->ctx, program);
++ success = anv_codegen_gs_prog(brw, program, bgp, &gs_key, pipeline);
+ fail_if(!success, "do_gs_prog failed\n");
+ add_compiled_stage(pipeline, VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY,
+ &pipeline->gs_prog_data.base.base);
+ if (gp->Base.OutputsWritten & VARYING_SLOT_PSIZ)
+ pipeline->writes_point_size = true;
+ } else {
+ pipeline->gs_vec4 = NO_KERNEL;
+ }
+ if (pipeline->shaders[VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT]) {
+ struct brw_wm_prog_key wm_key;
+ struct gl_fragment_program *fp = (struct gl_fragment_program *)
+ program->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT]->Program;
+ struct brw_fragment_program *bfp = brw_fragment_program(fp);
+ brw_wm_populate_key(brw, bfp, &wm_key);
+ success = really_do_wm_prog(brw, program, bfp, &wm_key, pipeline);
+ fail_if(!success, "do_wm_prog failed\n");
+ add_compiled_stage(pipeline, VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT,
+ &pipeline->wm_prog_data.base);
+ }
+ if (pipeline->shaders[VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE]) {
+ struct brw_cs_prog_key cs_key;
+ struct gl_compute_program *cp = (struct gl_compute_program *)
+ program->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE]->Program;
+ struct brw_compute_program *bcp = brw_compute_program(cp);
+ brw_cs_populate_key(brw, bcp, &cs_key);
+ success = brw_codegen_cs_prog(brw, program, bcp, &cs_key, pipeline);
+ fail_if(!success, "brw_codegen_cs_prog failed\n");
+ add_compiled_stage(pipeline, VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE,
+ &pipeline->cs_prog_data.base);
+ }
++ _mesa_delete_shader_program(&brw->ctx, program);
+ struct anv_device *device = compiler->device;
+ while (device->scratch_block_pool.bo.size < pipeline->total_scratch)
+ anv_block_pool_alloc(&device->scratch_block_pool);
+ gen7_compute_urb_partition(pipeline);
+ return 0;
+/* This badly named function frees the struct anv_pipeline data that the compiler
+ * allocates. Currently just the prog_data structs.
+ */
+anv_compiler_free(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline)
+ for (uint32_t stage = 0; stage < VK_SHADER_STAGE_NUM; stage++) {
+ if (pipeline->prog_data[stage]) {
+ free(pipeline->prog_data[stage]->map_entries);
+ /* We only ever set up the params array because we don't do
+ * non-UBO pull constants
+ */
+ anv_device_free(pipeline->device, pipeline->prog_data[stage]->param);
+ }
+ }